Hello! How are you? I had a great weekend because my only friend Skinny Runner flew down from Alaska to visit me! (And maybe do a few others things, but I think it was mostly for me.)
We used to take afternoon walks and drink champagne – now I am the fifth wheel at mommy dates with fries and Dr. Pepper.

Our little meet up was really fun though. I think SR is the glue that held our group together and now we’re all just going to be sad and lonely and eating cold fries we find at the bottom of our purses…. oh, is that just me?
I am going to share some of the life hacks I discovered this weekend with you. Learn from my mistakes. Take what you need, leave what you don’t…
Life hack: Make a friend so that someone can tell you when you put your shirt on inside out.

Life hack: When you run with a friend who is faster than you just keep asking them questions so they have to talk while you try not to hyperventilate.

Life hack: Chill out more.

Lie hack: Check yourself – literally…

Life hack: Put Chick-fil-a sauce on everything savory. It’s so good on fries, toast, salads, chicken fingers, sandwiches…

Life hack: Get your lil brother involved in cooking by having him read the recipe to you. (We made a delicious Blue Apron meal!)

Life hack: Grow your own avocados because they cost like 27 dollars each. (Just keep them away from dogs.)

Life hack: Protect your heart.
( Someone left a comment on my Instagram with Proverbs 4:23, I didn’t know that was from the Bible and thought it was extra special. )

Prov 4:23 – “Above all else, guard your heart for everything you do flows from it.”
I feel like I read that at first and assumed it was about protecting your heart from someone who might hurt it. But after reading the verse I think it could be more that you should protect your heart from anger, hate, fear… anything that will have a negative affect on how you live, how you treat yourself and how you treat other people.
Life hack: Don’t get your headphones tangled up in your necklace (because suddenly you want to be cool and wear jewelry). My head phones magically wrapped themselves around the necklace 22 times and created a knot harder to crack than an iphone code.

Life hack: Try everything at Souplantation to get your money’s worth. Then, go back for more blueberry muffins because they are so amazing.

Life hack: Be pizza, eat pizza, love pizza.

(this is a gift from Skinny Runner, she gets me)
love those life hacks, especially the chick fil a sauce one, that stuff is so good!!! life hack…pet more puppies, they make you smile, smiling give you endorphin’s, endorphin’s make you happy…happy people just dont kill their husbands…oh sorry that went a little legally blonde at the end there 😉
I miss Soup Plantation soooo much!!!! Get some Super Mex for me too! Oh California food i miss you! I am doing the LB marathon in October and i already know what my first post race meal is across from my grandma’s house along with like the next 15 meals…even though i will only be in town for like 10 meals……LOL. Not that the Portland area doesn’t have great food, it does, I just miss the food from growing up.
I loved your interpretation of that quote! We have them all over DC too.
I wish on the Avocados! Not happening in GA. So a $1 each it is 🙁
I ran a half marathon yesterday. I had a goal of finishing between 2:10 and 2:15. I finished in 2:13. 🙂
And I ate a blueberry donut afterward that was so yummy!
I did not exercise at all. I made chili, corn bread and molasses cookies and then brought a meal or two over to a friend that just had hip surgery. (Her hubby was most thankful!)
I ate a lot and now I am ready to tackle the “better eating wagon” again today!!
OOOOHHHH, and I read a very disturbing but interesting article about a local man’s spring break trip to MEXICO!!! UGH!!! SCARY!!! I may never vacation there again…if you are curious and have a few extra minutes check out the link to the article on my blog…