I just ate a whole cantaloupe. It was dee-lissh! I have a thing where once I start eating ripe fruit I cannot get enough. I think it’s called “ilovefruittoomuchitis”. It’s quite a problem.
Breakfast Habits – I think the consensus is – there is no consensus. Everyone must eat breakfast to their own tune. This means different times/foods/work-outs schedules for each of us. Just make sure you don’t skip this most important meal of the day and just do your own thing 🙂
Before my cantaloupe adventures I made a messy lunch of toast topped with spinach, beans and guac. All those fats in the guac made me very happy 🙂
And those veggie sticks are my new obsession!
While I was putting lunch together I ate half of the cantaloupe and just went back to finish it off. I just got a fun package in the mail! I can’t wait to break it open.
But, first I’m off for a meeting of the Chickpea Lover’s Club. See you once the meeting is adjourned!
Breathe – It’s hard for me to make new friends
I don’t think you can love fruit to much. They’re actually what saves me from my sweet cravings. My favorites are mango, watermelon, pineapple, apples, and bananas.
I find that sometimes when I’m craving fruit, it’s either because I’m really thirsty and need some water or my blood sugar is low, in which case I’ll have the fruit with a little protein too.
That’s not bad eating a lot of fruit….no one gained tons of weight from eating too much fruit. 🙂
By the way…I nominated you for a Beautiful Blogger Award….you can check out my latest post. 🙂
Hi Monica! I’ve recently started reading fitness blogs and yours is definitly my favorite. I like your honesty – ecspecially with the difficulties of weight loss / eating. I’ve recently lost 25+ lbs and I’m trying to tackle the last 10. In the last month or so, I’ve been having horrible binges. after a day of “good” eating, I consume hundreds of carby calories within an hour or two. I know it’s something you’ve addressed before (particularily with intuitative eating), but I was wondering if you had any advice? You seem to be making great progess with your disordered eating, so I was hoping you could give me some words of wisdom.
You can’t get me to gag more than one piece of fruit down a week, however, i eat about 15 servings of veg a day. I wish i had your problem!
My mom used to put salt on her cantaloupe. *gag* It made me hate it! I just got over the hate and tried again sans salt- deeeelish! 🙂
I’ve been known to eat an entire cantaloupe in one day as well, maybe a pineapple too!
Fruit never last in my home. I try not t eat it up in couple days but it’s hard. lol A bag of grapes…I’ve eaten in one day. yum
yum! i rarely buy cantaloupe because it’s hard to keep in a dorm so i’m wicked jealous
Haha I love that you ate a whole cantaloupe! And heck it’s hardly something to feel bad about, it’s got like, 20cals per 100g!? Better that than a stick of butter 😛
Have fun at you club!
Cantaloupe is my FAVORITE!