This morning I had an appointment at the gym for a fitness assessment. Before I left I ran 3 miles on the treadmill at my apartment’s gym. My knee is still bothering me 🙁
I made a quick smoothie to drink on the way – it had spinach, protein powder, ice, water, chia seeds and a splash of juice.
The assessment went okay. I have a lot of work to do to get to my goals though.
1. Lose 20 pounds
The assessment measured my weight, max VO2, body fat, bicep strength and flexibilty. The program suggested with diet and exercise I could reach my goals in 13 weeks. I realize you cannot plan what your body is going to do exactly, but it’s nice to have an idea of how long it will take.
The trainer crossed out the nutrition goals because she said the assessment didn’t take into account the fact that I’m an athlete and potentially training for races. As is, the plan said my BMR was 1787 and recommended 1930 calories.
After the assessment I did 20 minutes on the stair climber. I was trying to stall until the 9:30am class, but then I realized I was setting myself up for a crash since my smoothie was only around 150 calories. I really am trying to stick to a better meal plan that is well timed so I don’t let my blood sugar crash (like it did this weekend). I went home to eat!
Breakfast: All I was craving was a banana and lots of PB. I had that with half a TJ’s muffin.
Note to self: Don’t bring the PB with you to the table, it’s hard to keep your spoon out of it!
I am fra-ee-zeeing! See you in a bit 🙂
I think I found my next race – stay tuned for the announcement…
Take care of that knee Monica! I would love to get a free consultation with a trainer.
That smoothie looks great! I have yet to try those…I think that is a MUST try soon!
I spy some mold!
Kidding. You should run the Country Music Marathon in Nashville!
Love your blog. Those smoothies seem so popular…I always find though that I need to eat or chew my food…haha – like I’d have the smoothie and still be rooting in the fridge for more anyways…emotional eating at its finest…
that was the perfect chance for the smoothie stache!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did I read that right? she’s suggesting you eat only 150 calories more than your BMR? That’s what your body needs just for normal functioning, right? That seems like a huge deficit, especially when you run as much as you do. Maybe I read that wrong.
I’m sorry your knee is hurting. So frustrating!
Cool assessment!
How does the BMR that the trainer figured out compare to ones that you can calculate online? I know there are so many online, and one that is supposed to be really accurate (I forget the name right now…harris benedict maybe?) but I’m never really sure. Have you calculated your BMR online? It would be interesting to see how the online systems compare to an actual assessment.
i’m sooo jealous of your gym assessment!
I’ve always wanted a gym would be interesting to see what I SHOULD be doing, and compare it to what I do..:)
Love banana and PB, such a good combo!
Blood sugar crashes are bad news. I have to be very careful (low sugar intake, no caffeine) or I get terrible migraine headaches. I feel like when I am aware of the issue and plan ahead, I don’t have problems!
I just wanted to say – I’ve been reading your blog for awhile – and I really don’t think you LOOK like you need to lose TWENTY pounds? That seems like a lot of weight to lose!!
Anyways, a fitness assessment sounds very cool. I’d like to try doing one of those! I should see if my gym offers them!
I haven’t been to TJ’s in months, mainly because it’s a little out of the way. That muffin looks good though! I was supposed to get a free assessment when I joined my gym 2 years ago but never did it, I just didn’t want to get pushed into purchasing personal training sessions.
sounds like i need to add something to my must-buy-at-tjs-list! have a great day!
That is exciting! I would love to have an assessment like that done.
Those carrot ginger muffins are the bomb!