Hello! I have great news! I have solved the drought crisis in California! I am saving the world here people. RER isn’t just about running and eating and sweaty selfies anymore. We’re going big!

First let’s talk about not running and eating though…
Thursdays are my standard rest day so I took a little walk this morning and then made breakfast. This isn’t a tiny fork, it’s a regular sized fork in my MASSIVE hands. I really have big hands.

Then, I headed to my first HOT yoga class. I was kinda nervous about it because:
A.) I usually go to Level 1 yoga for a good easy stretch, not hardcore workout.
B.) I sweat A LOT under normal circumstances and don’t need a HOT room to make it worse!
But, I also thought it would be good to give it a try so I put on my big girl panties yoga pants and went for it.

The class was set at 95 degrees and super humid. It was hot just standing in there, let alone actually moving around.
I took a hot yoga sculpt session that works in a little weights and strength moves. Within minutes I started to get sweaty. Before I knew it I was POURING sweat like a fountain. It was weird. I kinda felt self-conscious, like I must be the most sweaty person in the room. And the steady stream of sweat dripping down my face and arms and legs was a little distracting. By the end of class my towel and mat towel were both drenched.
Actually, before I took this class I didn’t really get why people use yoga towels. But now I get it and I’m so glad I randomly bought one recently!! If not I would have been slipping all over the mat.

I was so drenched my fingers were wrinkly at the end!

So my big idea for solving the California drought problem…
Wring out all the hot yoga towels into the water supply. (Mine was 100% wring-able.)
Think about it…
Tons of hippie dippie Californians love yoga.
They eat pretty healthy so the sweat will be healthy people sweat.
Californias love to recycle and this is just another way to do it.
Then we can be smug about having In N Out and solving the drought in California!
Boom. Done. Do it.

When I got back I made lunch and tried a new to me yogurt. Have you tried this Quark yogurt? It’s German style cheese yogurt or something. It’s good but not great.

The drought in California is a real thing. Here are some tips to help conserve water.

Germans have their own style of yogurt?
Greet yogurt? what is next?
Mexicans need their own style of yogurt!
Si se puede
make our own yogurt!
I love your blog and thought I should tell you after watching your Q &A on growing your blog 🙂 would love your opinion on my site 🙂
Ps I wish I had more blogger friends like you!! Sounds like it would be so much fun to collaborate!
Here in Sweden it’s very popular with quark! (Or “kvarg” as we call it.) People who work out a lot eat it for it’s high content of protein. The natural flavor is really disgusting, you have to mix it with like fruit or something to be able to eat it (at least according to me).
Hot yoga is just not for me. It is just so hot. It smells. Can’t do it. I do love regular yoga though!
When I mentioned to a friend that “I almost died” they said something about it smelling. So weird but it didn’t smell in there at all.
oh man. living in SoCal is crazy! I’m from New England and I lived in Minnesota, so I am super used to having TOO MUCH water. I’ve tried to do better with my water consumption out here by-
setting alarms for 5 minute intervals, so that my showers are 5-10 minutes (quite difficult with thick, curly hair, but oh well.)
washing my dishes by getting them wet, turning the water off, getting everything all sudsy and clean, and then rinsing them off. so i can do a bunch of dishes with very little water, while still getting them clean!
i dont have any plants, so we’re good on that.
i “suggested” (read- complained to) my apartment building NOT water the courtyard etc in the middle of the day every day. Now its very early morning or at night, for less time, only a couple times a week.
turn the water off when brushing my teeth.
not washing my car (uugggghhhh it so dirty!!!!!)
i think im helping? who knows. all I know is celebrities are just paying more for water and paying off tickets for water use rather than conserving water. frustrating. also frustrating- golf courses.
Yeah, I never get when I see people watering at the hottest part of the day. My family was always so good about that. We all have to do our part. Thanks 🙂
The amount of sweat from your class is kind of insane. I’ve never had that Quark stuff, but I totally dig Brown Cow cream top and Siggi’s lately!!
Siggi’s isn’t sweet enough for me. I have the worst sweet tooth.
I really want to try hot yoga but I’m a bit scared! I’ve heard bikram can be a bit drill sergeant-y!
Yeah, this was a hot class but not Bikram style. If you try and feel like you’re heart is racing take child’s pose for a bit.
Hey Monica! Happy Friday- I read tons of blogs, yours included, All inspirations for wanting to start my own. I know this might be a stretch, but have you ever considered doing a “Favorites Friday?” Have a great day! Love your blog!! Keep it up girl.
That’s no fork, that is a Trident. You are the ruler of the sea!
And a ruler of the sea could obviously solve the drought in California! 🙂
I am not a fan of hot rooms so hot yoga is not for me. But I can’t believe your fingers went wrinkly! Thats crazy.
I just started doing hot yoga this summer – it’s helped a lot with my bursitis. I was doing the moderate level but I went back down to beginner until I get more comfortable. It’s crazy how much you sweat! At first I didn’t have a towel and I couldn’t hold my downward dog for more than 5 seconds
I love yoga, but have never tried a hot yoga class. I’m from New England, so conserving water isn’t an issue for us most of the time. Sometimes in the summer they have restrictions on watering your lawn or washing your car, but we haven’t had that recently. I like Christine @ Bookishly B’s idea of water desalination plants. I have often wondered why that wasn’t more of a priority. They use them on ships, why not in areas with serious water supply issues? Go figure!
I sweat so much in hot yoga, but I always feel so great after the class is done and I have chugged a gallon of water.
Those are great drought solving solutions. I’ve been to Core Power before and the teacher set the thermostat at 104*. Think about all the more sweat you could get if your teacher did that! I miss California. I’m in Kauai now and it rains every day. I wish there was a way to send some of that to Cali.
I did attended a daily Bikram class during the week leading to my marathon and 2 days after that. It was good. Too bad we don’t have that or hot yoga classes where I live.
Are you going back for hot yoga classes?
We need to figure out a way to make desalination plants a more viable option. I understand that they take a lot of energy and are large and require time for construction, but with the ice caps melting at the rate they are anyway, it’s not like the oceans are going to run out of salt water. Communities also need to get smarter about using reclaimed water and someone needs to invent something that will allow people to do put in systems at home so that they can water their grass with their home’s recycled water (not sewage, relax people).
Ben actually did a lot of research on desalination plants in the past. Just because he was curious and interested in it. But, the companies he looked into were losing money and I forgot why he kind of gave up on the idea for now.