So after breakfast we took a nap – that red eye was rough and I felt super sleepy, but after a long nap I felt so much better 🙂 I snacked on some grapes while checking emails before we left. By then I was super hungry so we stopped at a taco truck for food. I kind of wanted to see if they would have the same kind of stuff that they have in CA. The area that I am from is mainly Mexican and I don’t know much about Puerto Ricans or other Hispanic cultures so I was curious to try a different kind of taco truck. It was pretty much the same as what I’ve had in Cali. We ordered a chicken sope and a chicken quesadilla. I ate less than half of each because that white sauce tasted too much like sour cream and the BF ate the rest. Overall, I would give it a thumbs up though. Food doesn’t have to be fancy to impress me.
After walking around Time Square for a while it started to rain and the BF and I found shelter in the Roxy deli where we had dessert. He got cherry cheesecake.
I got a black and white cookie – I had to! They don’t have this stuff near me 🙂 This thing was HUGE! Seriously. I saved half of it for after dinner and ate some of the BF’s cheesecake too. I actually don’t really like cheesecake – which is weird for someone who likes every other dessert in the world. I wish I liked less things.
Dinner was at Bianca’s – which was a suggestion from Arielle at Couch Cubicle. Good call 🙂 I didn’t take a picture of dinner because it would have been too embarrassing seeing as though we were squeezed in so closely the people sitting to the left and right of me would have been disturbed. Oh well, I have the memories. And of course I finished off the cookie later that night 🙂
I’m glad you liked it! It’s one of my favorites. What did you get?
Also, I had a friend who worked at Google here and I’ve heard it’s AMAZING.