The summer after high school I became vegetarian (and vegan for a bit). Since then I was 90% vegetarian until last January when I decided to try and increase my protein intake (yes, I realize you can do that without animal products I chose not to for many reasons we’ll talk about it later).
Anyways, I have been vegetarian longer than not, so my best dishes are veggie ones. I think the best dinner I can make is an Asian stir-fry. I make it different every time but it always has – tofu, veggies and a sauce.
Today I used Nasoya’s Sprouted tofu plus. The company sent me coupons to try their products.
I realized after taking this picture that it is technically expired. If I die before I wake, please God step on the brake!
I stir-fried the veggies and tofu with coconut oil. Then, added a sauce of soy sauce, PB, agave and chili.
This is my favorite dinner at home!
My sweet tooth will not be stopped, but I don’t have any ‘real’ treats. I made due with this Crunch bar I got from the race. It’s good, but I still need to find the world’s best chocolate chip cookie!! I’m thinking about holding a Best Choc Chip Cookie contest where you send me your baked goods and I judge the winner. Chubby? Genius? Yes.
If you like tofu and/or want to learn more about how to cook it check out their Tofu U site. You can take their tofu pledge and get a coupon.
Giveaway: Nasoya is giving one lucky RER reader 5 free products and a t-shirt!
To enter: Leave a comment with your signature dish. *This giveaway is closed.
Contest open to US residents only. Ends 12/13/11 4pm PST.
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Regular cookie base with butterscotch and Oreos 🙂
mmm tofu with peanut sauce & roasted veggies! love me some tofu!
I looove tofu! I think I’m known for my love of kale and other green veggies, and I suppose my ‘signature dish’ would have to be those (kale, broccoli, and asparagus, usually) sauteed with a kind of protein (tofu, beans, sometimes fake meat). I use soy sauce, garlic, chili powder, and cumin to flavor. So good!
I don’t really have a signature dish…yet. But I like to bake!
baked tofu – recipe from a Moosewood cookbook – can’t go wrong!
Recently made a sweet potato and spinach stew that was off the hook. I used garlic, crushed tomatoes, onions and spices (love it HOT) as well as a can of Margaret Holmes Hoppin’ John which contained black eyed peas because I didn’t have a can of pinto beans.
I think my signature dishes might be oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies =) If we’re talking dinner food, then a modified version of Rustic Cabbage from the Kind Diet, yum!
Have you tried Pioneer Woman’s chocolate chip cookie recipe? Best. Ever.
My best dish is probably veggie lasagna, but I tend to do a lot of stir-fries too!
I don’t think I have one that isn’t sweet. I make a lot of baked tofu and roasted veggies though!
My signature dish is vegetarian chili…yum! 🙂
My signature dish is usually any sort of mix that includes a grain (brown rice, quinoa), veggies, chickpeas, and whatever sauce I decide to mix it up with! Pretty simple!
hmmm signature dish?? ive been makin some mean enchiladas lately…for parties, ive also made a brie dish…take the brie, cover it with apricot jam, then with crescent rolls..then bake it..its amazing!!
Ok, so this might be sort of a lame-o signature dish, but I can make a mean omelette!
stir fry 🙂
I don’t have a signature dish but I am often asked to bake something. I like to come up with my own muffin recipes and they are usually a hit.
I make bomb mango and black bean salsa! Reading these makes me want to cook more 🙂
Love Nasoya. We use Nasoya Light Tofu weekly in our house. My go to signature with it is stir fry- much like yours! Veggies, tofu and sauce (usually I mix tahini and soy sauce). We eat it almost every Friday because it’s quick, easy and tasty.
Oh this looks really delish! My signature dish would probably be my artisan bread!
We enjoy Stir fry we make it once a week it’s just so yummy. Even my one year old loves tofu so we are always making something with it.
Baked lemon garlic tilapia on top of rice.
I feel like all I ever make at home are stirfrys! But I also make a lot of good soups!
i don’t necessarily have a signature dish, but my signature baked good is cookie dough cupcakes
I love to make buffalo tofu wraps!!
I tried tofu salad (like egg salad) and made a tofu salad sandwich, and it was pretty amazing!
Broccoli Cheese Soup (You didn’t say it had to be healthy!) 🙂
I like pan frying the tofu in cubes, and then drizzling it w/ home made peanut sauce (peanut butter, brown sugar, garlic, soy sauce).
My favorite tofu dish is tofu salad (like egg salad) – so easy and yummy!
My signature dish is a black bean and quinoa salad. YUM.
Tofu Pad Thai. Hands down.
I just so happened to make the BEST chocolate chip cookies yesterday! I could be persuaded to fedex you some! 🙂
My signature dish is, chili 🙂 and carnitas. I eat meat (and love it) but i love Tofu too- crispy 🙂
Ooh, I’d love to try Nasoya tofu! I usually just buy the cheapest brand at the grocery store, but I’ve heard Nasoya’s is really good!
My signature dish is realllly complicated: ground turkey, broccoli, marinara sauce. mmm.
my signature dish is actually a dip…. for some reason, my family thinks I’m the ground sausage/rotel/cheese fairy because according to them, nobody else seems to make a queso dip that compares to mine…. thinks nobody else likes to make it, and thats about all there is to it 🙂
My signature dish is pan seared bacon with butter beans and greens! Awesome Giveaway!
Hmmm probably soba noodles with spicy peanut sauce. Mmmm
A quick and easy channa masala.
I love making stir frys!!
I love to make a “green curry” thai dish..super easy! Just put tofu cubes, and any veggies you like in a skillet. Then add Trader Joe’s Green Curry Simmer Sauce. Yummmmm.
Signature ‘fu dish: BBQ ‘fu salad
Signature non fu dish: Corn chowder
Salsa chicken! Perhaps salsa tofu too?
I’m a plain jane when I cook for myself at home. I love using grilled chicken, buffalo sauce, and greek yogurt to make buffalo chicken salad and put that on nice bib lettuce to make lettuce wraps.
I also make a mean stir fry…sometimes I feel like I could eat it 7 nights a week.
I use tofu on my pizza! Soo good with cheese and veggies and a flat crust ! It is my signature dish!
My signature dish is a risotto with asparagus, mushrooms, peas, and a ton of other veggies. I sometimes even add in shrimp or chicken sausage (for my boyfriend). It takes forever to make and requires a lot of attention (constantly adding in vegetable broth) but its so worth it!
Hmm…I’m not sure if it’s my signature dish, but we do end up eating it at least once a week: potato and broccolini casserole! I base it off of Susan’s dish at FatFree Vegan Kitchen, which uses silken tofu. So good! It’s sort of like a vegan frittata to me!
My signature dish is probably my margarita bars! They’re like lemon bars, but made with margarita mix. Everyone requests them when I come to a party 🙂
My very first tofu dish is great for someone who is scared to try tofu. You just slice it pretty thin, coat it in your favorite BBQ sauce, and roast it in the oven. I put extra BBQ sauce on the side for dipping and serve it was roasted potatoes and broccoli. Even non-vegetarians will like this.
My favorite though is chili. Just crumble tofu and cook it like you would ground beef and throw it in a pot with beans, water, and seasoning and let it simmer for a few hours. (Or use a crock pot if you have one.)
Chickpea tacos! And for winter holiday parties, mushroom and onion stuffed brie
My signature dish is definitely my mom’s eggrolls!
I also love to make tofu like you do in an asian stirfry. So good and so versatile!
My signature dish is chili. My friends make fun of me because they know that’s what I will bring every single time to a potluck 😉
I make awesome cookies. My friends always ask me to make them for them! My two best are sugar cookies and chocolate chips (I’m pretty sure mine are the worlds best fyi!)
I need to try them to be sure 😉
My best tofu dish is a stir fry like the one you described 🙂 I like to make my sauce with ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut butter, and sriracha.
I’m not sure if I have a signature dish, but I’m always asked to make veggie lasagna at get togethers!
I don’t think I have one but I have one friend who always wants me to make a grilled cheese when visiting so maybe that’s it!
My signature dish is my chili cheese appetizer. I’ve made it vegetarian and vegan. Cream cheese, chili, and topped with cheese in the microwave for 5 minutes, served with tortilla chips… delicious and doesn’t last for long at family parties! 🙂
Salsa chicken..simple, easy, fast.
I actually already won a giveaway from them (so don’t pick my entry!), but I do love my Mafo Doufu – a tofu-filled dish from the Szechuan region in China. It’s spicy! and so full of flavor!
i make an awesome tomato soup! my fave dish w/ tofu though is cormeal crusted tofu w/ sweet and sour sauce. i serve w/ steamed broccoli, quinoa, & sesame seeds.
My signature dish is tofu lasagna. Nom nom nom! 😀
My signature dish is probably my quinoa salad. So good.
not really a dish but every time I attend a party im always asked to bring a dessert specifically my cookies !
Turkey meatloaf or like you said, tofu stir fry!
Signature dish? HA!…um chili? Travis likes my chili.
My signature dish… does pizza count? as in, pizza I pick up from the place across the street?
I am a vegetarian though and love tofu!
I love adding tofu to pizza!! 😀
My signature dish is eggplant with a walnut garlic sauce. Yum!
I make a pretty mean “chipotle” burrito for my boyfriend. I think he would eat them everyday if I let him!
I really want to try to incorporate tofu more into my cooking, but I’m nervous to mess it up! My signature dishes are usually baked goods. My banana bars/bread are gobbled up in record time usually. I love to experiment with quinoa and veggie dishes of late though. I’m usually the only one to eat them, but oh well…more for me!
My signature dish would be tofu on my salad for dinner or lunch!
we make a dish that my partner called “Yogi’s Special” growing up. When I first heard of it, I was very skeptical, but it is SO good that we eat it almost once a week. It’s a stir fry that always has veggies and tofu, but the “sauce” is soy sauce and a LOT of cumin. You put the stir fried veggies over Near East Rice Pilaf …stay with me … and top it all with a bit of shredded cheddar. I swoon over this dish. Trust me. Try it once!!
My signature tofu dish would be my buffalo baked tofu, and let’s be honest, add buffalo sauce to anything and it would be delicious.
I like tofu in any chinese dish!
Hey Monica! My signature dish is definitely also an asian stir fry. I always change what is in it, but usually a base of broccoli, peas, bean sprouts, onion, tofu, and cashews (plus soy sauce, garlic and onion powder, and chili flakes).
My signature dish…egg beaters, black beans, spinach, salsa paired with wheat toast and peanut butter. It’s my go-to lunch.
hmmm… my signature dish? maybe my key lime habanero cheesecake (with dark chocolate graham cracker crust!) or my moroccan wheatberry salad 🙂
I get a little intimidated by tofu (I know I shouldn’t) but my favorite dish to make with Tofu is pineapple fried rice. OMG, it’s amazing. I should actually blog about that dish… Thanks for motivating me to use Tofu more.
My signature dish is channa masala! Delish!
I’m a terrible cook, but one thing I do really well is casseroles. Especially sweet potato.
My go-to dish sometimes is chicken parmesan!
Signature tofu dish? Tofu burritos! Crumbled tofu cooked with onions and spices in a big flour tortilla. Mmm….
Signature dish – my hubby would say my apple pie. I however love my home made enchiladas. (I am more for the savory vs sweet). Tofu is a staple in our fridge – I use it in sweet and savory dishes and would love to try the sprouted variety!
I love making meatless lasagna (spinach/mushroom)! It is sooo good.
My signature dish is chocolate chip cookies. No joke. I make the world’s best! (With or without bacon in them.)
I should be the judge of this…
I’m definitely still learning in the cooking department, but I can make a pretty good eggplant parmesan!
Way to go on the yoga!!! I keep saying I need to go, and I know I need to go…I just can’t get my ass moving. I have a love hate relationship with it. I love the results, but I hate how slow it is. ADD much! Haha.
My signature dish is wheat penne, sweet potato (cut up), tomatoes, broccoli, extra firm tofu, atop spinach. Thennnnnrushed red pepper flakes on top!
I always press it and bake it then add it to a stir fry. It comes out the consistency of the fried tofu you get at Thai take-out places!
Sounds like you, me and Tori are on the same page – I do pretty much the same! Broccoli slaw (or whatever veggies I have laying around), a throw-together sauce (or peanut sauce if I have it), stir fry it up and put it over brown rice.
But my signature dish? Grilled cheese sandwiches. My mom says I make the best ones hands down. 😀
My signature dish BBQ pasta, which is a riff on baked ziti. I can cook more elaborate things, healthier things, and prettier things, but people always request BBQ pasta!
I am not sure why I didn’t catch you were vegetarian. However this is good, because I want to know amounts of sauce you put in your recipe, (esp peanut butter). I love peanut noodles and would love to be able to cook something up that tastes similar at home.
If I knew how the oatmeal chocolate cookies from Potbelly would travel, I would totally send you some.
I make a great vegetarian chili in my crock pot!
My ‘signature dish’ (by which I mean the only thing I can make that people actually like) is mushroom risotto- its lovely and creamy etc but fresh made and I limit the cream etc so its not as bad for you as some packaged ones are. That said, I reckon waitrose (a big posh supermarket chain we have in the UK) still does a better one… Im not a talented cook!
The signature dish doesnt need to involve tofu does it? I do know how to cook with tofu but I would say that the risotto is my ‘signature’!
No, it doesn’t have to include tofu 🙂
i love fried tofu with soy sauce. simple
I’m working on my signature dish-recent faves have been quinoa stuffed acorn squash, stuffed baked potatoes, and all kinds of brussel sprouts!
My signature dish is definitely pancakes! Any kind. I’m on it.
My signature dish is my Cranberry Chicken. It’s so easy but so flavorful. Pair it with some yellow jasmine rice for extra deliciousness!
How was the Crunch bar (picture?) – haven’t had one so curious if they are filling/tasty.
For the best choc chip cookie recipe, the Mrs. Field’s Cookie Book has a great one – you might be able to find a used copy, not sure if they are selling new anymore.
I think it’s their best flavor! A little softer than the Nature Valley bars too 🙂
I love tofu stir fry. It is so versatile with any kind of sauce.
The other night I marinated some tofu and cooked it on the Foreman grill, it was really tasty and had a nice grilled texture. I joked around and said it was a tofu steak (but I was the only one that thought it was clever!)
My signature dish is also a baked good – snickerdoodles!
My favorite tofu dish is similar to yours. It tends to be really kitchen sink to use up everything in the fridge, but I take half empty PB jars add some soy sauce, sesame oil, apple cider vinegar, ginger, garlic powder, onion powder and salt. It makes almost a whole jar of sauce when I’m done, and I dump it on everything I make with tofu.
hmm…i made a pretty mean savory oatmeal for breakfast this morning. oats, an egg white, black beans, red pepper sauce, oregano, basil, garlic powder, and nutritional yeast. don’t cook for others much, so my “signature” dishes according to friends are probably baked goods. 🙂
I like tofu with eggs, in a taco, or with green beans. Ohh I love it with hot sauce too.
I don’t have much of a signature dish, but when I’m short on time I always make a stir fry. Some veggies, protein (tempeh or tofu), and some type of sauce.
My fave tofu dish is, of course, stir fry! We will usually marinade the tofu in some sort of sauce and then we bake it. They turn into little tofu fries… and confession: not much actually make it into the stir fry because we have a grazing problem! Nom nom nom!
My signature dish would have to be my green bean tomato stirfry.
My signature dish is fondue! A blend of cheeses, with homemade bread and other goodies for dipping!
I love to make tofu, cashew, & broccoli w/ soy and sweet chili sauce. So simple, so good!
I wouldn’t mind some free soy stuff 😉 Fave signature dish? Coconut Curried tofu – so dang good and so easy to make!
I bet Ben would LOVE that dish!
My boyfriend claims I make the best lasagna. I like that its super easy to make with or without noodles by substituting eggplant. I’d love to try and make Ge sauce with tempeh or tofu instead of wastage and ground beef. I’d assume the only difference would e marinating the tofu/tempeh first an making sure I compensate the seasonings for what the meat brings to the dish.
My signature dish is ‘burrito bowls.’ Rice, black beans, corn, salsa and whatever else I have on hand. Sometimes they turn out really fancy, sometimes really basic. But always extremely delicious.
My second go to after ‘burrito bowls’ would definitely be tofu. I just broiling it with a sauce (peanut or teriyaki) and eat it plain, over rice, or on salad.
Lately I’m obsessed with chocolate tofu pudding!
I have never cooked tofu before but my signature meatless dish is my spaghetti squash lasagna with lots of added veggies instead of meat! yummm
I love using tofu in smoothies, it gives it a nice texture!!