This post brought to you by Summer of Groupon. All opinions are 100% mine.
Hello! I feel like today’s Groupon changed my life. Yes, that’s dramatic and yes this is a very “redhead problems” situation but even though I have long, thick eyelashes you can’t see them because they’re strawberry blonde.
Call the wah-bulance.
So, I always feel like an albino alligator without make up because my big ol’ eyes have no eyelash rim situation.

I’ve thought about getting my eyelashes and eyebrows dyed in the past so I wouldn’t have to deal with make up and could still look like a normal person with appropriate hair on their face. But, I never tried it because I thought the dye would run into my eyes and blind me.
Again, I’m dramatic.
Anyway. I got excited when I spotted a Groupon for Lash Dip and Lash Inserts.
Note: The deal I got is no longer available but you can get eyelash tinting here or eyelash extensions by searches ‘eyelashes’ on Groupon.

I’ve heard a lot of buzz about Eyelash Extensions – which are mostly silk or synthetic eyelashes glued to your existing lash. I couldn’t do that on a first try because my lashes are light and you would be able to see where they began and where the fake ones started. So the esthetician recommended a ‘Lash Dip’ to dye them black first and then added some extensions to the end for a cat eye kinda look.
The whole process took about and hour/hour and a half. And it was painless and relaxing. Lash extensions will significant enhance your look so visit Revolution Lash Studio today.

The eyelash tint lasts until your eyelashes grow out. It’s considered semi-permanent. Eyelash extensions last about 2-3 weeks.
I was really happy with the after! I think I am going to love not having to deal with make-up, especially during the summer!!

I NEVER go to sleep with make-up on. Even if I stay out all night and roll myself in at 6am 3am – I take it off. I can’t sleep with it on…
So, it was weird when I stumbled in the bathroom to see myself and was kinda like, “Ah! Why is that girl wearing make up at 6am?! Oh, it’s me…”

(They look ridiculous in that picture and I love it.)
And in an effort to avoid wearing any kind of concealer or BB cream or whatev I got a Wine Detox Facial! At first I thought I was going to have to stop drinking wine for this detox – NO THANK YOU. But, then I learned the facial uses wine/apple based acids.

This facial was from Dawn’s Day Spa in Dana Point – only a mile or so from the beach! Love that. I am kinda in love with this whole area and wish I would have planned to just hang out here all day.

Since I just got my eyelashes done there was no steam/extractions (that’s the part that usually hurts during a facial). So, it was all relaxing and smelled so nice. Now I feel refreshed.
Between my new eyelashes and clean skin, I’m pretty excited to just have to slap on some sunblock and head out the door!

See ya later!

Question: How many days of the week do you wear make-up?
(Boys you can totally answer this too.)
Hey! As a redhead, I’ve dyed my eyelashes a lot (especially for summer and vacations.) I’m wondering if you took any photos of the in between period of the growing out? Was there a big blond stripe at the bottom of your lashes and then visible extensions? I really want to try this but not if it quickly becomes more of a pain to cover up than a benefit.
I feel like there was a blonde line from grow out fairly quickly because I think my hair grows quickly. I don’t think it’s super obvious, but I do think it would look a lot better with darker lashes to start.
Oh my gosh, your eyelashes look amazing! I’m a natural blonde, and was teased so much as a kid about my invisible eyelashes…so I can relate! I’m definitely going to have to look into this! Thanks for sharing!
Yeah, I feel ya on the light eyelashes. I’ll let ya know how I feel about them in 2 weeks for a follow up.
the eyelashes look amazing
The lashes look amazing! I too have shied away for fear that I would somehow be blinded but maybe I’ll give it a go. I hardly ever wear makeup except for a little tinted moisturizer….but when I do wear it, people inevitably go insane “Oh my God, you look so great, so rested” etc etc leading me to believe I must look like death most of the time!
The lashes look beautiful! Also, you should check into cosmetic tattooing. I got my eyebrows done 6 months ago and never have to use pencil or worry about the shape not looking good!
I’m headed on a whitewater rafting trip this weekend outside of Missoula MT and it’s so nice not to have to worry about make up!!
i have had lash extensions for over a year now and will never go back.. well.. as long as my income allows haha. i love not having to wear makeup on them!
Ahh I HATE wearing any kind of foundation. My skin is super dry and it always makes it worse. It’s probably time I try a facial. Your eyelashes look so nice!
What a great idea! I’m a natural red head too, and I always tell people that I basically have a blank face without eye make-up on. I never go to bed with it on either, but will definitely apply at least mascara for a race. Gotta look decent for photos! I wear make-up probably 6-7 days a week because of this.
Your lashes look amazing!! I want extensions now.
I’ve been wanting to get eyelash extensions for forever! I’ve gotten my lashes tinted before and that helps some. Darn, my pale English coloring! Your lashes look incredible!
I only do my eyes (eye shadow, mascara, liner, and concealer). I don’t wear foundation or anything like that. I’m 28 and still super freckly so I like to show them off. My eyelashes are more strawberry too though, so I tend to feel the same way when I don’t at least have mascara on.
Ugh I feel you! I’m a total blondie over here, and whenever I put mascara on people are like “woah! Long eyelashes”. But I’m not invested enough to put makeup on every day. Eyelash dip sounds amazing!
Wow, that looks amazing on you!!! And I can totally relate to what you’re saying… it feels good to look into the mirror in the early morning and actually SEE lashes and brows 😉 I do have light hair myself and already got some comments like: “You look ill, are you ok?” when I didn’t use mascara.
I had lash extensions for a while, too, but as comfortable as it was, I decided to had them removed again because it took me forever to have them filled up again every three weeks (1-1:30h plus getting there and home again).
Have a great weekend,
Love, Katie
5 days at a minimum – to the office; more if there are events over weekend…and if I’m not too lazy put on make-up. I could do with some lash extensions – yours look great.
I am LOVING those extensions. I’m blonde, so I understand your struggle. It is real, and it matters. Now… to get some for myself! Maybe post-summer, because let’s be honest. I haven’t worn makeup (or real clothes) in about a week and a half. #teacherlife
I hate makeup but when I do wear it I use tinted lip gloss and Urban Decay curling mascara, that’s it.
Looks amaze girl!! And so natural 🙂 I def need to score a pair!
I’m actually getting my first eyelash tint in a fortnight’s time just before my wedding. I’ve gotta admit it’s gonna be great not having to put makeup on whilst away on honeymoon. Apparently it’s all done with a vegetable dye which I found quite interesting.
The only makeup I wear is mascara. I’m into the natural look.
I wear makeup any time I’m working, I look dead without it! But I definitely go sans makeup on my days off (for the most part)
I wear lipstick almost every day. Other makeup – once in a while when I’m getting fancy. Love the lashes!
Most days I put a little eyeliner and tinted lip balm. When I am going out I’ll add mascara and a shinier lip gloss and maybe some eyeshadow but I am pretty low key. Would love a lash dip! I hate mascara. It gets so cakey.
That is pretty cool! I want to try those extensions!
Your eyelashes look great, I’m totally jealous! I was taught growing up to not leave the house without doing my hair and putting make-up up, so I still stick with that most days. It’s hard to fall out of the habit. If I don’t follow my usual morning routine, it throws me off.
I wear the same makeup every day. Usually on the weekends I won’t put on makeup until I’m going somewhere other than the gym or grocery store, so usually that’s until the evening!
I’m like you, I CANNOT go to sleep with makeup on. I don’t even get quality rest if I try that!
All the days! I am a Dallas girl and was raised that you don’t go out the door without makeup on.
I used to wear a lot more makeup that I do now. I think with the real hot summer I choose to go more natural more often. Though one of the only things you will find me wearing even in the summer is mascara! I don’t go anywhere without it!
Okay, I am really getting sold on your Summer of Groupon adventures! I keep thinking I need a massage or a spa day, then get all freaked out about the cost. I keep forgetting that Groupon is a totally do-able option for the budget-savvy!
man oh man you’re getting such a great summer with your groupons I’m jealous
I wear makeup almost every day, but I am being a rebel and not wearing any today! Hooza!
Also, my eyebrows are much lighter than the rest of my hair so I’ve gotten those tinted a few times. Much easier than having to worry about trying to fill them in.