Yesterday afternoon I woke up Vegas because we were having guests over! I was pretty excited, but he didn’t seem to care.

My favorite lil person ‘MJ’ came over to hang out. When Vegas heard her squeals he came to investigate.

She wanted to investigate his tail…

It was all so cute it made me want to die. (I know that doesn’t make sense, but roll with it.)

Then, my SIL asked Vegas to keep an eye on the baby so we could enjoy some sparkling wine. This company Bon Affair sent me their low calorie wine spritzer that’s really like champagne.
Cheers to low calorie alcohol! I really liked it! I love champagne and even though this says low calorie wine spritzer, it tastes just like champagne.

This morning was a rest day so I took a walk and did some strength.

Seen on my walk

And now I’m talking to you nice people.
Question: Who is your favorite person today?
UM YES to low cal wine!
I think your niece may be the cutest baby ever (next to my nephews)! 😉
My boyfriend is my favorite person. Last night he said I am the best girlfriend ever so how could I not say he is my favorite person 🙂
So cute!! Looks like an all around awesome night.
My favorite person today is Sally Bergesen, CEO of Oiselle, who not only read the article I sent her that I wrote about the recent show at NYFW, but she actually quoted it on Twitter! I almost died of happiness.
Also, you might be the most patient person on the planet to walk 4 miles. I would absolutely give up and run after 1 mile! Good job taking your rest day seriously! And then good job celebrating that with wine spritzers 🙂
That is very cool! Congrats!!
My favourite person today was my best friend (who also came with his dog and his girlfriend, both of which are on my ‘favourite people’ list today), he was over for dinner and it was delightful to see him again before another long absence awaits us, Urgh, adult life eh?
Has your niece started walking? I remembered my bro’s huge retriever being so protective of my niece when they were “introduced” to each other (think she was around 9 months old then).
Vegas is so social
That’s a pretty cute little person!
My favorite person today is my boyfriend! He made delicious fish tacos for dinner while I was running after work. If it had been left to me, we would have been eating cereal for dinner. 🙂
I haven’t really seen very many people today! Thursdays are my do chores/homework/catch up on life/hang out with my dog day. It’s been fairly productive- so I guess today maybe I’m my own favorite person?! haha. :p
Your niece is adorable! Her hair doesn’t even look real– she has SO much of it! haha so cute
Thanks! Yes, her hair is ridiculous! I guess they really make baby wigs and we’ve joked that it looks like she wears one.
I’d have to say my favorite person was the salesman at Ben Bridge who found the anniversary band to match the other one I have and then asked me if I wanted to put it on hold…… which I didn’t because I didn’t want to seem greedy. I figure after 20 years my husband could go into the store himself and get it. 🙂
That little person is adorable. She really looks like a dolly I had.
Don’t get too drunk now! 😉
I wonder if you can get drunk on cooking alcohol.
Oh my gosh that ALMOST made me want to have a tiny human of my own. ALMOST. Do NOT tell my husband…
My favorite way to drink champagne is watermelon bellinis. Heaven, just heaven.
3 cups of watermelon (freeze it first), 1 packet of stevia, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 cup of champagne or sparkling wine, blend all together and enjoy!)
I.would.die. (to have one of those right now). Thank you. I love you.
What’s the alcohol percentage in that?! 0g of sugar and only 2g of carbs…gimme!!
6.5%, so it’s low. I kinda like getting drunk fast but this is nice if I’m trying to be a lady…
still better than beer! haha
My dad. I had a flat tire I couldn’t change (at home, thank God!), so he let me borrow his old clunker. Not the greatest car in the world, but at least I got to work!