My schedule is “off” lately because I’ve been getting up later, running later and eating breakfast super late! This means I am super empty for a big breakfast and throw off the rest of the day’s eats.
Before I left for my run this morning I had a small bowl of Clifford Crunch because it was on sale I want to feel like I’m eight years old.
Training: I did 6 miles with three walk breaks. I just let negative thoughts crowd my head today and could not run the hills for anything 🙁
Then, I came back and before even showering I made a big bowl of oat bran and topped it with a chopped up Fiber One bar and some pieces of another granola bar I had lying around. Usually oat bran makes me overly full (like brick in the stomach feeling). But, today I wasn’t full at all and ended up eating another bowl of cold cereal after this.Now it’s close to 12pm and I’ve pushed back lunch a few hours. I am going to set my alarm for earlier and get back on a better schedule. I am a morning person and I hate wasting my mornings in bed!
See you later 🙂
I am SO not a morning person. I am trying to get up earlier b/c at my new job I can get off an hour earlier if I eat at my desk. So, I could come in at 7:30 and get off at 3:30!!
I wish I was a morning person : ( I tend to come alive at night, so does the rest of my family. It’s so odd!
i still eat alphabits cereal for the same reason 🙂
i’m such a morning person too but it’s still always hard to physically get out of bed!
I feel like I do 80% of my days work before 2pm and I love it
Yeah i hate when I get a late start too! At least you had some delicious breakfasts 😉
I love my mornings as well but you should take advantage of sleeping in while you can!
I know the change in daylight definitely cramps my style. I wish I could wake up every morning to sunshine, not darkness. But in order to get anything accomplished that cannot be.
So sounds like you need to get your booty outta bed and get going. Also, don’t let those hills get to you… yes they suck but maybe you should start your own little challenge, to conquer those hills! Its not going to tickle or be pretty but its definitely something every runner should work on… however I am guilty at avoiding them too at times.
Appreciate yourself and that body that keeps you moving!
LOVE Clifford Crunch!! 🙂
I hate wasting my mornings too. I even set my alarm on the weekends.
End this negativity missy! You are am amazing runner who already ran one marathon! How many people can say that? I don’t think many can.
I agree! Don’t beat yourself up! Do you know how many people read your blog and wish they could run that many miles? I know I do.
Thanks 🙂
You’ll get back into the morning swing. I have faith in you 🙂