I’ll spare you the details of what I’ve been coughing up all morning. I’ll even spare you from having to see it (I was very tempted to take a picture to share). I am actually showing some restraint today. Are you impressed? Or does this mean I’ve sold out to the man?
I woke up today feeling sick – still! I can’t believe it. My body feels okay, it’s just I have a lot of unwanted friends hanging around my lungs that I am trying to get rid of. I’m coughing so hard I’m afraid I might break a rib 🙁
But, nothing can stop me from getting out of my death bed and going for a run! I did an easy 4 miles without my Garmin – just me, myself and my booger paper. I know some people are going to give me crap for running, but I’m a grown woman and I have been so excited to get outside and run! I’m sure you understand 🙂
After the run I came home and ate food. A lot of food. I should probably get into more detail as this is a food blog and all…
I made an english muffin – one side with PB and pun’kin butter, the other with cream cheese and pun’kin butter.
and egg whites on the side for protein power!
But, I was still hungry or confused after this. So, I ate another two pieces of toast with PB and pb. I’m kinda annoyed at myself for this because I would have felt full if I’d given myself a few minutes. Boo.
I really need to get to the store and buy some Mucinex. I will check you all later! (source)
Remember: “If it’s in the chest, then you must rest!”
Also, don’t be afraid to see a doc and get some antibiotics before it turns into something serious.
Don’t worry. You’re not the only grown woman who runs with a cough.
I’m so happy I found your blog today – I have been wanting to get into jogging/running and you have a lot of great info here. That’s not why I decided to comment on this page though. I wanted to say I feel your pain. I just got the most horrible cold this week and I can’t shake it. It has gone from my head to my throat to my chest and back again – so strange. I just got the nasty mucus pills and I’m ready to let this baby rip. My cough will be gross for the next day or two but I’m getting this mess OUT of my system as soon as I can.
So glad I found you – keep up the great work!
Yuck and no fun! Hope you’re feeling better soon.
A little exercise always makes me feel better when I don’t feel great…unless I have a fever, of course. I hope you’re feeling better soon. I’m sure 26.2 miles can make a person’s immune system suffer for a bit.
oh and i hope you feel better too
be careful if you take mucinex dm, one time i took it and it got me high with just the normal dose. it woulda been cool if i was expecting it but i had forgotten i even took it and freaked me out.
thanks for not showing pics of what you’re coughing up as my stomach is feeling a bit uneasy as it is this morning 🙂
Ashley – I will have to pay attention to that. I recently got weird side effects from Benedryl and got really scared!
i sent that ecard to one of my friends when she was really sick. i think it triggered a really bad coughing episode though. some friend i am 🙂
Nothing is more gross than coughing up pea green phlem, and nothing is more satisfying either.
I’m having chest congestion this week too and the only thing that helps is my inhaler…which I took 4 hits of this morning and still feeling weird and shaky from it…oops.
Gross and satisfying – true!
Hope you feel better 🙂
They say that up to 7 hours after a strenious workout you can be very suseptible to getting sick if you come in contact with sick people. Load up on the vitamin C and liquids. I won’t preach at you for running, you NEED to run after a marathon, albeit slow and short, to work out the kinks from the marathon and stretch out the muscles. Take care and feel better!
Maybe I should get out there for a run. I’m having similar symptoms to you but it’s SO nice today (high 40s and sunny) that I hate sitting inside being miserable.
Sorry you still feel ill 🙁 and gosh, aren’t you at all tired or stiff!? You must be so fit to get out there and run again, very admirable!!
You couldn’t have spared us from the Mucinex man? I’m going to have nightmares now… Hope you feel better soon!
Ha! Sorry Evan.
feel better!
from what I’ve been told headcold… ok to run, chest cold… might be good to take a break. me, I usually run with either unless I feel like complete crap. oh and I’m jealous of your run, I cannot wait to get my “grapefruit” out.
feel better!!!!
That “e-card” made almost spit out my soup! I got bronchitis when I first moved from Florida to Virginia and my cough was terrible, but I couldn’t stay home because I didn’t have any leave yet. I felt awful for my co-workers.
Your breakfast looks delicious!
You’re a rockstar for running with a cold! Love the ecard… hilarious!
running with a cold? dayum u are a machine. i hope u feel better! and that quote up top is fucking hilarious. because its so true. hacking coughs are gross. but im sure your still beautiful rocking yours!
Aw– I’m sorry you are still feeling so gross 🙁 However, I love it that even though you’re sick, you can make me laugh out loud within the first 2 sentences (my co-workers probably think I’m insane, but that’s cool…)
Glad you had a good run, and I hope the meds work for you! 🙂
Feel better! That quote is too funny!