Earlier today I got a knock at the door and the Propel Fairy aka the Fed Ex guy delivered a TON of it!!! So, I’ve been sitting here on the floor drinking it all day. Just another day in RER land.

I also hung out on the patio at some point sipping a bev.

And I’m going this TJ’s cleanse because it’s easier than actually doing a real cleanse where I avoid sugar. But I should do that too.

Snack I found at Mother’s Market health food store – almond butter rice krispy bars.

Lunch in my new salad bowl. Eat the rainbow (and not just Starburst).

And then I had a stroke of GENIUS for dinner! I am so excited that this came out amazing!! I made a peanut sauce out of my favorite secret ingredient and it came out delicious. Recipe coming soon!

I served up the sauce on brown rice pasta and added garbanzo beans after the picture.
Then, my brother called me to ask what I was making for “Meatless Monday”… so I described this meal. And he thought I said “Gonzalo beans” which I found hysterical and that is what we shall call them from now on. (Gonzalo is a name in case you live in a world where everyone is named Jen and didn’t realize.)

Gonzalo. Ha! I’m sure I’m the only one who thinks this is funny, and that’s fine with me

Now I’m going to hang out with Vegas.

Okay. See you later!
Question: What did you have for dinner?
I love how Vegas loves his Momma
Man I wish the Propel Gods would be that good to me!!! Where did you wind up finding a new salad bowl?
That dinner looks fantastic! Love me some gonzalo! 😉
LOL – I totally get that Gonzalo beans > Garbonzo beans. Growing up they were always (and still are) Bongo beans – I think one of my brothers dubbed them that when he was a kid. And in keeping with the Gonzalo/Bongo bean theme – we had TJ’s Falafels w/tzatziki, pitas, and hummus last night.
Leftovers! Everyone had something different. Too stinking hot to cook.
I had waffles for dinner….then I woke up and kept the streak going with more waffles. Waffles seem to be comforting lately. =)
OMG! It’s my long-lost Propel sister from another mother! How the heck did you score all of that? Tellmetellmetellmetellmetellme NOW!!! Lol!
Chow time was a super yummy piece of salmon from the local Italian deli and brown rice. I could eat POUNDS of that stuff. With or without the gonzalo beans…:)
i am soooo proud of you! you didn’t complain about not running once in the whole post! you’re my hero :-*
I can’t wait to hear how the TJ’s cleanse worksout. I think the Net Contents on the package is funny. 3 bottles in a box…in case you didn’t know how they are packaged! Gonzalo beans also made me crack up. I instantly thought of Gonzo from the Muppets. 🙂
Dinner last night was bell pepper nachos-I mixed ground beef, black beans, and hot rotel and put it over roasted bell peppers with some cheese on top. Easy, healthy, and delicious…
OMG that’s hilarious! See You’re not the only one. Gonzalo haha!!!
I had leftover Chinese food for dinner. Actually it was Thai food from a Chinese restaurant…
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I love that you put a Castle meme (is it a meme?) thing in your blog. Totally makes my day! 🙂
Everyone in my world IS named Jen. Thanks for the translation. 🙂
I’m named Jen and I feel like I do live in a world where everyone is named Jen. But at least I do have a friend named Gonzalo. And for the record, I think Gonzalo beans is hilarious.
Ha! Tell Gonzalo I said hi 🙂
I think it his hilarious too!
Since I’m trying to avoid pasta (but I still love it!) we had spagetti squash with some chicken sausage and marinara sauce. Not meatless, but I feel OK with it because I did avoid the pasta. So many of my meals are meatless, that I sometimes forget to have one on Meatless Monday!
I’ll share 🙂
Holy propel that is awesome!! I can’t wait for your peanut sauce recipe because my boyfriends version was to dump jif in a pot of noodles. Surprisingly not that delicious and I really love jif. I’m sure yours was better haha
Woah! Wish I had that much propel! 🙂
me too!
Monica – share with us! 🙂
I had fish, tofu, and a pepper and chicken stir fry
Dinner… where I accidentally poured half the bottle of lemon pepper on everyone’s fish. It was…spicy to say the least!
I’ve totally done that with cinnamon on oatmeal! Fail.
I have classes on Monday nights (after teaching all day, woo hoo!) so I try to pack a dinner along with me. Today was an uninspiring sandwich. I would MUCH rather have had gonzalo beans on that pasta masterpiece you made!
Busy Monday! You are awesome 🙂
We’re both awesome!