After my morning client I stopped by the Farmer’s Market for some green plums. These are going to be my next favorite fruit – you know, after I eat all the world’s watermelon supply
Because Friday should be all about fun fun let’s talk Favorites…
Here are my favorite things from this week:
1. Target. Even better favorite – shopping with a Target gift card! I’ll show you my loot next week.
2. Salads topped with anything and everything I can grab from the fridge. Random works in my world.
3. Watermelon. This will always be my favorite fruit/food/fantasy.
4. Not wearing make-up. It makes me happy at the end of the night when I remember I don’t have to deal with make-up remover.
5. My doctor. I still have the same doctor I had when I lived at my mom’s. She’s 40 miles away, but she’s great! Plus, I don’t want to shop around for a new vagina doc. That thing has seen enough new people.
I had to go back to the doctor today to get my foot thing frozen off again. Hopefully, third times a charm!
And now I’m blogging from my favorite mom’s house
Ben is meeting me here in an hour and we’re going to hit the road for our road trip!!! I’m really excited. We used to do stuff like this all the time but work, money and life keep getting in the way.
I’ll let you know where we’re going tonight
Question: What’s your favorite non-blog website?
#4 !! Love that. 🙂
I love how you have made a picture while getting your “foot-thing” removed. That’s a real blogger! Haha.
I’m obviously quite partial of If I’m not reading blogs I’m on that website!
I love not having to take makeup off at the end of the night. I just wish my rosacea didn’t scare off people who think I’m going to die…especially at the gym, lol!
My favorite non blog site is probably amazon, or if I have the time… NY Times
Amazon. Without a doubt. For just about everything.
The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….
you are teasing me with that Target giftcard….p.s. didn’t wear makeup/shower all day today..gross? yes. satisfying? duhhh
I didn’t realize I never showered yesterday until this morning. I didn’t mean to skip it! Random.
You look so good without makeup!!! You look so good with makeup too but I think real beauty in women is shown when the makeup comes off. 😉 Have fun this weekend!
I like Southern It’s a couponing website for the southern states. Truly awesome – has helped us save over $1500 (at least) this year.
I am so glad I am not alone in the make-up department. I really like not wearing it so I don’t have to worry about taking it off at night. I thought I was the only one!
LOOOOOOOL you cracked me up with that gyno comment. Keep on keepin’ on, Monica.
Ha! Thanks. Though, if Ben reads it he’s going to get mad!
I hate makeup. I love how i feel with eyemakeup on (i have really dark and beady eyes with no eyelashes without it) but after 2.5 years of living in the african bush i just can’t be bothered with it 99% of the time. 🙂
I think you are awesome for living in Africa!
so happy for you that you and ben are escaping for the weekend! have a blast.
target comes to canada in 2013. how many more months is that???!
i like – just a bunch of (mostly) canadians gabbing about running and such.
i had to laugh at “favourite mom” – i say stuff like that, too. hello, i only have one mom!!!
Got to check that site out – thanks 🙂
My favorite is probably Amazon, but I think I’m on Facebook more than anything. Tsk tsk.
mmmm girl, I hate me some makeup remover.
Have an awesome road trip 🙂
Love kitchen sink salads! They’re so…interesting.
Couldn’t agree with you more on the no make-up thing. I hate washing my face and not having to do it at night makes me happy.