Yesterday I went to get my eyelash extensions filled. I’m liking them so far, but I don’t 1000% LOVE them because I can’t really wear eyeliner with them and I like a dramatic eye for nighttime. Anyway. I got the fills and when I got back to my car checked them out in the mirror. Then, I don’t remember if I saw something or felt something but I touched the middle of my ear and felt a moco or something. I was mortified to see a moco stuck to my finger!!!?!?!**!&!^#!! WTH (moco = booger)
How did I get a moco in my ear?
Upon further inspection it was actually a lotion booger. AHHHH!! This is probably one of the few pet peeves I have because I never know what to do with it. And now I have a good reason to not like them. If the eyelash girl saw it she must have thought I had a moco in my ear. That is gross. So gross.

The end.
Specifically the end of my relationship with the eyelash girl because I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want to touch someone with boogers all over.
Monican, get it together. Thanks.

In running and eating news…
I had a hill workout this morning… The first one is usually easy but then it feels like all the earther’s gravity has focused all it’s force on me specifically.

I added broccoli to my breakfast to get in some extra veggies. I also had corn tortillas. I’ve noticed skipping carbs with this meal means I’m hungry again in 28 minutes. This was a good mix of everything and super delicious.

Pears are amazing right now. Eat them.

Some furry lil creature really couldn’t wait to start the Booze Alcohol Calendar…
Vegas either knocked day 6 out of the calendar or it fell out and he attacked it.

I had a talk with him about respecting other people’s things. He looked at me like he cares 0% about anything except turkey.

Seriously, my 12-year-old just came out and told me a story about his social studies teacher wadding up a tissue, digging in her ear, pulling it out to look at it, then SMELLED the ear booger and declared, “Ah, it’s my conditioner,” to the class! About the winners for the last two weeks of POTM, is it some long arduous process?
No, she really did that?
Picking winners isn’t super hard, but it takes a good chunk of time to look up how many, pick a random # in this app thing and then figure out who that goes back to. Then, I email them right away in case they miss the post announcing them.
She really, really did that. I was dying laughing when he told me. She managed to gross out a 12-year-old boy, not an easy task. Thanks for the POTM challenge! It made me set a goal and really motivated me to achieve that goal, also not an easy task! LOL
Can’t say i’d ever heard of the “lotion booger” terminology but I wholeheartedly understand it !!!!!
This is so funny. The lotion booger is a term I must adopt from now on.
– Charmaine
I have never heard of that crusty bit being a “lotion booger” but it totally makes sense. You learn something new every day. 🙂
Serious question here … would you have wanted the eyelash girl to tell you it was there, or just ignore it? It’s like trying to decide to tell someone their zipper is down. Sometimes it’s easier just to ignore it….. Anyway, bahhahaaa!!!! I’m laughing because I too would have been traumatized to find it after the fact.
Yea, Vegas looks like he cares – not! His ears are up, which means he’s at least listening. Just not caring. Or maybe he’s drunk? Cute either way.
What all is on that plate? I see broccoli, but it also looks like cauliflower. Interesting breakfast. 😉
I hate lotion boogers! If I were you, I would go into total denial mode. Never happened. It’s like accidentally farting in public, knowing someone noticed, and vehemently pretending like nothing happened. Is this the mature thing to do? Probably not, but then I never claimed to be mature, right?
I think you’ll survive. Hopefully there won’t be a next time. Wouldn’t want to chance it. 🙂
My leave in conditioner for my hair gets those boogers on the cap. And then when I squeeze hard enough to jar the booger loose the stuff spouts all over the bathroom and makes a mess….not to mention I lose precious ounces of overpriced hair product.
Such struggles!
I wouldn’t sweat the lotion booger. In fact, I’d go back to the eyelash girl and say, “Hey, why didn’t you tell me there was something in my ear?” It’s all good! 🙂
Nah I don’t think so. Your stories from Vegas always crack me up lol. Cats are so funny.