Hello! I have some information on a great cause and Janji discount code to share with you today!
For some reason the issue of access to clean water has always been on my radar. I think I learned about it in college and it just really stuck with me for some reason. So, anytime I hear about a fundraiser or something for building wells or giving people access to clean water I try to support.
I recently was contacted by Janji (I’ve worked with them in the past too) about trying out their new Haiti shirt and sharing info about it.
Each piece of Haiti apparel (they have t-shirts and shorts (men’s shirts and shorts) sold provides one year of clean water to a person in Haiti.

Again, love the cause so I wanted to spread the word. I also asked my contact at Janji for info on how they help AND how we can help. She sent over some pictures and info of a project Water.org did in Haiti…
This is the old water resource in one of the areas…

And this is a new well house in Haiti

I’m sporting the Haiti tee and Haiti Anna Running Shorts . (I think the shorts are super short and would probably just use them for hiking or walking, but I know a lot of you dig that sorta thing for running.)

10% off discount code: ‘newproduct10’ and that works every Wednesday starting at noon, EST on any products! (It’s today so use it now!!)
Hmmm…Friday 1:30pm actually…but that’s coz I’m catching up on reading blog post
Its 3:25pm Hawaii Standard time when I’m usually reading your posts! I recently started following your blog (referenced on CNC) and really enjoy it! I’m a runner (and an eater) too and enjoy your sense of humor. Thanks!
Hello Juliet!
I’ve run in Janji before (I own a pair of their shorts) and they make great quality clothing for a fantastic cause. Definitely some of the only running apparel I wouldn’t feel guilty spending money on!
Safe drinking water is definitely on my radar. My mom has been on mission trips to Madagascar to build water purification systems and it’s awesome. But I’m also in the animal rescue group. I have 3 rescue dogs and they’re the best things ever!
Right now it’s 12pm CST, though I normally don’t read blogs until around 5 pm. I’m another one that’s a sucker for animals.
Great cause !
Currently 4.15pm GMT (In the Scottish Borders)on Wednesday afternoon!
Animal rescue causes get me every. single. time.
It’s 8am PST. Human/ sex trafficing is a cause on my raider since I had a loved one who was trafficed a few years ago. She is home safe, but this needs to stop!
It’s 8:24 mountain standard time. No idea what time that would be est.
Any cause related to pets or babies/kids tugs at my heart strings. They are so dependent and I hate seeing them in need!
It’s 10:30am est here.
Animals that are rescued tug at my heart strings.
It’s a little before 9 am here. Thanks for sharing an awesome cause! I don’t know that I really have one, but if I had to pick I would have to say something about breaking the stigma around addiction since it involves me on a personal level.
It is 5:24 a.m. where I am at currently, I work on a Neurology floor at the hospital and when ever I see a cause for educating the public on how to identify a stroke or what/how to avoid it I always support.