I’m glad I don’t have a fever because I refuse to starve! But, I do have a cold. Yes, I haven’t beaten the damn thing yet. I was feeling better last night so I didn’t take any medication before I went to sleep. Then, I woke up around 4am coughing up a lung and couldn’t get back to sleep for a while. I ended up finally falling back asleep and waking up around 7:30am.
I’m convinced this wouldn’t have hit me as hard if not for the mary: Moderate exercise helps boost your immune system, but very strenuous or lengthy running breaks your body down and makes it more susceptible to illness.
After waking I slowly got myself ready for some gym time. I did a little bit on the elliptical and walking on the treadmill just to warm up and stay loose. This cold couldn’t come at a better time since I am not supposed to be running yet anyways!
When I got back I remembered I’m supposed to be upping my protein in breakfast. I wanted a smoothie, but knew a cold drink like that would ignite my cough again. I made protein pancakes – yum! But, I think I need to increase the recipe a bit because I wasn’t very full after eating all of it and ended up grabbing half a wrap with PB.
Now I am finishing off the blubes 🙂
Here are some resources from Runner’s World regarding running while sick:
I know all too well how sick one can get if you over-exercise. Just rest and recover.
Would you just REST, already? Not only do you deserve it from the mary, but sleep is when the body repairs itself on a cellular level.
Hope you feel 100% soon!
glad youre feeling up to ellipticalling. light exercise usually makes me feel better when i’m sick
Feel better! Drink lots of tea!
Really hope you feel better! Glad you are taking it slow!
Hope you feel better. Seems it’s impossible to avoid getting a cold this time of year.
Take it easy and feel better soon!
I hope you feel better soon!