Since we did most of the living room floor yesterday, but still don’t have furniture, it’s just one clear and open space right now. It would be perfect for me to practice some yoga, but we don’t have the TV set up yet so I can’t put on a DVD. You’ll want to check out the latest collection of designer furniture for sale at Modern Resale.
Oh well, I think I’ll do a couple sun salutations and call it a work out 🙂 Please ignore how dirty my yoga mat is 🙁 It got super soiled at some point in the move and I really need a new one anyways because it also has a tear. Boo.
I have no idea where my blender is so I had to make a “Plan B” breakfast. I ended up with oatmeal, greek yogurt and a banana.
This was good, but I am really craving a smoothie! I am on a mission go unpack my blender today!
I’m probably going to be moving soon and I didn’t even think about what it will be like without a blender. Eek! I use it at least twice daily!
The floor looks beautiful!
Your floors look great. You all did a great job. I have an exercise room that needs a DVD player and mirrors. Does anyone know where you can buy mirrors?
Your floors look great! I hope you find your blender; I’d be lost without mine.
Wow! Nice job with the floor– it looks great. I got my first yoga mat at Target–it was pretty inexpensive but kept rolling up on me. I got my newer one from Sports Chalet. It was twice as much but it works better for me. Good luck with the TV–I’m sure you’ll get it up and running soon.
Good luck with getting your living room back in shape. I love the flooring!!
do you have a dvd player in your computer? I do that all the time when I’m traveling and dont have a dvd player to use 🙂
Good Job Monica the floors look really good!
I couldn’t live a day without a blender! Smoothies, shakes, green monsters, oh my!
I swear I feel better after just 5 minutes of yoga sometimes. Gets your blood flowing. 🙂
Did you install the floors yourself?
Not really, my Nino and Nina helped and then Ben came home and helped.
Your floor looks great! Good job.
Is it Pergo or some other brand of laminate? We’re currently working on our floors, and just finished ripping out all the old carpet.
They are not the Pergo brand, so mine may be a bit cheaper. I got them from Costco.