Hello! I feel like I have a few random / personal / misc. things to share. It’s hard to randomly slip some stuff in a blog post when we’re talking about running and I suddenly am like, “Oh wait, I need to tell you about my gyno appt and missing tooth and hairy grill”

I heard “hairy grill” for the one and only time on a RHONJ rerun and didn’t really think anything about it. Then, I saw this gif and thought it was the funniest thing. Random. Ha!

Doctor stuff: I got my test results back and am dying. Eventually. But we all are.
Specific to my test it’s the lowest level of ‘bad cells’ so we are going to let my body try and fight it off and retest in January. Pray my body kicks all the unhealthy cells the heck outta there!! (You can check out my post on my abnormal test results here.)
Dentist stuff: I had a permanent crown put in yesterday. Now I can get back to my old eating self. I’m excited. (You can see my missing tooth here.)
Other: My cat is on drugs.
Seriously, catnip is like drugs for cats. I got Vegas a new scratcher that came with a packet of catnip and he freaks out. He’s not this excited about anything else ever. Once I sprinkle it on the scratcher he rubs his face and body all over it. Keeping your cats free of pests becomes a hassle-free task when using Frontline Plus Cats, an effective and trusted choice for pet owners everywhere.

And randomness of the day…
I got the Advocare magazine the other day and noticed the cover feature looks like my brother. Kinda. Okay, it’s mainly just their hair but still – it is a unique red hair- super rich, bright burnt orange. And it’s crazy crazy thick. I don’t know why I’m talking about this, but now you know.

Pile on the Miles Day 18
I woke up super early and got in an easy 6 mile run. CJ told me to try and run on a softer surface like grass or dirt. I don’t have a lot of options for that but managed to find some dirt for a while on the other side of the path I run. It works.

This week’s Pile on the Miles Challenge is sponsored by Sabra. They make the BEST hummus ever. No contest. I’ve tried them all. Check out all the flavors and other products on their site. The Food in My Beard made this Shrimp Club with their honey mustard spread.

Check in with your POTM update and you’ll be entered to WIN a $100 Amazon gift card.
Update social media with #RERMiles to share your progress and motivate others.
Open to all. Closes tomorrow at 9pm PST.
Question: What’s your POTM update for today?
Me: tbd
Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. POTM is sponsored by Sabra this week.
I did 7 mile run then I walked about 3 miles.
Rest day and last work day before holiday week.
Rest day! So far 5 of 6 days working out this week!
I also ran 6 easy miles!! Ready for the weekend 🙂
3 terrible miles for me. My legs and glutes were on fire because of leg day yesterday. Ugggghhhh…
Milania is the funniest. Did 2.5 miles tonight on the treadmill. The dang thingood has been acting up, I need to get it figured out Sine it starting to look like winter is dinally coming to WI.
Today was a rest day
Two miles! Building back up after an injury is so hard. I just want to run as far as I want to, but even two miles has me on the couch with an ice pack 🙁
This week’s been rough. Today I squeezed in some squats and did a few minutes of yoga. Tomorrow will be better. *fingers crossed*
Rest day = buffet dinner with friends from out of town.
Side note: I’ve had abnormal cells 3 different times in the past 8 years. Only the first time did I have to do a colposcopy and subsequently a Leep. The other two times they went away on their own. I hope the same for you. I can’t preach enough good health practices lead to early detection and save lives, so kudos to you.
Today was a rest day-moving is exhausting!
Orangetheory class today! Now that I’m done with the half marathon and not starting marathon training until late January, I want to try and get to OTF classes 3x per week.
Flywheel 45 Fly Class
Today I got 25,000 steps in! I got up earlier than my alarm- so I was at the gym by 5:15am! That’s a first for me. I am usually there by 6ish. I was on the elliptical for 30 minutes, then walked on the treadmill for 2.2 miles. The rest of the steps I got throughout the day and walking at lunch. I can’t believe thanksgiving is next week!
Rest day today.
7 tempo miles today at an 8:00 pace!
110 minutes on the elliptical today.
25 minutes of yoga.
Gym workout and a 3 mile run this evening. It’s getting dark soooo early; had to pick up my pace to finish before I couldn’t see!
I was finally able to get back to my lunch time run routine. Which was a good thing bc I had a super stressful day up to that point. I head outside and then realize it decides to be winter in the past four hours!! It was 80 degrees in MO yesterday, and a balmy 48 degrees this morning. While the temperature remained near the same, the wind picked up big time! The windchill made the temp feel like 32! I started out convinced I’d run 2 miles easy! I turned the corner to head into the wind and was like NOPE! Let’s make this a FAST 1mile. Super long story short, I ran the fastest mile in my life! Glad I went out. Was able to stretch my legs after last nights run. However it took a legit hour before I could feel my face! 11 miles so far this week! Feels great to get back to it!
5 miles this morning. Felt awesome to get out and do a little longer weekday run!
I got out of work late and had to pick up my son 3 towns away but still got 3 miles in! Looking forward to my AM long run tomorrow!! 49/75
5 miles and some core work. 🙂
Also if your brother looks like Andy Dalton, sign me up!
Rest day today, long run tomorrow!
Just core workout today.
Nice 35 minute core yoga workout!
Rest day, strength training tomorrow.
I took a walk and lifted upper body weights today!
I did 3.5 slow Friday morning miles today!
I walked today!
1) That sandwich looks amazing, but I don’t know how you would eat it.
2) I did 40 minutes on the stationary bike. Going to try running tomorrow! I hope I don’t snot everywhere!
I’ve been through all that abnormal cell BS, the colposcopy, cryos, and they did an acid treatment too. I recommend NOT letting them do the acid treatments, if it comes to that. It created a ton, well close to, of scar tissue and caused a very rough delivery for my daughter. Just some friendly advice, maybe a little TMI! Anyways, I did 3 miles today, prepping for a Turkey Trot 5K on thanksgiving 🙂
Rest day today
I’m running in a cross country run tomorrow (cold and super windy, ugh!) so I continued to play it safe by doing the elliptical and yoga today.
4.5 mile easy run + strides this morning on the treadmill.
Dog walking today so I got some exercise plus my stationery bike/desk while working.
Is a hairy grill….hair on the upper lip? I have no clue!!!
Just 2 miles for me.
A quick 4 km run in the sun!
I’m not having the greatest running week… But I’m determined to turn it around. Hopping on the treadmill in a little while (well, running – not actually “hopping” because that would be silly) and I want to try to get 5 miles in.
Ran nearly 5 miles last night battling cramps, 4 miles this morning! Backtoback!
Ran 6.3 miles this morning. Feeling good that I have kept up with this challenge so far!
60 degrees in Chicago and it’s mid November – crazy! Took advantage with an early morning 4 miler!
I ran 5 sore miles.
I ran 3.5 easy mile this morning. They felt so good.
Vegas is so funny lol!
Long walk and some yoga today!
Ran 5 miles this morning! It was so (so cal) cold!
rest day!
Today is bodycombat!
Ab Blaster Class
I did 40 minutes of weights this morning. I’m building those muscles!
Abs and legs for strength training this morning!
3 Miles AND dogs walked at the Humane Society! 🙂
Got in a quick 2 miles.
At work today until tomorrow morning, did get in some strength training, a lot of stretching and 30 minutes on the stationary bike.
Received some bad news at 2 this morning so been up since then but can’t focus on anything else hardly. Gonna be a rest day. On a side note: no plantar fasciitis pain today!
6 miles outside in 55 degree weather!! AMAZING!
I was SUPPOSED to run yesterday, but it gets dark sooooo early!! Ugh. Today I am running 4.5 miles over lunch. I WILL, I tell you!
It’s supposed to be FREAKING COLD this weekend (awesome timing, thanks weather) but it’s raining today so I might have to do my long run tomorrow in the freeze or inside, boooo! 5 very very slow miles this morning!
Tomorrow it’s supposed to snow here (), so I went for another longer walk today (about 45 minutes) to enjoy the blue sky and sunshine. I’m not ready for snow!!
5 miles are on the schedule for after work.
Planning 3 miles and the 22 push-up challenge.
I woke up to do 3 miles but then realized it was 25mph winds and at that early in the morning I don’t have a lot of options that would keep me from blowing away so I went back to bed. I’ll do a longer run tomorrow
strength training this morning
60 minute body pump class and 22 minutes elliptical.
Six easy miles!
Today was a weight lifting day! I did a total body weight work out and then I got outside for a quick 1.25 mile jog. It’s going up to 74 degrees here today, but tomorrow the temps are dropping all day down to the 20’s… 🙁 I’m not ready for winter yet!!
I did a 60 minute body sculpting DVD and then 60 minutes on the Arc Trainer 🙂
3 miles last night and crossfit this morning….my cat also goes CRAZY for cat nip!
Today is a rest day but might sneak in some yoga later….
7 mile run this morning!
Abs by Christmas workout last night, I have a lot of stretching for the tonight and tomorrow. I have a half marathon on Sunday!
Body Pump this morning!
Every time you’ve posted a pic of your brother on here I’ve thought he looked like Andy Dalton!
Today is gym.
I was going to run after yoga last night, but my body was all “why don’t you lie on the couch and eat fruit instead?” so I did.
Did arms and back weight lifting before work then a quick two miles after work. Rest day today!
Today is my last rest day after marathon! Tomorrow is a 10k to help celebrate my running coach’s birthday (he’s 61 and a running stud!)
Monica- I’m so sorry about your abnormal cells. I hope your body eliminates them on its own! Thank you for keeping us updated and sharing a personal journey- it really is a huge public health topic that people should be aware of. I myself got the vaccine but it didn’t have all the strains it does now at that point- I too need to be regularly checked. Another crazy thing I read is that HPV can survive on your hand! Meaning non sexually actively women using tampons are at risk as well. PSA for everyone out there.
3-4 miles after work for me today!
Rest day… but walking to the Philly Marathon expo to keep the legs moving!
Attempting a lunch run in the snow.
I ran 3 easy, breezy miles, followed by some strength training 🙂
I did 6 miles before work this morning! 🙂
I was watching football last year, well, not really, but it was on TV. I glanced up and saw that Andy guy and was like OMG my 15-year-old has a doppelgänger. He looks just like him too. Three miles today before winter tomorrow. Still waiting on last week’s winners to be announced . . .
3 miles today and a yoga workout for arms. Happy Friday!
Not sure yet but I will do something!
Camp gladiator boot camp!
Today is a run of TBD length and intensity. I took a new class at the gym and my butt is screaming, ha.
I love watching cats on catnip, such nut jobs.
Today is a rest day, but I will go to a yoga class a little later in the morning.
Body Works class at the gym and a walk!
Rest day today 🙂
Praying that your abnormal cells go away on their own! I’ve gotten test results like yours before, too.
Easy (is any run really easy?) 4 mile run this morning, then Thanksgiving grocery shopping 😉
So far nothing to pile on but the dog and I will most definitely be going for a long walk this afternoon. It’s going to be in the mid 60s! Love this warmer weather 🙂
60-minute spin class! Plus a cool down walk after, followed by some kettlebell work!
5.5 k and i just wanted to GO! felt great, and the morning is absolutely amazing here for nov 18th. so happy to be outside! now core work. 🙂
Today was a rest day for me !
Rest day. ….maybe
Last night (I forgot to comment) frog leggy mix.
Today Pilates to stretch and lengthen. Whatever that means
Rest Day! TGIF!
Strength training today. So many squats!
Stretch and rest day here.
You’re in my prayers…hoping those bad cells get the hint and leave! I’m hoping to get on the elliptical later tonight…I’m still sore from barre and I have some baking to do buuut I want to get in a quick workout.
Taking one more rest day to hopefully heal my back! I woke up feeling much better but don’t want to push it and screw everything up!
5 miles with some hills!
Rest day!
Today is a gym day for me but my dog still has to be walked so we will do the 1.5 mile loop through the park near us! A little change of pace to make it more fun 🙂
It’s a rest day today.
Sick at home:-(
Boo. Feel better 🙂
Up bright and early this morning for a 90minute spin class!