Hello! I am actually on my way to Boston today! I’m off to visit Tina and her gorgeous fam and run a half marathon. I’m beyond excited because we talk all the time but haven’t really been able to hang out in forever.

Operation: Mar-tinas in going to be in full effect.

I was super busy today getting ready to go out of town. I made a double dinner of chicken salad and sweet potatoes so I could pack one for the plane.

Have you tried these Lean Cuisine snack pizzas? I fully bought this intending to eat both of them.

I’m super HUNGRY today and also had a Quest bar. But that didn’t satisfy the sweet tooth so I busted out the frosting that’s supposed to be for the bunny cake – oops! Well, that’s what the store is for – I’ll get another one.

I got my nails done because I chipped them all off in a nervous rage yesterday. I didn’t choose the color based on the name this time, but it still ended up being a fun name.
And I cashed in my ULTA coupon for some eyebrow gel and pressed powder for my shiny fivehead.

Back to Boston… Tina tried to get me to come out in February and I was like, “Yeah!!!! Maybe…No thanks.” Because I cannot handle cold weather. It’s in my genes – redheaded Mexicans have low tolerance for thermal pain. It’s science.

So I postponed my trip until April. But it’s still kinda cold (in comparison to the temps I’m coming from) and apparently there is going to be this wet stuff falling from the sky?! Wish me luck and can I borrow someone’s umbrella??

Question: If you could hang out with anyone this weekend who would it be?
Bonus points if you say me at least as runner up or honorable mention.
Hah! The title of your blog post = one of my favorite songs ever. <3
i just wanted to comment on how much i love that you used an Augustana lyric as your title! yessss.
🙂 I can’t stop singing it now!
I would love to hang out with you and Tina! If I wasn’t leaving Boston for the wknd we could totally make it happen…plenty of wine to go around 🙂 haha
Today was the warmest day in Boston in 106 days! You must have brought the “warmth”! haha keep it coming… we desperately need Spring and have fun in our city! 🙂
It would be amazing to hang out with Tina & you personally. Plus Quinn is super cute. I haven’t seen a couple of my local besties in a while and would love to see them.
My Mom! I miss my Mom! She lives in Florida, and I’m in California and I’d love to have a glass of wine (or two) with her this weekend. Have SO much fun!! Safe travels! Cheers! Etc.
My favorite cityyyyyyy! I would hang out with the Bruins. 🙂 Have a great trip!!!
My friends back east 🙁 they’ve got a reunion concert type thing next weekend, where like 50 of our friends are getting together, and I can’t afford a plane ticket back east!! So sad.
I’m lucky to get the entire weekend with my boyfriend! We have some family functions to go to and a long run to get it (10 for him and 16 for me) but we’ll be together so it’s going to be grand.
I would really like to be hanging out with my dog right now. Curled up in blankets on the couch. With an HGTV marathon. Instead I am at work. Womp womp.
Also, the only thing better than eating straight frosting is eating straight cookies and cream cookie butter. I’m blaming Trader Joe’s for my muffin top today.
Hooray! You’ll be in my neck of the woods! Enjoy!! Cute polish! 😉
I would love to hang with Kenny Chesney at his home in St. John!! And since I live in Massachusetts, welcome to my state!! We are very excited that it’s going to be in the 50’s today and tomorrow in the 60’s. It’s been a super long winter and even though it snows and is cold every year, this year was extra snowy and cold. It’s almost over. Enjoy your visit!!
Chris Farley. Sigh… I miss him.
Um are you sure it’s not creepy if I say you? I would love to come visit Cali since where I come from those Boston temps seem hot! I thought it was named the mitten state because it looked like a mitten, turns out it’s because you need mittens year-round ;). So just let me know when I can visit! Lol
Aren’t blogging friends the best? I’m excited because I’ll be back in LA this weekend and get to see a very good friend of mine that I haven’t in a few years!
Hanging out with my daughter this weekend! We are leaving warm Atlanta for not so hot New York. She actually wanted the two of us to do a girls’ trip to NY for her Senior Break 🙂 Super excited as I’ve never been there and it will be cool to hang with my first born solo for a few days 🙂
Have fun and good luck on the run!
Have fun in Boston! It’s such an awesome city.
I’d want to laze around and hang with the manfriend and dog. But really, I just want to sleep more.
I use the Elf clear mascara at Target as my eyebrow gel…it costs $1. Yessss.
I guess it would be nice to hang out with some friends from back in VA since I haven’t really seen them since I’ve moved. That or relax on my couch.
Have fun at Tina’s!!
Good tip! I have to use a colored one most of the time since my brows are super light, but I like using clear to keep ’em in place if I use a pencil.
i am so excited because i’m hanging out with one of my bridesmaids in madagascar next week! can’t even believe it.
I want to hang out with my cats. Of course!
Eating straight frosting with a spoon is the BEST and I won’t hear another thing about it.
I never ever remember to pack myself something to eat for the plane so I always have to buy crappy and expensive airplane food! Have fun in Boston.