Hi! How’s it going? Are you celebrating Labor Day weekend with a BBQ or labor (as actual labor having baby)? I ran my long run on Friday because I was going to head out of town this weekend. Those plans fell through last minute, but I’m glad I had that crossed off my ‘To Do’ list.

Such a gorgeous day for a run! I love it.

Fuel for the journey was Chinese food the night before. This is my favorite pre-race meal. I added a bag of frozen veggies when I got this home though! I got a 2 item combo and figured I didn’t want to ‘waste’ one of my entrée choices on veggies when I had some at home.

So this morning I got up to do a short shake out run before a good stretch/yoga session.
I hit the road for about 7 miles. It was fairly slow and steady and I walked for a little bit when I got a phone call from my mamacita.

When I got back I went to my dresser to grab another sports bra and shirt. (I usually change out of my super sweaty stuff when I get back from a run before I stretch or do yoga.)
But I discovered six BILLION ants streaming into my place! SIX.BILLION. (give or take I didn’t count them all)
Ugh! I grabbed the ant spray and sprayed them and tried to figure out where they were coming from. There was a huge line of them coming from the cracks in the bedroom floorboard. I’m pretty sure they were coming from the neighbors place – probably because they sprayed them over there!

The kind of bad thing is they don’t want food, they want water so they were heading to the bathroom AND kitchen in search of H2O. So, instead of doing yoga I had to deal with the ant problem. I use a hippie bug spray – EcoSmart. It works really well but the smell is still strong (it’s peppermint and rosemary oil).
And just when I thought I had it under control – I noticed some ants in the closet! I saw a ton of them on the wall behind my clothes. Ugh! I had to take all my clothes out of the closet and put them on my bed so I could clean in there.
There was a slight miscommunication though and Vegas thought I put all the stuff out so he could cover it in fur. Fantastic.

He looks so cute when he sleeps though! He’s lucky I was going to wash everything anyway because I don’t want to feel like I have ants all over my clothes. I’m itchy just thinking about it.
So, I guess it’s time for me to do another Capsule Wardrobe! Might as well, right? I’m not putting anything back in the closet that I don’t want to wear. And since it’s almost Fall, I think it’s a good time to do another closet clean out, then store them using new white wooden coat hangers. Do you switch stuff out each season? I don’t really need to since I live in southern California so it’s not like I need snow clothes (or whatever you call them) but I get cold all the time.

Since I was cleaning all day and needed to get out. So, I threw on some make-up and a sundress and out the heck outta there!

Note the background in the picture below – my closet is empty. Would you have noticed that otherwise?
I totally wouldn’t have if it was someone else. I’m super not observant.

Now I’m sipping Spark trying to rehydrate before I get my act together and try to be productive. Speaking of that – Limeade Spark is a permanent flavor now, but I haven’t tried it yet – have you? SR said she didn’t like it but I usually love lime stuff.
Fabletics Labor Day Sale: Sign Up For VIP Membership & Get your First Outfit For $15!
My mom was in labor with me on Labor Day weekend. I took 40 hours.
Great read!
This spring I embraced the capsule wardrobe, and I am so happy I did. I probably still have a few too many clothes, but it was a great first step to downsizing and only keeping things that I really feel good in. It’s about time to reassess given that fall is coming as well as my birthdays so I often add a few pieces but that means I need to replace instead of add to! By the way, I’m a Fabletics fan. Their capri tights are the best. Love them for yoga!
I switch out my stuff but I have an upper and lower rack in my closet so I switch my stuff 🙂
So I’m going to comment on your ant problem & not your wardrobe question! I work in an entomology lab & spend a great deal of time in the summer killing ants. I see you have out Terro bait….great product unless you’re spraying another insecticide around it. You want the ants to take the bait back to the nest to kill the brood & queens so don’t spray anything around it. As far as the other stuff you’re spraying….well, I have no efficacy data on it. However, spraying soapy water on the ants will also kill them without the terrible smell. It will also disrupt their pheromone trail so they will stop trailing (eventually). Hope you actually read this
I’m lucky to have space for all my clothes seasons in my bedroom. I keep long sleeve tops to the left of the top bar, short sleeve and tanks to the right. Sweaters to left of bottom rod and dresses skirts and pants to the bottom right. Then I have a wardrobe closet with shelves for my jeans, shorts, sweatshirts, and running gear. 🙂