I’m really trying to get my life house in order before the end of 2011. Ben and I have lived here for a year now and there are still some fix-it projects that need attention. Right now I’m eyeing a new ceiling fan, but am not sure if we should just replace it with a “normal” light. Thoughts?
At this point I am not even trying to change it up for lunch. This is what I love.
For those that have asked, I eat some kind of carb with lunch every day. I usually have a piece of bread or crackers while putting lunch together so you never see a picture of it. Today I snacked on half a sesame bagel with that amazing green sauce (the secret ingredients are mayo and crack).
Since I am trying desperately to kick my diet soda obsession I have been searching for other liquid options to chug. I don’t want to become a complete borracha so I’ve tried to stay away from vodka. (At least for the time being.)
Luckily, I love iced tea and Mighty Leaf sent me a big stash of it a few weeks back!
I tried the Sunburst Green Tea today, but the Ginger Peach is also calling my name.
And the Mighty Leaf people want to share the love too! You can win a box of each of the four new iced new teas AND the Bodum Iced Tea Pitcher!
I’m sad they didn’t send me that pitcher – I want one too!
If you love iced tea, Leave a Comment with how you enjoy your tea (hot, cold, sweet, spiked…). Contest ends Monday (tomorrow) 10am PST.
I like hot and cold tea but without sugar!
Hi Monica! I love reading your blog =] I love iced tea plain or with a little splenda!
Love hot tea in the winter!
Iced tea with splenda!
I love my tea hot, with honey. Even in the summer!
Summer is defined by ice cold black tea! There’s nothing better than sitting outside on a patio with an iced tea!
Monica! I obsessively read your blog every (multiple times) day. I am always nervous to post bc I am afraid that I will say something stupid haha. BUT this giveaway is too good not to respond to! I am definitely a massive tea addict. I drink it ALL DAY at work! My favorite is mixing teas (like combining passion, lemon ginger, and green) or drinking it ice cold with lots of fresh squeezed lemon and/or fresh mint leaves! It’s so refreshing and simultaneously keeps me feeling alert and prevents me from mindlessly munching!
Hi Jen,
Ha! Please don’t be nervous to post – I love hearing from my peeps 🙂
I like my tea iced with no sweetener.
Addicted to cold unsweetened iced tea! Actually just demanded my husband pick some up for me after his golf game ( :
Iced iced baby 😀
i might be too late…but i love my tea hot or iced — but never sweet. and my favorite is mighty leaf vanilla bean. to die for. perhaps literally.
Iced tea is my drink of choice!
I love hot tea, with Half and lemon and truvia 🙂
i love my tea brewed in the sun and served chilled over ice {in the summer} and warm with honey in the winter 🙂
I love hot herbal tea with nothing added!
I enjoy my iced tea cold and sweet!
I love my tea icy cold and sweet! (or mixed with lemonade and vodka…)
I love my tea sweet!!!
I like my tea in the form of sweet tea vodka.
i love my tea HOT! but considering that I live in arizona I should probably give iced tea a chance 🙂
I like my tea free! 😉
I am obsessed with tea!! I am drinking some right now!! I love black, green, oolong all of them!! Iced is my favorite with a little honey.. YUMMY!!
Iced in the summer and hot (with cream) in the winter!
I’m a southern girl so I love my iced tea super sweet. But, when I drink hot tea (green and white peach) I love adding just a little bit of raw honey.
I like my tea best hot. Had a cup of echinacea yesterday before the best wedding iveever been to, and will have to chug throat coat all day today so I can speak at work tomorrow!
I like my tea on the rocks. No sugar or anything added.
I like my tea HOT and BEIGE (ie loads of cream and sugar in there), sitting alongside some sort of pie, or cake…or pancakes. Hey, I won’t discriminate with my baked goods!
Addicted to sweet tea!
ice, ice, ice! Loooove a chilled cup with a squeeze of something citrus to bring the tea to life! 🙂 also love bodum and love running too!!
I think it depends on the season for me. I love peach iced tea in the summer and hot vanilla chai spiced tea in the winter.
Iced tea is the best, I make sun tea on my courtyard…
In an Arnold Palmer, of course – iced and mixed with lemonade 🙂
Oooh! I love iced tea, lightly sweetened with some sort of fruit flavor (lemon will suffice, but it is probably boringest).
I love my sweet tea with tons and tons of ice!
Very nice, i suggest webmaster can set up a forum, so that we can talk and communicate.
Hooray foe giveaways!
I love iced tea, extra ice, unsweetened.
Mmm I love hot English breakfast tea in the mornings, but during the day I’ll drink hot or iced tea. I’m not a soda drinker and I don’t like water, so tea is my constant companion in any form I can get it!
I drink iced tea everyday unless it’s really cold out, then I drink my tea at room temp. I love herbal iced tea!
This is my first time reading your blog! I have spent the past 3 hours reading! I love it and can’t wait to read more! Thanks for being a inspiration and showing that you can eat healthy but still induldge! Also for the tea challenge – I like hot tea and iced teas just depends on the temps in MN! I prefer unsweetened but will have sweet tea as a treat on a really warm day!
I enjoy tea year round. My favorite is sun tea lightly sweetened. Yu have a great give away and I need a new tea pitcher mine just cracked a couple days ago.
I definitely like my tea unsweetened, and usually warm (not scalding!).
I must say I don’t like iced tea but my MIL loves it! She loves sun tea and cold iced tea.
Bagged! 😉 Get it?
Okay that was wrong of me!! Definitely hot- green is the best! 🙂
Do NOT get rid of the Fan! I know that some people might not want to replace a fan, but in terms of resale value, Fans are often preferred by purchasers as it allows you to keep the air off a little more! 😀
I would LOVE this! I drink so much tea so I NEED this.
Warm green tea everyday 3 times a day… 🙂
I love all sorts of tea all sorts of ways, but iced is probably my favorite. Preferably with about a pound and a half of sweetener in it. You know how people are supposed to be 80% water? I like to joke that I’m 80% aspartame. True story.
I love my tea iced! The peach sounds really good!
I hate the look of ceiling fans, but they do keep a room cool in the summer time. I wish I had one in my upstairs bedroom.
I love my tea cold, with tons of ice. So refreshing on a hot summer day!
I’ve from the south so uh sweet tea is MA LYFE. hahaha
I want! I LOVE Ice tea!
I love tea – recently it’s been iced (sometimes spiked!), but hot in the winter!
I love my tea iced, drink tea at least twice a day!
i like peach iced tea, or hot vanilla chai tea with milk when it’s cold!
I love hot tea! But I like iced tea as an alternative to soda when I want something more tasty than water.
I also found you through Janae’s blog. And I say perfect timing because I do love sweet iced tea! And pitchers.
Also, mu husband and I have lived in our house for seven years and there are still things that need done. (Maybe it would just be easier to move?)
I drink tea every day! With breakfast. I make 2 pitchers to keep in the fridge. I use regular plain tea, boil water, let it steep overnight and then mix with water and Put in fridge. No sugar added. Very crisp and refreshing.
i enjoy my tea iced and unsweetened! 🙂
My favorite is iced sweet tea, but I love tea in most of its forms! I’d LOVE that pitcher.
I loooove tea…hot or cold! With lemon, sugar…yum!
I would love to win this to share with my mom. We like iced tea
Seriously, its all I drink besides water and green smoothies. Cold in the summer (unsweetened) and hot in the winter (with honey). I could never give up my tea!
Just found your through your guest post on Janae’s blog… I am ver interested in the exercises you were prescribed for your runner’s knee.
I love iced tea…. love to pour strong hot tea over ice.. mmmm
But in cooler, wet weather, hot tea is very comforting.
Nice giveaway… I am a follower now.
I like my iced tea with vodka. (I kid. I kid. Mostly)
I am a fan of iced tea that is lightly sweetened with lemon : )
New reader! Found you through Janae’s blog. : )
I love tea in the winter. Lightly sweetened with honey. Yum!
Hi Jenny 🙂 Welcome!
I’ve been on a huge tea kick this summer and have been drinking it cold every day, but I’m a long-time hot tea drinker in the fall and winter. Nothing is more cozy than a hot cup of tea!
nothing better on a hot summer day than a nice cold ice tea with lemon wedges!
I rarely had kool-aid as a kid. We drank iced tea in the summer and hot tea all year around. I love blueberry white tea with a packet of Splenda.
I love love love iced tea in the summer! I only drink hot tea when I don’t feel well… or run out of hot cocoa!
My favorite tea is PG Tips with milk, plenty hot. But I also love iced tea!
cold! its best while outside sitting in the park while playing with my friend’s dog
I’m from Alabama – we like it cold and really, really sweet. 🙂
Iced & slightly sweetened with lemon… yum.
iced and sweetened I am also trying to kick the diet habit but still allow myself one a day.
Iced tea only for me.
I love tea and have it any way everyday. I especially love mighty leaf tea. They are the best!
I love both iced and hot tea! It looks yummy!
I love my tea COLD! The peach ginger one sounds amazing.
I love my tea hot and black. My favorite is any green tea or peppermint. I’ve been trying lots of new flavors lately like mango green tea.
oh my goodness i LOVE ICED TEA. much like you, i quit drinking soda maybe four years ago, but mainly because it upset my stomach. iced tea has become my crack drink and i love any flavor, but i’m going to have to say WAWA RASPBERRY ICED TEA is bomb. (Wawa is a convenience store chain in the tri-state area in case you have no idea what i’m talking about. and yes, i like my tea ghetto.)
I love sweetened tea and maybe a splash of bourbon and a touch of mint if the day calls for it. 🙂
I like mine either sweetened a fair bit or not at all, and definitely cold usually. Even when I drink hot tea, I have to let it cool off a fair bit, so it’s never truly “hot.”
Mhmm tea>coffee any day!
When I lived down south sweet tea was my fav!
Now it depends on my mood, iced tea in the summer, green tea when I wake up, peppermint if I’m sick. And black teas simply must be white & loaded with sugar:)
Awesome! I like Sun tea with a bit of splenda in it
I LOVE tea! I drink a cup or two hot every single morning, and usually make another glass of hot or iced later on in the day. I always drink it plain and unsweetened – except for chai, which I always have to add a splash of milk to!
I like mine nice & cold, with tons of lemon. Can’t do the sweet tea thing
I love iced tea in the summer and hot tea in fall and winter. I have tons of tea and always love trying new flavors! 🙂
I love hot black tea with milk and honey, or any kind of iced tea!!
I love hot tea with honey in my tea cup from Ireland, and iced tea unsweetened with lemon!
I love my iced tea with a whole lot of lemon!
I like my tea HOT! With milk and honey if I’m feeling indulgent 🙂
Passion iced teas from Starbucks are my favorite!!
I live in NC and I love my sweet tea half and half style…half sweet tea and half unsweetened tea! 🙂
Growing up in Georgia, Sweet tea is a staple at every meal. It was soda before soda was cool…minus the fizz.
I like fruity iced teas.
I love hot flavored teas like coconut chai or vanilla rooibos with almond milk, but my husband drinks iced tea every day and would love this pitcher!
I *heart* iced tea! I am from Texas so in my family it’s all about tea for lunch and dinner! When I was little, I loved it when my mom would make ‘sun’ tea (put water and tea bags in a gallon glass container and leave it outside for the sun to heat the water). I do like iced green tea *yum* and I learned how to do a copycat version of the Passion Tea from Starbucks! mmmmm
I love iced tea in summer and hot tea in winter–call me crazy and unpredictable!
I love me some iced green tea w/ a bit of stevia and a splash of cold vanilla soy milk. But I also love fruity teas served hot, so I guess it just depends on the weather.
I definitely love’s me some iced tea. 🙂 With a little bit of sugar.
Long time lurker, first time commenter. Iced tea will always bring me out of my shell! 🙂
I prefer my iced tea green and plain, with a twist of lemon. And my hot tea black, with a splash of milk and a twist of lemon (but if you don’t get the proportions right it curdles, so it’s hard!). Either way, it’s tea every day in this house!
I love that passion iced tea from Starbucks, so refreshing!
I love my iced tea cold and sweet! YUM!
I also had to kick a diet soda habit … it was hard, but I found some awesome replacements. I <3 the burn and the fizz that comes with soda, so I needed something with bubbles. SO, I became a seltzer fanatic! And when seltzer just isn't enough, I add a splash of juice or tea or some kind of flavoring to it. It usually does the trick.
I love hot and cold green tea!! today I picked up some apple cider spice tea!
love hot tea in the winter, but lightly sweetened fruity iced tea is good too!
Hot in the morning iced in the evening!!
I love tea unsweetened and iced! Unless it’s cold outside, then it’s warm all the way!
I’m usually a plain jane and go for my tea iced and unsweetened but on a special occasion, Diet Snapple Peach Iced Tea, yum!
Hot tea in the winter months is perfect to stay warm and cozy. But I can’t deny my love for flavored cold teas in the warm months too! A toss up!
I love iced tea, green tea & hot tea. In my younger years I enjoyed my share of long island iced teas 🙂
I love tea of any kind, but my favorite is black tea steeped in almond milk with honey. Delicious!
I love iced tea, any kind! Although I do like hot tea in the fall and winter as well. Any any spiked tea is good, hot or cold…haha.
I love any and all iced tea as long as it’s before 3:00 p.m. This has become my bewitching hour. Any caffine after that point and I’m up for the night. Since I am an early morning riser/exerciser this has become a real problem : (
I love all tea and of course spiked but on a day to basis I like it hot in morning and iced in afternoon and hot again at in the evening
I love iced tea & hot tea. Anything with ginger!! During summer I switch from iced coffee to iced tea after 2PM.
I love my tea cold with a lot of lemon….aahh! when you live in Georgia, it’s not possible to drink hot tea. Ill sweat to death 🙂
Love your blog — look forward to your posts everyday!
I have always loved unsweetened iced tea and try to brew it at home when possible. My husband is also trying to cut out diet soda which is great, only problem is now we go through twice as much iced tea ;).
I loveloveloveee tea! I enjoy it chai style with a splash of almond milk.. Perfecto 😀
I love iced tea!!! but green tea is great too!
I love all kinds of tea, both hot and cold, hold the sugar since I can’t stand Sweet Tea. Although during winter my favorite warm drink is a Mocha Chai. Concentrated Chai tea, milk, and a spoonful of Drinking Chocolate Mix.
i SOOO want to win this giveaway! my bf and i both drink iced tea every morning and it is so hard to find cold brew tea packets! ideally we would brew a big pitcher at the beginning of every week and bring it to work but i can’t find them in stores 🙁 i guess i should order these if i dont win, it’s worth it to save the $2/day from dunkin donuts!
Love iced tea – when I am lazy, love the $1.00 large McDonald’s unsweetened ice tea with two packs of splenda. But hate the Wendy’s $1.00 large – weird. I guess I am picky with my cheap fast food ice tea.
I love iced tea!
I love iced green tea! It’s my favorite!
I love all forms of tea, so it just depends on the season. In the summer it’s cold, the rest of the year it’s hot…although I do tend to drink more in the cooler months 🙂
I love iced green tea with honey to give it a little sweetness!! 🙂
I love love love iced tea! (and go through hot tea phases). These look amazing!!!
-in terms of the fan I would keep a ceiling fan…unless you never use it..and then I would just get a light 🙂
I love my tea iced and sweetened! Delicious!
Right now I’m loving iced tea… but nothing better than a hot toddy come winter!
I love iced peppermint tea! So refreshing!:-)
Mmmm…definitely ICED!
I love iced tea unsweetened and my husband likes it sweet so we always have two containers in the fridge. He says I make make it better so I’m always making it! Hmmm…
I love, love, love iced tea. I could drink 3 venti sized glasses a day and have!
ooo…how about thai iced tea? the one with sweetened condensed milk 🙂
Cold and sweet with a TON of ice!
I LOVE cold iced tea, with fresh lemon and mint!!! I also love iced green tea..in fact I’m going to make some right now…
Right now I’m loving iced rooibos tea!
My favorite is iced tea! Love it.
Ohhh, Iced is my favorite. Always. But there is always room in my heart for sweet tea vodka!
I love tea of any kind. I’m still a coffee lover but have been drinking tea like it’s going out of style. Love your blog by the way.
i enjoy hot tea! I love it in the winter especially. I also like how it helps curb my sugar cravings.
I love my tea iced!!
I was never huge on tea– but now I’ve come to like fruity teas, especially iced ones in the summer, and warm in the winter! I’m also not a huge coffee fan, so it’s another option for me at breakfast time
If I’m home, I’ll make my tea hot (my favorite right now is a green mojito blend) and add a little stevia. If I’m out, and there’s unsweetened iced tea available (especially if it’s fair trade), I’ll snag some of that…and add a little stevia.
Sweet Tea of any kind is awesome, but esp. with peach! (also, Sweet Tea vodka is nice… 😉
Depends on the time of year: summer time, I’m chugging unsweetened iced tea like a champ. Winter time, I’ve been known to make a mug of tea that holds approximately 32 ozs.
i love a hot cup of tea! my favorite tea is a japanese tea made with green tea and brown rice. i have at least 2 cups a day!
Lurve it!!! cold hot semi-sweet you name it!Godd luck with kickin’ the soda habit!
I went cold turkey on the Diet Coke. I could easily drink a 12pk a day. I drink iced tea (Tejava and lipton cold brew are my favorites) and sparkling water if I want carbonation. I feel much better off the dc and I find that I crave less sweets. Maybe there is a connection?
I like a hot cup of fresh brewed tea, but sun tea in the summer is a close second.
Nothing beats a John Daily 😉
I love hot peppermint tea!
I love my tea hot–no sweetener! I get enough of tea and Mighty Leaf has some pretty good ones!
I love very cold unsweetened iced tea 🙂
I love iced, sweetened and with lots of lemon 🙂
Hi Monica!! I have been reading your blog for months, but just have been too busy to comment. Actually I’m usually pretty intimated to comment on other peoples blogs and not really sure why.
Thank you so much for being such an inspiration to me for running, eating right and such!
I love my iced tea cold and very sweet!!! I hope you have a great Sunday 🙂
I love iced tea, especially with crushed ice. It melts a little faster so that my tea doesn’t water down all at once.
I love tea! I drink my iced tea unsweetened, and my hot tea sweetened. Right now I’m loving Celestial Seasoning’s True Blueberry strong and over ice.
I never start my day without a cup of hot tea. I’m slowly weaning myself off the fake sugar so I’ve really been into light and fruity teas of late.
Yum! I like it cold 🙂
I used to be a huge iced coffee fan with nonfat milk and real sugar but have been off of it for 3 weeks in an attempt to lose those stubborn last 10 lbs. I love vicarously through you instead. 🙂 I’m trying to find an unsweetened iced tea that I’ll like. I’ve never heard of Mighty Leaf. I’m wondering if I can find it in the local Texas grocery stores or if I should head on over to Whole Foods.
I love homemade iced tea cold-brewed with some fresh lemon and mint. Mighty Leaf is one of my favorite brands!
I love iced tea. I generally gulp down half the glass, then refill it with water to dilute the rest.
I love hot tea in the winter and iced tea in the summer. Lightly sweetened. Mmm. Haven’t had spiked tea but want to try the twisted tea vodka. Does that count?
ICY COLD! Lately I’ve been digging iced black tea with a splash of vanilla almond milk. It’s so good!
I love black iced tea mixed with lemonade!
I looove hot tea in the winter. Especially unwinding after dinner, with a cup of bedtime tea.
I feel the same way as you do about ceiling fans. I love what they do but they just look so unattractive! That said, you can find some really nice-looking ceiling fans usually but they tend to be really pricey!
It totally depends on the weather for me. In the summer, I like to make a big jug of iced green tea by steeping my tea in hot water and then letting it cool. I also have a big glass pitcher that I like to make “sun tea” in. You toss 4-5 tea bags into the pitcher full of water and a few lemon slices and leave it out in the sun for the day so that it steeps naturally. So delicious!
In the winter, I’m a big fan of loose hot tea that I can tote with me to class. My boyfriend got me an awesome loose tea mug last year and I use it every day when I’m in school!
PS. I’m from Canada, so if it can’t be shipped to me, feel free to discount my entry. 🙂
I like my tea, like I like my men….HAWT!
I love iced tea! I mix TAZO passion and african red bush together and ice them. Its so refreshing : )
When I am off diet soda, which never lasts long, i drink it both hot and cold. Usually in the summer, i make it hot and add a couple of ice cubes and call that “cold”..cold ish….
I like my tea cold with just a touch of sweetener and a wedge of lemon.
i usually drink my tea warm before bed in the winter!
I used to hate coffee so I became a tea aficionado. I like just about any tea (except peppermint) served hot or cold. No sugar, though – I really dislike sweet tea. I love drinking iced tea in the summer and hot tea in the winter.
mmm! yum! I like it hot! 😉
I’m Spanish and I love it when you throw in some Spanish words here and there 🙂 Borracha! Lolllllll
I love Mighty Leaf tea — they make this African Nectar blend that is insanely good. I love a cup of hot tea after dinner with a little Stevia mixed in. Yum.