Ah! I am going to turn into a Strawberry! There is a local farm that has strawberry stands all around Orange County. Luckily (?) there are two within a mile of me so I pass them all the time. I am always disappointed by store bought strawberries, but these are the most amazing red berries you’ll ever try. Trust me. Today I stopped and bought half a flat. That is A LOT of strawberries. I have already eaten a ton. I feel like a big ol’ strawberry farm is growing in my belly. It’s unpleasant. But they are sooooooo good.
I have a long run planned for tomorrow so I carb loaded mid-afternoon. Rrrright.
Dinah! I scored on the manager’s special again today at the store and got a couple packages of an asparagus, onion and mushroom mix.
I paired it with some spicy turkey sausage for an amazing meal! I didn’t realize how much I love spicy sausage Yummmmmm.
Now I am trying to contain my excitement over this dessert =
Frozen banana, almond milk and unsweetened cocoa powder. That’s it! Life changing.
Have an amazing weekend!!!!!
I’ve been making that dessert combo a lot lately too! But, since it’s been cold, I microwave it for about 45 seconds and the stir it up until its smooth. Sometimes I add a little peanut butter for some extra flavor – delish, filling, warm night time treat 🙂
Fresh strawberries are the best! I feel like the ones in the store taste like plastic compared to ones from the farmer’s market
I make “chocolate ice cream” with my niece and nephew every time they are over. I love that there is only three ingredients and there’s no dairy!
I can eat a whole flat of strawberries, blueberries or raspberries in one sitting. Love!!!
I love love love the name of your blog. It reminds me of my life! Its wonderful.
When I lived in Costa Rica, the strawberries put american and canadian strawberries to shame. they tasted like strawberry flavoured things smell!!
recipe link: http://www.food.com/recipe/strawberry-bread-280075
Try making strawberry bread. It is my favorite quick bread and freezes well. Plus its a bread not a sweet ; )
Good luck on your long run! That is a lot of strawberries….I think you should make waffles and put strawberries on top maybe with some whipped cream. There….glad I could help. 🙂
I’m so excited for strawberries to be in season. I bought some the other week that weren’t quite there yet.
I could eat strawberries EVERY SINGLE DAY! They are the tastiest thing there is.
I love strawberries! They look beautiful!
YUM! Those strawberries look divine! I’m so happy that it’s getting back to fresh local produce season! 🙂
I’ll help you out with those strawberries if you ned someone to take them off your hands! 😉
YUM Strawberries!
strawberries are addictive, i can’t stop.