Hello! How was your week?
I am happy to be running back in SoCal since I missed hitting the sidewalk while I was in Minneapolis. Even my friends who live in legit cold climates said they were not willing to run while on the blog trip – so it’s not that I am completely a wimp with the cold.
Except, I totally am. I CANNOT handle it.
But it’s not my fault. I have a medical condition or sorts that makes me more sensitive to cold and heat. That’s why, in our home, we have regular furnace maintenance services. It’s science.
Friday Favorites Blog Time Randomness
1. This tomato carrier for marathon running. Except – why didn’t they make it a banana carrier?! Do runners in Japan prefer tomatoes over bananas??
2. Super Soft GAP tank tops. We went into GAP on the trip because Janae’s bag got lost. I spotted these super soft tanks on sale and picked up a few for layering.
3. My Big head deer sweater from Target. One of my friends (not on the trip) teased me about this sweater a while back so I always think about it when I wear it. I’m glad a few of you like it and asked about it.

4. Big Women Big Love. I caught up on the finale today and am super sad it’s over. Loved this show!

5. Lent. Growing up in the church (occasionally they’d let me out to pee) I loved the Lenten season. I just feel like it’s super spiritual and special even more so than Christmas. But, I missed Ash Wednesday because I was out of town (and didn’t realize anyway). Luckily my Pops text me a guilty reminder.

6. My red suitcase was a gift because my peeps know I travel a lot. I remember when I got it thinking it was too much, I’m just not fancy and used to just travel with old TJ’s bags or whatever.
But every time I’m walking through the airport I’m super glad I have this suitcase because it rolls sideways or regular and is easy to maneuver with an iced coffee in my other hand (which is vital to travel).

I saw that same sweater at Target when it was out and was torn between buying it and not. Everytime I see you wearing it I kick myself for only taking a picture and posting it to Instagram haha.
My favorite thing right now is heading home from my trip to Santa Monica (although the weather that awaits me is not appealing in the least).
Flat rolling suitcases are the BEST!
For some reason I had a dream about you and Ben last night….I think I spent too much time trying to catch up on blogs yesterday
I’ve never had to run in he super cold, and I’m going to try to keep it that way!
I’m really enjoying watermelon today! I’ve eaten a quarter of a melon in the last 24 hours. I know that’s nothing compared to your watermelon eating capabilities, but it was just so good! I had no choice 🙂
Fellow red-head and cold-hater here. I think the guy in the video said we’re mutants. (1:08) That explains a lot 😉
Loved that show also.. I need some potatoes… potatoes and cheese!
I need some potatoes and cheese!!! I need to be friends with you so we can say this 🙂
hahaha I can think of nothing worse than being force fed TOMATOES while running! ahhh eww
Well I don’t run and super cold means ice so OK! I on the other hand swim, so super cold days means I can do figure eights in the pool cause I am the only person there. Also I get to brag about being a real Canadian who laughs at winter. Bonus!
All the e-cards you post are so funny! My favorite thing this week is definitely getting off work early so I can have a date with myself tonight, doing all the things I like to do that my husband doesn’t 🙂
Sunshine coming through my window…even though it is 9 degrees outside and snow/ice predicted for overnight. boo
My favorite thing about today is knowing it will be above zero for my 16 mile run tomorrow!
Favorite thing today is that it’s Friday and that means I will finally get to spend time with my boyfriend! He’s been out of town for work and got home Monday night…and then had to work all week. Boo.
Fave thing today was sleeping in and arriving at my class 1 hour late.
My working heat! It was 0 degrees with a wind chill of -23 this morning. Coldest nyc has seen in 60 years.
Second favorite are the leftover sweet tart Wonka candy from Valentine’s Day.
you crack me up, but yes having others say it’s too cold is oddly gratifying!