I thought it would be a good idea to start my bikini wearing vacation by eating a Cinnabon. Luckily, I had the BF with me and was in a sleepy stupor so I just ate about 1/4 of it. Damage: 1 million calories. (I will look it up tomorrow.)

I snacked on this popcorn while trying to blog and stuff. and more grapes.
We went to the beach for a couple of hours and I was hungry when we got back. I had 2 cookies. The BF’s mom makes the best heath bar cookies.
How can I avoid the cookies when there is a huge container of them in my face?! Do you blame this indiscretion? No. I didn’t think so. So, I had another one after dinner. Opps! I have only had 4 hours of sleep in the last 24 hours. I am running on fumes here. Must eat cookie for energy.
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