Today I went for a late morning run in Orange County. I’ve heard great things about the Newport Back Bay Loop and have only run to the loop, but not all the way around it.
Bobbi lives an hour and a half inland, but was heading to the OC for some fun today. We decided to meet up and try the Back Bay Loop in Newport for a run and some catch up time!
Running the entire loop is a little over 10 miles, but we did 7 miles and walked 1 to cool down. We are running a local half marathon this weekend and didn’t want to overdo it!

Today was gorgeous! We didn’t start running until about 10am and I was afraid it was going to be too hot. Luckily a strong ocean breeze kept us from overheating

7 miles done and done!

After the run we headed to the obvious choice for some lunch – Whole Foods! The Whole Foods in the Tustin Marketplace really is the best one around.

I headed straight for the hot food bar and got a mish-mash of a bunch of things…
On a bed of spinach I think there was… mushroom lasagna, pastas salad, pineapple fried rice, sweet and sour tofu, a piece of butternut squash enchilada and more. Everything was amazing except the salmon salad, could have done with out that.
I got 2 Zevia sodas because I drink more than Charlie Sheen at an open bar.

It’s already “sit outside” weather in Southern California!

We sat and chatted for a long time after digging into our food too. That means there was room for “dessert”. Today’s lunch dessert was a detox juice. Okay, so it’s not a gooey chocolate chip cookie – but it is still a treat to me!

Now I should really get in the shower since my fellow Whole Foods shoppers were steering their organic produce packed carts far away from me as I was walking around the store. I thought I’d fit in the with all the hairy legged hippies, but apparently I stink too much even for them! Sorry.
The run, the lunch and the girl talk was so much fun today! I love starting the week on a good note like this
Ahh, I used to go to that WF when I worked in Santa Ana. I miss that Tustin area.
my g-ma lives in newport and ive never done this run! wtf. ok, this has to change. i love running in her neighb.
What beautiful weather! I have to shower right after exercising. I can’t stand just standing around in my own sweat. Unless I’m at the gym… Although I have run quick errands after working out and tend to do them as quickly as possible 😉
The photos of Newport look gorgeous. I’ve never run there, so far. Perhaps it’s time? Right on the doorstep too.
darn you American and your whole foods! I miss it 🙁
That salad and juice looks deeelliiiccciiiooouuusss.
Okay, I need to run this loop like twice on Sunday since I have a 21 miler coming up. Where is the “starting” place, exactly? Where can you park? Thanks for posting this, I’m excited!
There are a few different places to park actually. One is the corner of University and Jamboree, another is near University and Irvine Blvd.
Great, thanks!
I was just in Newport Beach this past weekend. Such gorgeous weather! Glad you had a great day…so much more fun to run with friends!
Yum whole foods salad bar! I always spend so much $$ there!
It looks so gorgeous there!! I need a vaca…
Oh my goodness, the weather there looks amazing!! I can’t wait until it is “eat outside” weather where I live!
That is a great way to start the week! I hope that the week goes wonderful for you!
Thanks Michelle. Have a great week!
I wish Whole Foods was closer, I miss their hot foods bar!
I didn’t like Zevia when I tried it. It was too much stevia, not enough flavor for me. Maybe I should try it again.
I love “sit outside” weather! I am hoping it is not too far away for Boston.
I think that’s the best too. I worked just down the street 🙂
FYI, Wednesday’s hot/cold bar is on sale for a whopping $5.99, lol!
I’ve yet to complete the whole back bay too, I’ve started to run it then headed back because it got too hot and I don’t run that far either.
Yeah, I totally told Bobbi about the Wednesday WF deal too! I am obsessed 🙂
LOL – hairy legged hippies 🙂
What a fun run! Jealous of your weather!
I just ran there last week! I didn’t realize it was a whole loop, though. Now I want to do the whole thing! The picture of that hill terrifies me because I am pretty sure that’s the hill we are going to be running UP during OC! Looks deceiving, but it almost killed me last year.
Yeah, I totally crashed when I hit that hill the last time I did the OC.
I absolutely LOVE Newport! We were there for a day when we last visited CA. Gorgeous run.
What a beautiful day! I’m glad you had fun run with Bobbi and a lovely lunch, too. That Whole Foods is beautiful!
Eek, gorgeous weather! This Alabama girl is so jealous.