I heard this phrase, “Let all flowers bloom“, on the radio this morning and I really liked it. I have been getting a little frustrated that all my hard work isn’t paying off as well as others around me (Read: I’ve been getting a little jealous). I feel really guilty when I am jealous of others because I should just be happy for them, and I am happy for my friends and peers when good stuff happens to them. I am usually the first one to spread the good news and love! I get excited and happy for them and it is genuine. But sometimes I feel bad that I’m disappointed in myself because I’m not as “good”.
In times like this I need to remember that ALL FLOWERS CAN BLOOM! Just because someone else won a race doesn’t mean I can’t PR, or just be happy for how I did. Just because someone is planning their dream wedding doesn’t mean someone special isn’t waiting for you 🙂 We all have dreams and goals. One person achieving their goals doesn’t make it any harder for you. So, let your friends and neighbors’ flowers bloom, and even help them along if you can. Because a garden is prettiest with many different colors and flowers 🙂
Marathon Training: I did not want to go running this morning. This doesn’t happen very often, but the drizzly, gloomy weather every morning is finally getting to me. I had no desire to step outside in the gloom, but I don’t know if it’s going to rain tomorrow (again!) so I figured I shouldn’t waste a day of reasonably dry weather inside. I did 5.5 miles and walked some (see I told you I wasn’t feeling it!).
Breakfast: When I got back home I didn’t even wait to shower and cracked open a box of my new cereal. I had a mix of cereals with milk and a PB naner.
This is kind of gross to admit, but I’ve been getting super sweaty in my sleep lately. I think it’s because we got a fancy down comforter as a wedding gift and it’s a little too warm to use it yet. Anyways, all this night time sweat is making me dehydrated. So I am going to keep track that I’m drinking at least three bottles of water everyday. Sometimes dehydration makes you hungry and we don’t want that!
You have a little bit of time left to enter my 1001st post give away!!!
We all have down days, but congrats for staying positive and for making yourself go on your run. I bet you felt much better afterward. P.S. I am giving away two breast cancer awareness prize packs on my blog: http://lovinlosing.com/.
That very same jealousy is what helps me to keep it movin’! I am motivated by seeing other people around me do well, and it makes me want to strive for more. I suppose that some would look at this like a competition, but for me, it’s more of a reminder to never let myself become stagnant in life.
The hardest part for me is self-doubt, but I’ve started to come to terms with the fact that you can’t achieve your dreams unless you are willing to jump in with both feet. I also have to remind myself that there’s no reason to be jealous of others–they face the same struggles that I do.
p.s…you’re trying hard in everything that you do–your hard work is going to pay off, don’t worry. =) Just be patient.
love that phrase! definitely going to have to start using it. and i commiserate with the sweaty sleeping. fall is such a tough time for me to decide what kind of covers i need! and definitely contributing to my dehydration in the morning as well
Ewww! I sweat in my sleep too! It’s so gross, and it makes you feel so gross.
I know exactly what you’re talking about. It’s hard for me not to get jealous of people who are hitting major milestones in their life and I feel like I’ve been in the same place forever. Try as I might, I feel so stuck. But I am doing something about it and making an effort to change this. I’ve also adopted a more positive attitude and started writing down what I’m grateful for every day to keep me motivated to stay positive.
“Just because someone is planning their dream wedding doesn’t mean someone special isn’t waiting for you” This sentence hit home for me because I feel like all my high school friends are getting married and having kids and I’m stil single. I know he’s out there it’s just a matter of finding him (before I croak)!
I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I find it really hard to not be jealous of others’ success. That usually happens when I’m really down though. I always tend to take for granted when things are looking up. I’ve been trying to keep that in mind lately.
Great post! I have to keep reminding myself to just be the best person I can be and not to compare myself to others. The blogging community is a great resource and support system, but I think it can be dangerous to some people when they try to run as many miles as someone who’s been running for years or when they restrict their food intake to match another blogger and end up in a major calorie deficit. It’s great that you’re not only reminding yourself that all flowers bloom, but putting it out there for others to take into consideration. Thank you!
I was not “feeling” the run today either. I think it’s just one of those gloomy days where you have to reward yourself for getting up and out there
The first paragraph is exactly what I’m trying to tell myself all the time: stop comparing myself to others that perform WAY better (I even thougt, “damn, Runeatrepeat runs a marathon faster than me” a while ago ;-)) but screw that! I’m doing the best _I_ can and that’s it!
I love that – “let all flowers bloom”. 🙂 I’ve been experiencing some of the same issues lately. Many good things have happened to my friends, but at a time in my life when I just needed one good thing to happen, anything, it’s hard to not be jealous. Fortunately some areas in my life are moving in the right direction, and even if a friend wants and achieves the same thing I want, I’m learning that everyone deserves good, everyone deserves to be blessed and to just be happy for them. 🙂
Great post, friend!
I love the first paragraph! I think we all feel a bit ‘jealous’ sometimes or experience ‘the grass is always greener.’ At, least I know I do. Thanks for reminding me to have a better outlook today.