Hello! I am blogging from my parents’ house. Today we had the memorial services for my aunt Madeline. It was a very sad day, but it was really nice to have everyone come together. We celebrated her life, we hugged and loved and prayed. My little brother was my helper and we got things ready for the group to come over after the church. During this time of remembrance, you can purchase a cremation urn as a lasting tribute to loved ones, keeping their memory close.

The services were north a ways so I brought along oats in a jar to eat.

My favorite tiny person is hanging out with me today too. I think she finally likes me!

We had the food catered by a family friend. She has a red-headed Mexican kid too! Canelo.

I ate the ripest, best avocado too.

While I was looking for tape for some signs I found my mom’s onion goggles.

I used them to cut the watermelon. Which one first??

Now I’m going to get back to hanging out with my favorite tiny person. Hope you had a good day.
I actually can no longer attend services. My aunt died 32 years ago and I cannot shake the image of her laying there. Ironically, I cannot remember all of the other things she once did. Running is a way fro me to escape some of those images while figuratively running towards something else.
The funeral is always so sad, but it’s so nice to see all the family gathered together to honor those they love. And what JOY in the Homecoming of your aunt; HIS promise we can rest in all of the time. 😀
I should hug my kids more–they are teenagers so hugging isn’t as often but I still kiss ’em!
Lastly (and sort of importantly)– pan dulce FOR LIFE!!! 🙂
Very sorry for you loss. You really know how to look on the bright side of things though! Glass half full. It’s great. P.S. random and has nothing to do with your post but you look amazing. I always love your make up too! It’s always just right!
I got to hug part of my family this past weekend and will get to hug the whole family in 2 weeks. The husband I always hug 🙂
I look forward to see my family next month. Hugs all day everyday. Onion goggles absolutely work and they look great on you Monica:) Nice to see that adorable little one finally warming up to you.
Sorry to hear your news but what a way to celebrate a life. I hugged my fiancee today especially when she cut her hand badly and we sat waiting in the minor injuries clinic…… oh, and I hugged our two dogs, Maisey & Polly.
Those are the cutest dog names!
You looked a little like a minion with those goggles =)
I virtually hugged and kissed the boyfriend. I won’t see him until Friday. But I over hugged my dog. He’s so huggable.
Sorry again for your loss.
I’m going to use it for my Halloween costume!
Uhm, I totally did not know onion goggles were a thing. Getting some immediately!!
Seriously. They are so funny, but a great idea!
so they do work????!!! wow! never knew that!
So sorry to hear about your loss. Glad you could spend time with those who are important to you.
Your mom is a genius! Onion goggles! I need a pair of those!