Hey from Fitbloggin in Savannah! So far I am falling in love with it here.
Earlier today I stopped by the Fitbloggin expo to say hello to my friends at the Walgreens booth. Thank you so much to everyone that came by and told me ‘Hi!’ I wasn’t expecting it at all and it was great to meet new readers!! I really appreciate it.

You know I timed it perfectly to be in the area around snack time!! I always do. The south isn’t exactly known for it’s healthy food options, but Fitbloggin hooks it up.

Check out my instagram for more fun and food and randomness.
From there I snuck out to explore.
First stop: Coffee Fox. This place came highly recommended since they have cold brewed iced coffee! They also have a drink that has been and 2 shots of espresso. Sounds like a winner.

Lunch was at Kayak Café and it was just okay.

Luckily, dessert made up for it. I tried the famous pralines and River Street Sweets! I got a praline sample for now and a dark chocolate covered turtle for later

Pralines are perfect fuel for exploring!

Oh, before I forget I have to tell you about the flyer I’m in…

Nah, that one is just something I saw while sightseeing to remind me about that concert later…
This one – I’m speaking tomorrow at Fitbloggin during the Walgreens Wellness Session. If you’re attending, come check it out. There will also be the #WayToWellTour van here in the morning to do some free health screenings!

Now I gotta get some sleep! See ya later

Question: What is your fuel for the journey/fun/life this weekend?
bahahaha you on the bench!
That looks like a great trip! I want to visit Savannah so much! Ever since I read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, it’s been on my list!
I want to go to that candy store!
I made a super delicious salad for dinner tonight, it had crab, roasted corn, avocado, jalapenos, red onion, cilantro, and lime. I had to put it away before I ate the entire bowl!
I really need to get to one of these bogging conferences!
That candy store looks dangerous. I would be passed out on a bench after going there too!
Sleeping on a bench…funny everytime! You make my day.
We wandered into the Savannah Bee Company store next to Coffee Fox and ended up doing a mead tasting, plus trying out lots of honeys. I’d highly recommend it. We followed it with a horchata from Coffee Fox and now I’m in a sugar coma! I also had an amazing peach from the Forsyth Park Farmers’ Market. Loving Savannah, too! We’re off to River Street tomorrow… It looks like there’s more sugar in our future!
River street sweets are amazing!! Those pralines are addictive!
I grew up on Riverstreet pralines! Aren’t they just the best things ever?
…I’m about to explore a new city too 🙂 The local coffee brew house if definitly on my list!
I had too many snacks yesterday and very little real food. Finally at 9 pm I decided to throw blueberries strawberries blackberries and mango into the blender. But when I poured it into a cup the lid from the blender fell off and the smoothie splashed everywhere. I mean everywhere! I guess I should stick to snacks. Lol.
Chicken wings and pazookie! Thanks for sharing. Until your pics all I could think about re: Savannah was Water Boy. Have a good one!