Brussel Sprouts are my favorite vegetable of the Fall and Winter. I am a HUGE SALAD girl during the warmer months, but when it comes to cooked veggies – brussels are the way to go. I roasted up a sheet pan of them and Ben and I ate them all with dinner.
The sauce: 1 teaspoon each: soy sauce, rice vinegar, sriracha, maple syrup, PB. Mix and toss on veggies. Roast at 400 degrees for approx. 25 minutes or until slightly charred (I like them a little burnt and leave them in longer). Flip them around half way through.
With the brussels, I had brown rice and falafel.
Having a bunch of T-day leftovers is great because I don’t have to cook any meat for Ben. He had the same dinner that I did, but with ham:
In retrospect filling our candy dish with dark chocolate (and not a candy I don’t like) may be a bad idea. I know the candy was on sale, I know it is dark chocolate, but I also know I am a dark choc addict.
And just because you put it on the fruit table doesn’t make it healthy… Who will win the battle “Apple versus Chocolate?” I think it’s obvious. Please note I have enough bananas to feed 5 monkeys, or one Monica for a week.
After dinner (in addition to some dark chocolate) I drank a little wine…
And by wine I mean cranberry juice in a wine glass because I’m classy.
Oh, I almost forgot my afternoon snack meal was a salad with a veggie burger and some Triscuits. I love big salads with hummus and ketchup. The happiness this salad brings me proves I am a herbivore through and through. Well, most of the time I’m a carb-avore, but that wouldn’t work here…
I am so full! I always eat too many brussel sprouts, but they are so good! Ben even said they are his favorite veggie 🙂
Monica and Ben’s Random Conversation of the Day:
I mentioned to Ben that the Rockettes are coming to town (they don’t go to CA, so this is our chance to see them!). I thought we could see the show.
Ben: “You should audition to be a Rockette”
Me: “Ummm, you seem to be forgetting that I am not 5’10 and would look obese next to those girls.”
Ben: “No, you are just f-ed up in the head”
Me: “Why don’t you try out to be a jockey?” *Note – Ben is 6’3 and around 265
To which Ben starts laughing hysterically because he is a big grizzly beast. The End.
Question: What’s your favorite veggie? No, potatoes in the form of a chip or fry do not count…
My favorite veggie has always been spinach! i wanted to be strong like pop eye! lol
I drink everything out of a wine glass. It helps me feel special 🙂
I love those brussels! I used to hate carrots, but I’ve been making carrot fries a lot lately and loving every bite.
Have a great day!
I love your blog…you do a great job of keeping it real. My favorite veggie, by far, is sweet potato, but I also love just about anything. Brussel sprouts, if they are fresh, are starting to grow on me. I’ll have to try your recipe.
I discovered brussel sprouts this fall and they are so yummy! My favorite veggie — that’s hard! Probably either spinach, zuchinni, egg plant, or sweet potato.
haha you are so hot with that wine glass!! ow owwww
I love green beans. Soooo much. Asparagus is a close second 😀
Roasted brussels sprouts or raw baby carrots are my favorites. Those are actually my two favorite foods (as in all foods, not just veggies).
Choosing a favorite veggie? 😮 such a hard choice! I think I love broccoli and carrots most 🙂
Sweet taters are my current fave, but I have yet to give fresh brussels sprouts a fair chance. Maybe I’ll roast some later this week!
Also, how about some bargaining with the dark chocolate: you can only have a piece after you have a piece of fruit first. Will that work?
You and Ben are too cute 🙂 I love the little snippets of your life you share with us!
Sounds like a good bargain to me!
sweet potatoes are my fav.
I need to thank Ben and you because today I was beating myself up in my head because I fell 2 miles into my run and seriously f’d up my knee and was bummed since this is the week I wanted to push myself and I was doing good on time for those 2 miles. I also was thinking about how all these bloggers can run for 20 miles without tripping and what a freakin’ clutz I am. Anyways, I was beating myself up in my head and about to cry when I thought “wow ashley you’re making yourself bloody” 😛 It worked at that moment and I moved on, so thank you & thanks to Ben!
Ashley – I’m glad that made you snap out of it 🙂
You rock. Don’t forget it.
Thanks Monica, I happen to think you rock too, so you don’t forget it either!!
green beans or asparagus, I can’t pick!
We love brussels too! Have you ever tried them with some dijon mustard and rice vinegar? So yum! Oh, and I love when you post your conversations with Ben. You guys crack me up! LOL!
Believe it or not, broccoli! (Sorry Daddy Bush).
And thank you for your thoughts Monica. I appreciate it.
I’m not sure I’ve ever eaten a brussel sprout in my life. My favorite vegetable are baby English peas.
I’m a fan of green beans. They’re pretty much delicious in every way, shape or form.
I LOVE brussel sprouts! Kind of funny as I used to hate them when I was younger and I wasn’t a fussy eater. I just really didn’t like them, but I think its because they were always steamed and not roasted. I love roasted brussel sprouts. Yum!
One of my regrets in life, I wanted to try out for the Rockettes the summer after I graduated from high school. I danced all the grade school and thought it would be fun just to give it a shot……. but I didn’t. boo.
Ben used to hate them too – now he loves them! I think it’s all about roasting.
Classic dinner conversation. Seriously, please move in and be my roommate so I can laugh endlessly.