Hello! How’s it going? Over here it’s going super great since I got an unexpected chocolate delivery to my door!

The only thing better than friends are friends with chocolate (or wine).
SR was the friend in this case and she invited me to crash her Sonic Happy Hour party. So I threw on my new favorite top – this light long sleeve is perfect for Spring when it’s too warm for a hoodie and went for a lil walk over.

Just your Monican acting normal (for her)…

New Running Workout Playlist for Spring
It is time to update my running playlist with some of the best new songs out right now.

Warm Up:
Style – Taylor Swift <- not super fast, but fun so it gets me in a happy zone and warmed up.
Truffle Butter by Nicki Minaj ft. Lil Wayne and Drake
Shut up and Dance by Walk the Moon <- Just shut it and run.
Heartbeat Song by Kelly Clarkson
I really like you by Carly Rae Jepson
Time of our Lives by Pitbull and Ne-Yo. <- Always run to Pitbull. Or dance.
Uptown Funk – Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars
Cool Down/Stretching:
FourFiveSeconds by Rihanna and Kanye West
Ain’t Worth the Whiskey by Cole Swindell
Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran <- I never like slow songs (they make my stomach upset or something weird, seriously) but I love this song. So romantical.
Lol @ Truffle Butter. I don’t consider myself sheltered or modest but when I first heard the song I looked up the meaning in Urban Dictionary. OMG…
“Outside” from Ellie Goulding and “Elastic Heart” from Sia!
Loving Lampshades on Fire by Modest Mouse. Turned up very loud 🙂 And still enjoying Come With Me Now by Kongos on all of my playlists.
Someone put a link up to what “truffle butter” is- Theres no way I can listen to that song now. And I’m not a prude, haha.
I’ve been listening to the “Rock Anthems” station on iTunes Radio- it’s so good.
I purposely didn’t even address that, but knew someone would mention it. I did not think it would be you though 🙂
It has its fifteen seconds of fame with the kids at our school. I swear, you can take two of the most innocent words, throw them together and… ew.
i just made my Spring playlist too and I have so many of the same songs as you! Two on mine that you don’t have are “I lived” by one republic and “I’m so sorry” by imagine dragon. Love love love them.
I love any Ellie Goulding! Here Comes The Hotstepper and any Bryan Adams songs are some old school favorites, but I love all of the songs you picked too!
Pitbull is one of my favourite singers to run to! I don’t like listening to him at any other time…but for whatever reason while I am running he makes me feel super badass. 🙂
I’ve been on a 30 Seconds to Mars kick for like two years now. “Up In The Air” is my fave. Loud, angry songs make me run faster!
Ooooh I love dove dark chocolate! so good 🙂 My favorite song right now is Honey, I’m good. So upbeat, I love it!
Yep on the pitbull. I’m usually about 6 months to a year behind on getting music on my running playlist so I’m rocking Fireball. 🙂
Ha! I used to be like 2 years behind on music. I’m finally catching up 🙂
I actually don’t listen to music at all when I run. I used to, but now I just run in silence (or with a friend, so lots of conversation hahah)
Once in a while, I will throw Pandora or Songza on, bc I dont like know what song is coming up or even the song itself. But for the most part, I can entertain myself with all my crazy thoughts haha
I seriously ran without music for years! I only finally started when a company sent me an ipod…but now I’m in love with it for long runs.
I never used to like slower songs for running but then I just started putting on Pandora and listening to whatever comes on. The slower songs actually helped me pace myself some bc if I was always listening to super high intensity music I would end up tiring myself out and going crazy. Some days you just need that easy run!
Hi! I’ve been lurking on your blog for a while, and finally decided to come out of the shadows 🙂 Great playlist! I’m always looking for new songs to add. Funny thing about Uptown Funk–I thought it was so dumb the first few times I heard it, but then I realized that I literally cannot keep still when I hear it. Now it’s one of my favorites! Haha.
I totally agree! I didn’t like that song at all until my sister in law sent me a video of my niece dancing to it – now it reminds me of that and I like it 🙂
I’ve really been digging Uma Thurman by FOB and four five seconds with rhianna, kanye and Paul McCartney! I don’t usually listen to music when I run though cuz I’m a big weirdo but sometimes I play songs in my head. (I legit sound crazy now…whoops)
I’m totally legit crazy too 🙂
I’ve really been loving Invincible by Kelly Clarkson, and my old standby is Jump Around by House of Pain (I think of Mrs. Doubtfire EVERY time haha).
I need to look up that song!
It’s true I can always run listening to Pitbull. Great song selections.
Always Pitbull 🙂
I agree with the Pitbull comment. I literally have every single one of this songs on my list, they always get my legs moving (and maybe my hips a little). I also am loving “Geronimo” by Sheppard and “Honey I’m Good” by Andy Grammar. As long as there’s a driving beat, I can get into it.
Beyonce’s 7/11 just gets me moving. Except sometimes I break out in dance and I’m sure that looks odd, but whatever, I’ve never been normal anyway.
Uptown funk is on a loop on my playlist. I can’t get enough of it. 🙂
I also have been listening to a song called ghost by Ella Henderson.