I went shopping for a dress for a wedding I’m attending this weekend and came back empty handed. I did however find this cute pink hat. I love it! I didn’t get it because I wouldn’t actually have anywhere to where it or anything to where it with, but I had to get a pic. I think I should try to bring hats back! I know I’m weird… So, I may have found the secret to staying full with cereal for breakfast. After my 11 mile run on Saturday I wanted cereal. I ate my bowl with half a banana inside the cereal and half on the side with Almond Butter. I was super full afterwards! I know I am supposed to be eating oatmeal everyday per my “Oatmeal Challenge”, but I let myself have whatever my body is craving after a long run. I think that is healthy right? The bad thing about this breakfast is that it adds up to 500 calories when I am trying to keep my breakfast calories to 400. Boo. I don’t know if I should stick to oatmeal (which is 400 the way I eat it) or take 100 cals from lunch or something. I didn’t care about the extra cals after a long run where I probably burned a lot of cals, but going forward I want to watch it.
Now for Monday…
Run : 5.5 miles, good pace – felt good 🙂
Eat: oatbran with soymilk, cinnamon, AB and brown sugar. It was delicious. Too bad we were out of naners, they make oats so much better! I had some grapes for my morning fruit since I missed out on a banana.
Calories: 391, fat: 15.4, protein 17.2
I finally decided to sign up for Fit Day! I have been resisting it because I like to keep track of my eats in a notebook, but I need to watch my calories better if I want to lose weight. I will be posting my calorie counts for a little while so I can get a better idea of what my daily calorie goal looks like versus what I am eating.
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