Hello! I have a fun fashion post for ya today. Recently Golden Tote reached out to me to do a review of their style grab bag. I also bought replica bags online in ypurse.ru and they really look amazing. It’s a fashion delivery service where you pick out 2 items and based on your preferences/choices they send you 5 to 7 things to wear for a set price. (There is also a smaller package.)

Cost: $49 for 2-3 clothing items, $149 for 5-7 clothing items. Retail value up to $200 and $600, respectively

Pros: It’s not a monthly automatic service. You sign up each month and the totes last for the month or until they sell out.
You get to choose two items you know you will like. So, it’s not as ‘hit or miss’ as just telling them your preferences. You will for sure get two things you dig.
Cons: The bag you get comes as a package so if you don’t like one or two things of of the 5 you cannot send back those things – you either keep all of it or return all of it. They do have a FB page to exchange with other Golden Toters if you wanted to trade.
The two items I chose were a fun printed top and summer dress.

As soon as I got the delivery I ripped it open (like a lady) and put the top on right away to wear to the mall. Love it.

The top is very light weight, but not see-through (I feel like everything is see through lately). Perfect for summer.

This tank was one of the ‘surprises’ and is made of similar material as the top. I’m actually wearing this one right now!

Another ‘surprise’ is this striped dress with pockets. It’s super comfortable, just like wearing a big t-shirt. But, it’s not me.

FYI: I had my little brother take all these pictures (because I’m obviously a very professional fashion blogger). He thought this was a really long t-shirt. So, I told him he could borrow it. Also, my mom thought this one was cute.

My second pick was this Summer Breeze Dress. Loved this one.
I like that the length is long-ish, but not to the floor. The material is light and breezy (hence the name) and there is some cute ruffle kinda action going on along the top.

I love a good summer dress, don’t you?
Overall: I thought it was a good deal. I really liked four out of the six items they sent in my G’tote. And the two I didn’t like, weren’t bad they just weren’t ‘Monicany’. There was a teal top with back detail that I didn’t like, but am giving to my SIL. And a light wrap that matched the blue dress – liked that.
If you want to try Golden Tote check out their website. Note: Some of the stuff sells out so check it out fast. The pink top I got only had Medium left, luckily, it fit – I would normally get a large but they were sold out.
Question: Do you like surprises?
I normally DO NOT. But this was a fun fashion-y surprise and I really enjoyed it.
Disclaimer: Golden Tote sent me this package to review. All opinions are my own.
I really liked my Golden Tote this month, and it looks like yours was a win as well! I am surprised at how much value you get with this service! I will definitely be using it again.
I chose the same items from Golden Tote and got totally different stuff…totally not my style. I’m very disappointed.
was the pink top neon?
Yes 🙂
The items you got look really cute. If you don’t like items you can trade them on their FB GT Trading Group. That helps to get rid of some unwanted items.
I am surprised you would order a large…you are thinner than that
I know my angles for pictures 🙂
I like surprises, but I don’t know if I would like random clothes showing up. I like that you get to pick some of the things though.
All those clothes look cute–yes, even the striped dress. I would wear it with bright shoes/sandals or even a wild pair of sneakers!
I need to try on and feel clothes…it’s kind of funny, because I am NOT a fashionista or anything, but I am extremely picky about what t-shirt I wear… 🙂 Let’s just say I carefully choose what I wear to appear so “carefree”…
I love that striped dress! You look too cute!
I LOVE surprises. But when it comes to clothes, no way. haha I especially love getting surprises in the mail, but I am so particular about how clothing looks and fits. I don’t even online shop for that reason. Haha Cute outfits though!
I LOVE surprises. But when it comes to clothes, no way. haha I especially love getting surprises in the mail, but I am so particular about how clothing looks and fits. I don’t even online shop for that reason. Haha Cute outfits though!
Fun package, cute clothes! I love surprises 🙂
I hate surprises. The dress and tank are SO you!
I am a touchy feely type shopper. I need to be in a store and see and feel it. But if i’m ordering more of something I already bought like running capris that I know the style or a shirt in a different color then I’ll shop online.
As for these new services I’m seeing, I’d probably do BarkBox before anything else because I know there’s nothing my dog would want to return. LOL!
Ha! I feel like Vegas would be even pickier than me!
Thanks for trying it out for all of your blogin friends. Just ordered my first bag. Exciting stuff
I don’t like it when something I like comes with other things I don’t like; I don’t wanna pay for things I don’t like!
But it does look like a nice tote. 🙂
Agree, that’s definitely a con of the bag. But, I think I would consider the two things I didn’t like ‘free’ since the other items would add up to at least $149 anyway.
I love that pink top!
That looks like something fun to try. I actually think the t-shirt dress looks super cute on you, what if you add a fun belt, would it feel less t-shirty? Do the sizes seem to run true to size?
I’ve found a lot of the items to be on the small side.
I thought they ran pretty true to size. I got the dress in medium as well and it was a little snug around my rib cage. I should have probably got the large, but think they were out in the color I wanted. I would normally wear a large so I figure the sizing is kinda right.