Did you know today is Johnny Appleseed Day?! In honor of this prestigious holiday I chomped on an apple. No pic because I was busy eating. I’m going to double the apple love and eat some of my Pumpkin Apple Crisp…
with ice cream for dessert tonight! Had some last night and forgot to mention it! Busted.
I am about to leave for work and hope it’s not obvious I smudged my eye shadow on. I didn’t realize until I started putting make-up on that Ben used one of my brushes as a tool for his weekend house project?!
Yes, that would be one of my eye shadow brushes sticking out of the ceiling. Apparently, I don’t wear make-up nearly enough and it wouldn’t occur to him that I ever use any of that crap I leave on the bathroom sink…
I didn’t post these PopCorners in my Costco Must Haves list because I barely discovered them Friday.
They are so good! I sampled all 4 flavors and the Kettle Corn is the best, but I knew Ben would only help me make a dent in the saltier options so I went with Sea Salt flavor.
First Cheetos croutons, now PopCorner Croutons! I love salad toppings!
I better find some other crouton options soon, or I’ll be forced to use candy bars… (nataliedee.com)
Well, if I’m not putting candy on my salad I’ll at least have one for dessert
I ate lunch while watching House Hunters. Watching that show while poor is like watching Food Network while on a diet. I want all of it!
Question: What’s your favorite option at a restaurant salad bar?
I love hard boiled eggs and chickpeas. Predictable. If I’m at Whole Foods I love EVERYTHING.
There’s usually some sort of tasty bean salad and I’m always all over that! Mmm a salad bar sounds realllly good right now!
At a salad bar I love dried cranberries, kidney beans, and frozen peas on my salad. At home I’ll often do the cranberries, but I don’t know why I can’t manage the other two? Also, go crazy with fresh fruit and then my box weighs a ton and costs me a mint. BUT, it is worth it for salad, right? That is what I tell myself anyways.
Have you ever heard or/tried “Snickers Salad”??
It’s insane.
How they can put those two words together in a sentence and not get called out by the FDA is beyond me. I had this soo many times visiting relatives in Minnesota. When I was a little girl (ahem…teenager….okay okay, we know the truth!), I would pick out the snickers and leave the apples behind. Oops. Hey – it’s “salad”!
Here’s the recipe:
Hhaaha your cartoons always make me laugh! I LOVE beans on my salad. Chickpeas are #1 and I like black beans too if I’m in a Mexican mood. If I’m at whole foods, forget it. I spend like $15 on one salad.
I always joke that only at Whole Foods would you spend 20 bucks for food in cardboard box!
oooh i am going to have to find those chips. they look tasty. how funny about the brush. I hope it comes back to you safely and soon. 🙂
House Hunters INTERNATIONAL is even worse!! Makes me want to travel!!
Every time we watch HH International Ben and I debate whether or not we’re living life all wrong…
Haha, I love your take on watching House Hunters! So true!!!
hahaha! That cartoon’s cute. That’s like candy on oatmeal which I totally do all the time. It’s a balance. 😉
Did you know some of the best pro makeup artists (ahem, Kevyn Aucoin for instance) don’t always use makeup brushes, they often prefer their fingers? I thought that was pretty cool considering I rarely use them myself…so really you are just going pro 😉
My fave salad bar toppings are usually radishes, chickpeas, and though I am ashamed to admit this…bacon bits (ahhhh!)
I have the most vivid memory of going to the Sizzler salad bar with my family as a child and piling on the bacon bits 🙂
Ooooh Sizzler! I loved getting the all you can eat and then getting frozen yogurt with all kinds of toppings…delish!
I love stuffed grape leaves at my local co-op. At whole foods my favorite thing is roasted sweet potato or the quinoa cranberry cakes when they have them.
i love fresh mozzerella (sp?) on salads…not shredded..fresh.
Tragically, I’ve never had fresh mozzarella. That needs to be remedied!
what? how is that even possible? i’d say get yourself to the nearest whole foods pronto! fresh mozzarella + tomatoes + basil + balsamic vinegar/vinaigrette = to die far!
my favorite salad bar options: craisins, candied walnuts, strawberries, grapes… what can i say, i have a sweet tooth! i like to mix all this with roasted chicken and a ton of veggies to get a nice combo of flavors.
I like it when they have pasta or quinoa salad to put on top of your salad. So you have salad while you have salad. Kind of like facebook with a mini facebook in the upper right corner so you can facebook while you facebook, dawg.
From Whole Foods either potato salad or couscous on the salad is one of my favorite things!
I rarely comment, but this is such a fun question that I had to! I love alfalfa sprouts and tabouli because I will never buy those things myself! And cheese. Must have cheese to be a good salad, in my opinion. Love the blog Monica, and I’d love to see your Weight Loss updates – so, so great to hear it from someone so real!
The last time I bought alfalfa sprouts I got a lecture from a complete stranger about e coli or something! Random.
Yes, I am updating the Weight Loss page this week 🙂
There aren’t a great deal of restaurants around here with salad bars, however, my go to salad as of late has been: salad (obviously), green onion, tomato, a little bit of queso dip, a little bit of sour cream, some turkey, and Fritos. To. Die. For.
hahah love the make up brush quick fix 😉 I loveee sunflower seeds from salad bars! Oh, and green olives!
Salad bars are awesome. My favorite toppings are sunflower seeds and beets. I know that’s crazy, but I love the taste of canned beets. Oh, and artichokes are pretty good too!
Is that a veggie patty on your salad? I found these little twice baked focaicca pieces that work pretty good. Can’t wait to find out whats for dinner!!
Funny you asked – I use a veggie patty 90% of the time, but today I used a turkey burger because I found them on special 🙂
I LOVE pretzel thins as croutons. The buffalo brand is to die for!!!!