Hello! Are you ready for a great week? My lil brother has this week off school for Thanksgiving, anyone else? I better get to Piling on the Miles because there was so much good food this weekend. Oh my gosh, where do I even start. Carbs on carbs on carbs.
First, after my run Saturday I bought some treats for the weekend. I wanted to try this Danish Kringle last holiday season, but didn’t have a good reason to buy it. Ben is here this week so I got it knowing he would love it too. (I got a surprise visit recently, which probably inspired my post the other day.) We’ll get back to the Kringle in a minute.

Saturday night we went to California Pizza Kitchen because I remembered their magical pear gorgonzola pizza. I hadn’t been there in years, but I used to be obsessed with it. Obsessed. My family offered to take me anywhere after my graduation and I picked CPK.

I ordered for us because I’m good at food. The pear gorgonzola pizza is amazing, try it. The other one had bacon, leeks and eggs. It wasn’t my favorite pizza ever but it was good too.

This morning my exercise was just a walk with Vegas.
Just kidding, he wasn’t into it. Someone driving by stopped because he thought it was so funny. I was just being silly, but became the neighborhood weirdo once again. “Mirar la gringa loca…”

Post walk: I busted out the Danish Kringle. It is a pastry stuffed with almond paste. If you’re into almond paste or filled pastries – try it!!

I think it looks like a massive donut but it’s not really a donut texture at all. It’s a flakey pastry. You must heat it because eating or it’s just not right.

Then, I headed to my mom’s for a little puppy visit. They are the cutest dogs in the world and I want to roll around in the grass with them all day.

I found some super ripe avocados in the fridge and made dinner around that. I made tostadas and salad and ate all the avocados I could. My family has two avocados trees so there are times when it’s my duty to eat them.

Pile on the Miles Check in – Monday
LAST WEEK. Make it count. Show up for yourself.
POTM: Ran 5 miles yesterday and 5 miles today!!
I did body pump and 6 miles
4.7 miles!
Ran three miles and taught one barre class!
Climbed first thing this morning and plan to do an easy run + weights tomorrow. Stretch Wednesday, long walk in turkey day, and an easy run on Friday + weights. Saturday is a long run of 5.5mi!
Ran three miles this morning and got to see the sunrise. Glad I forced myself to get up because the colors were beautiful!
weekend eating was pretty lame.
today’s work-out for POTM: 2 mile walk, spinning class, yoga class.
Great start to my day – 2 miles, wahoo!!!
3 miles this morning. Working on speed!
Rest day!
I ran 3.5 and my husband even joined me!
Rest day today…another 12 hour work day. Lifted total body weights and yoga yesterday!
I ran 4.5 miles this morning and walked one. I went to the gym this evening and did the elliptical for 50 minutes.
That food all looks amazing, especially the pizza!! Totally craving that right now. Best thing this weekend was watching my sister and cousin race Philly marathon and run part of the race with my sister. Was the perfect day for a marathon! Happy Monday!
You are so right! That is my absolute favorite pizza ever!!! I may have to get it soon. I make a similar one at home that is good, but it’s not the exactly the same.
I did some weight training and stretching today, recovering from the weekend! The best thing I ate this weekend was a turkey sandwich on a homemade pretzel bun with arugula, caramelized onions, brie, thinly sliced pear, dates, pecans and smoked cheddar. It was truly amazing and I will have to revisit it in the future!
Was super sick last week so finally getting some exercise in again!
Yesterday: 3.2 miles on a treadmill
Today (monday): 4.5 mile run outside
4.5 miles run!
I live in Wisconsin- about 15 miles from Racine where kringles are made. Kringles are basically a breakfast staple here. The best ever!
All those pictures of food are making me so hungry… You are really lucky to have an avocado trees in your garden.. They are really hard to get here, and cost so much.. I’m going to make my first pizza next week, so I’ll maybe use those two for inspiration 🙂
Best thing I did this weekend- chilled with my family!! We’re all reuinted for thanksgiving.
POTM: a lil plank action+7 flights of stairs Saturday, 35 mins cardio today and yesterday, and hopefully a yoga+barre class later! Since it’s a family vacation I’m gonna just try to to go with the flow and wycwyc it up
I had the pumpkin Kringle from TJs! The employees talked me into it when I told them I was looking for pumpkin cinnamon rolls and apparently they don’t make them anymore. I didn’t LOVE the Kringle – still have some in my freezer actually!
Today is a rest day. I’m thinking maybe 13 miles this week.
Today I did mile repeats. I’m always so glad when they’re done!
My dear friend got married on Saturday night and her wedding was AWESOME! We had steak and it was literally the biggest steak I have EVER seen in my life. I could barely eat 1/3 of it. It was so delicious, too! It was an awesome wedding, followed by recovery Sunday. I had a Costco hotdog for lunch and that stupid $1.50 hot dog never tasted so good!
November 28, 2010 at 5:39 pmama>S</,I agree that there is a life is short counter argument to what I’ve written in this post and I myself struggle with that notion that time is passing me by from time to time. As far as the midlife crisis, hopefully that post bschool period was mine. On that not, time to get going on the things I need to do. Reply
I ran a turkey trot 5k on Saturday and then had the first of 3 family get togethers for Thanksgiving! I love this season!
The best thing I did this weekend was stay in my pajamas and watch holiday movies on the Hallmark channel and Netflix while my cat, Pita, snuggled up with me. It was so nice to just relax and recharge a bit.
POTM15 Check-In: It’s time to kick it up a notch so, today I plan to up my mileage from 3 to 4! I also have a HIIT workout to do after my run.
I went to a version of Thanksgiving with a bunch of friends (since we’ll all be off with families this weekend, and holiday parties after). Fun & food without family drama!
POTM – I’ll do 3.5 miles on the treadmill after work.
POTM: I’m going to do a leg workout after work!
I actually grew up in Racine where that fine Kringle came from! They have tons and tons of other flavors also. Almond is one of my favorites but Cherry-Cheese is a must try as well!!
Best thing I ate was definitely some cinnamon almond cupcakes I made for my daughter’s party. I may or may not have eaten 3 of them. The best thing I did was run 7.7 miles on Sunday. I’ve been injured for a month, and it felt SO good!
Today was 30 min of Yoga Meltdown Level 2. My hamstrings were super tight from yesterday.
Boot camp today and has some awesome runs over the weekend.
On deck today: 6 mile bike ride, *possible* 2-mile run.
Spin class! Best thing i did this weekend was rage for my birthday with my peeps!
3 treadmill miles before school and some ab work. went to a barre class yesterday
I’ve done so well staying away from the sweets thus far; thanks to being away from family, there hasn’t been much temptation.
Five mile run, plank work, and a nice long stretch got my Monday started off right!
i didnt eat anything fancy this weekend but that donut thing looks delicious! i used to love CPK too, then i started making my own pizzas and, well, homemade is better. i used to love their hawaiian though, that slightly sweet crust was delicious!
OMG CPK!!!! Being Canadian, I have only recently discovered CPK and love it!
Hiit Treadmill Workout and I also did shoulder presses, bicep curls, chest presses and reverse flies on a stability ball.
POTM: 3 miles + yoga today. Best thing I did over the weekend: ran 6 miles. Best thing I ate: full Thanksgiving dinner that I made (we are going to family for the actual day, but I like to have leftovers, so I always make a full dinner for us!)
4 cold miles today!
Went on a 4-mile run with my puppies yesterday! They’re the best motivators. Today I am doing another 5 miles- trying to get used to this cold weather :/
The best thing I ate this weekend was cannoli cream stuffed strawberries.
Today I’ll be running with my mutt. He’s the best motivator!
My Achilles is still mad at me. :/ But I made it run this morning anyway.
Ended up doing a 3-mile shakeout run yesterday b/c I felt like my legs needed it after racing hard on Sat. So, today I am taking a rest day. Going for a nice long walk in this gorgeous SoCal weather! Enjoy!
Super cold out today so gym for me- stair master and elliptical
Starting the week out with leg day and then baking breads and pies for Thanksgiving!! Yum!
The best thing I did was celebrate the big 40 and we bought a new puppy….adorable!!!
I ran 2 miles yesterday and did the early morning boot camp today.
1 mile run to warm up then a strength workout this morning!
Going to Zumba class tonight and maybe walking dogs at the Humane Society!
Best thing I did this weekend was sit on the couch doing nothing for hours yesterday afternoon. And then instead of just feeling guilty about it, I got off my butt and ran 7 miles on the treadmill and caught up on Once Upon A Time.
Today’s a rest day to get ready for the rest of the week!
Best thing I did this weekend was binge watch The Newsroom…seriously. I watched an ENTIRE season yesterday. Granted they are short seasons and I was doing other things while I watched but it was amazing.
POTM check in-45 minutes on the elliptical =)
heading to the gym in a couple of hours for an evening session–bodycombat practice.
also that kringle thing seems really familiar to me, like i know i’ve seen it before, but can’t remember where! it looks delicious though.