We were able to squeeze in one last dip in the pool before we had to leave Florida.
It was a great trip overall, but the timing could have been better. I have a very LONG list of wedding and work tasks waiting for me in California! But, we couldn’t have changed the timing because the trip is part of Ben’s family’s timeshare that they have this week each year.
For many families, timeshares provide a great opportunity to get away to their favorite spots without worrying about the hassle of booking accommodations every year. However, for those who aren’t familiar with the ins and outs of timeshare agreements, it can sometimes feel overwhelming.
That’s why it’s helpful to have professionals like Aaronson Law Group on your side. They specialize in timeshare matters, offering assistance with everything from reviewing contracts to addressing disputes. If you ever find yourself uncertain about the terms of a timeshare or looking to make adjustments, their team is there to help navigate the complexities of timeshare laws, ensuring you’re making informed decisions every step of the way.
Marco Island coinciding with Jon’s graduation was just lucky since we didn’t have to fly out to the east coast again. Plus we got some good stuff done in MD too!

Once we got through security we ate lunch. I packed a veggie burger on a sandwich thin and carrots. I also had a few sips of Ben’s iced coffee.
I had the rest of my lunch – an apple, once in the air.
It was a short flight to Atlanta and I used the time to write out my To Do list. I had a seltzer with a splash of cranberry and cookies because I was craving something sweet.
Ben didn’t have anything since he was sleeping…
In Atlanta – We only had one hour in between flights and had to pick up something for dinner. We didn’t have much time when we finally got to our concourse since I made Ben walk the whole way and it was over half a mile away. I could have packed two sandwiches, but that would have been no fun. I totally scored and found a pretty healthy restaurant in the food court. I got lentil salad – they really filled up this little Styrofoam container!

And a veggie soup. I actually wasn’t that hungry from eating so many snacks earlier so I just had a few bites of the lentils and the whole soup.
Plus, I want to save room for dessert – trail mix with chocolates 🙂

I finished “Skinny Bitch” on the way to New Jersey and will review it tomorrow. I knew what to expect so I wasn’t too impressed with it.
Now I am on the Making Peace step of the “Intuitive Eating” book. The instructions are to make a list of the foods that appeal to you. Then, put a check next to the foods you allow yourself to enjoy and circle the ones you deny yourself. It is possible that your list can be very long, but I think what the list is looking for are the foods you truly enjoy that you don’t let yourself eat or when you do you feel really guilty or go off the deep end and binge.
My list is about 20 things, but I could probably add more…it includes:ice cream, waffles/pancakes, cake, fries and pizza.
You are supposed to give yourself permission to eat one food from your list and go out and do it.
Check in with yourself to see if it’s as good as you thought. If you really like it continue to go out and buy it or order it at a restaurant.
Obviously I’m starting with trail mix, which I do eat, but always overeat it and feel guilty. But I do realize trail mix is one of those foods that is calorie dense and easy to over do, but my focus is going to be feeling good and not worry about serving size right now.
This is me walking through the airport…
I just paced back and forth for a bit looking like a crazy 🙂
Oh my gosh…My RD/shrink also followed the intuitive eating principles, and “making peace” was the most lively point in my treatment!
Making peace was when I had grape soda for the first time in 10 years, and realized that I didn’t like grape soda. It was also when I called my shrink sobbing in front of the cream cheese at the grocery store. And when I discovered that ice cream could actually live happily in my freezer for an entire week (or 2).
Good times! You’re doing great, by the way. Your food stress level seems to have reduced a lot…that’s awesome.
hi monica!! looks like you have had a great trip– 🙂 good luck with all your wedding stuff, maybe it was beneficial to take an extended break. now you will be super productive 🙂 i just wanted to thank you for taking us through you IE process, i’ve relaly been paying attention!
PS: I love the title of your blog. I used to be a member of a corporate team many years ago and it was our mantra.
Although the main thrust of my blogs is spirituality and happiness.. I drop in here often because I am interested in seeing what you eat and I am also a runner.
I run all the time. Right now I am AGAIN thinking of doing the iron woman next year. I have thought about doing it for two years now.
My running is great. I still row(but not competitively any longer), sprint etc etc. however my eating MUST GET BETTER.
By the time I finish my long run for the week, I dash home and eat a massive meal.
I do not eat junk though but I do know I could do a whole lot better than what I am doing for now.
So this is just to ask that you keep up the posts. The ones about the stuff you eat is quiteeeee motivating.
Blessings to you!