It rained pretty hard last night and was still sprinkling this morning so the sidewalk was an obstacle course this morning. I was dodging puddles and mud the whole way. It actually was kind of fun 🙂 It kept my mind working and focused on the run the whole time. I actually don’t know how far I went since my Garmin couldn’t find a signal. I am pretty sure it was around 5 miles.
Last night’s dinner post was my 1000th post!!!
I am sad I missed this milestone in R.E.R’s life. A contest is in order of course. I will be sending the winner a Halloween candy prize pack filled with good candy (not that crappy stuff you get trick-or-treating) including: Dark Chocolate with a touch of Sea Salt, TJ’s chocolate covered PB cups, TJ’s fruit leather and a TJ’s mystery item!!! (Image from
Ways to enter:
1. Leave a comment on this post
2. Link back to this post (and let me know you did)
3. Tweet it up! @Runeatrepeat is having a Candy Give-away for her 1001st post!
Contest ends tomorrow (10/28) at 12pm Eastern time. I will announce a winner in tomorrow’s dinner post 🙂
Well folks, the contest is def the most exciting part of this post. I was running super late to work so I had to pack my oatbran and make it at work. I like oatbran more that I like oatmeal – is that un-American? This is oatbran, soymilk, salt, cinnamon and topped with brown sugar and PB. I’m trying to cut back on the sugar, but without a naner it’s necessary.Have fun with the contest 🙂 I’m excited about my 1001st post!!! I love blogging more and more all the time and have made so many great friendships from it. Thanks for reading!
That’s incredible! 1000 posts! CONGRATS!
I love Tj’s. I hope THEY bring one to good ole Texas! I’d be in foodie Heaven/
wow ! 1000! congrats! i just celebrated my 100th a bit ago haha
awesome giveaway btw … i have sooo been craving chocolate
Congratulations on making it this far with your blog! I just started mine and hope I can have this same celebration eventually. I love reading your blog. Your personality really shines through. 🙂
Congrats on 1001 posts- that really is quite an accomplishment! I love reading them all, your honesty and humor is what makes your blog for me 🙂
Congrats! 1001 posts – WOW!
Congrats on your new milestone! This morning’s post was my… 8th! haha. I love trader joe’s but honestly, I don’t even know how to get to the one around here. I’ll have to ask my sister so I can start shopping there! The selection is so much better than farm fresh!
yummm! congrats on your 1001 posts!! 🙂 can’t wait to meet, we must set a lunch date!
I blogged about it this morning
Congrats on your post!! Dark chocolate with sea salt is DIVINE!
Congrats on your 1001 post!! Awesome giveaway! Love TJ’s!
Congratulations on reaching 1001! What a great milestone 🙂 I’ve never gotten a chance to try dark chocolate with sea salt… but from what I’ve heard, I am really missing out!
Your oatbran looks really yummy, too. One of the nice things about the weather getting colder (for us easterners) is that it’s desirable to eat warm comforting breakfast cereals again!
Yay! I love TJ’s!! I do not have one anywhere near where I now live, so when I visited my parents this weekend, that was actually my last stop on the way to the airport!!
Woooo, congrats on the big 1000!
I would love to win this giveaway, I live in FL and sadly no TJ ( oh, the inhumanity)!
Fun contest! I will tweet about it too
mmm chocolate and sea salt
Congratulations! The chocolate sounds amazing!
Just enjoy your un-american breakfast, it looks great 🙂
I agree with ‘Whole Body Love’ …. un-American food isn’t necessarily a BAD thing. Congrats on your 1001 posts, thats alot of computer time!
Congrats on the 1000th post! What a huge milestone…I haven’t even hit 200 yet!!
i should really try oatbran. =D
cool giveaway!
What a delicious-sounding giveaway! I think having un-American food preferences is a positive attribute…look at America’s obesity rate. You are ahead of the game in your love of bran 😉
congratulations! i feel very similar to you in your struggles with food, especially chocolate. this would only help in my mission. thanks either way!
Congrats on reaching the 1000-post milestone!! I look forward to reading your next 1000!
Unlike you, I live in an area with neither TJ’s nor Costco, though I visit TJ’s whenever I’m traveling to an area that has one. I would sooo love to win this prize pack because the supply of TJ’s goodies that I picked up on my last visit to CA is rapidly dwindling…
mmmm chocolate 🙂
CONGRATS! TJ is awesome 🙂
I also Tweeted about your giveaway 🙂
Chocolate with sea salt is soooo good!!
congrats on the 1000! yaya 1001, keep em coming 🙂
Yay for good halloween candy and 1001 posts!
Congrats!! Here’s to 1000 more posts 🙂
Anything from TJ’s sounds great! I have to drive 4 hours to get to know! Ahh I live in the middle of nowhere!
Tweeted your giveaway, and linking back in breakfast post! 😀
I love candy, so you know I’m entering. And congrats on your milestone!
Congrats, happy 1001 posts!
I love you blog! Keepon going! I teeted too! (wildchildchelz2)
congrats on 1000 posts! love your blog!
Congrats on the milestone post! I’ve only been reading for a short time… but plan on continuing 🙂 And… I love halloween and candy! What a great giveaway. Very excited…
I’ve seen dark chocolate with sea salt on blogs before and am dying to try it! Congrats on the post 🙂
ps. I live in Baltimore.. wish I could make it to DC more often! I’m sure its a hard city to adjust too but I hope you are enjoying some of it’s unique qualities.
How many people can say they gave a 1001st pot giveaway?!?! And GOOD CANDY no-less!!
Yum, chocolate! 🙂
congrats on 1001st post! dark chocolate with a touch of sea salt sounds amazing! i’ve been reading your blog for awhile, but i think this is the first time i’ve commented…just wanted to say i enjoy your blog!
So exciting! And what a perfect giveaway right before Halloween!
nope, i think oatbran is yummier than oatmeal!!!
I couldn’t pass up a chance to win that fabulous sounding chocolate!! Keep the posts coming! Congratulations!
send me chocolate! i get to the point, huh.
Hey Monica. I love your blog and you always make me
laugh! Love chocolate too!!
And….you made a beautiful Wilma !!
How creative is that?!?
Your friend in So. Cal,
Congrats on your 1000 post!!!
Oh that sounds like good chocolate! I love sea salt and chocolate or caramel.
I definitely don’t NEED the chocolate, but I would LOVE it, for sure!
Your blog never disappoints! I love how real and honest you are. Congrats on 1001 posts! Can’t wait to read more.
Congratulations on surpassing 1,000 posts! 🙂 I’ve never tried a bowl of oat bran. That may be in my near future.
Unfortunately, I think MD is going to provide a lot more “obstacle course” type runs than CA… welcome to winter 🙂
Congrats on the milestone, I love reading!
Congrats on 1001! Love your blog!
Congratulations on so many posts and keep it up!
Congrats! Your blog is making me want to take up running!
Congrats on 1,000!!!
Have you read this article?
Congrats on the 1001 posts! Sounds like a yummy giveaway…dark chocolate is the best.
1000 Posts AND chocolate!!!!
I am dying to try that chocolate with the sea salt! I’ve had chocolate with salted caramel and it’s incredible.
Let’s see, I twittered (tweeted?), posted a link on my oh so popular blog (, and no I shall leave a comment.
Hmm. Oat bran. It intrigues me. Is it thick like oats, or more…soupy?
Congrats on the 1001st post, very cool! Did you ever think you’d be blogging this long?
Congratulations! And I definitely agree oat bran is better – it has more flavor.
Congrats on 1000! You do halloween candy right 🙂
Congrats! I love reading your blog because you’re so down to earth and real. Keep it up!
Congrats on your 1001 posts!! I have to say I can’t stand oatmeal, either. And it is not un-American to say so. 🙂
Congrats on 1001!!!
Congrats! I need that chocolate!
Wow! Congratulations! I think I have read all 1,000 of your entries! Thanks for the fantastic job you do. Looking forward to 1,000 more!
Congrats on the milestone! I just recently found your blog and have been enjoying it. 🙂
congrats! wow! that’s a lot of posts 🙂
And I tweeted the giveaway–of course! Have a great day, congrats on 1001!!!
What a fun giveaway!! I could for sure use some good chocolate, especially after my race on Saturday!! 🙂 Thanks Monica!
tweeted and now I’m commenting! Congrats on the 1001th post!
Dark chocolate with a touch of sea salt is my absolute fave! I’m in!