I have so much to do for the wedding, work and other errands that it is very overwhelming!
And I have so much to do to work on my issues with overeating. I am still on the beginning of Intuitive Eating, but already find it so insightful. There are 10 principles to intuitive eating. All of the steps make so much sense and I know it’s exactly what I need! It’s just so hard to change habits that I’ve had for years. One step at a time I guess…
I was dragging by lunch so I had a diet coke. I have cut back significantly, but sometimes I will drink a diet soda.
I started lunch with a big salad topped with hummus.
and a PB&PB.
My afternoon snack was the world’s best strawberries (and they should be for how much I paid for them!) and yogurt/pumpkin butter/granola.
When I got home I was hungry and there was fresh guacamole & chips on the counter. I had many chips with guac before I changed and took a quick walk with the dogs.
When I got back I had a bean&cheese burrito with asparagus.
It was stuffed with black beans, cheese, salsa and more guac 🙂
I ate some grapes for dessert, which isn’t horrible, but I was already full.
![dscn6791 dscn6791](http://runeatrepeat.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/dscn6791.jpg)
Then, I did random snacking on handfuls of cereal & other random crap, which makes me realize I need to re-read those Intuitive Eating principles! I’m gonna do that now and go to sleep. See you tomorrow.
g8vfUF comment4 ,
I’ve been thinking about starting Intuitive Eating myself. I can’t wait to hear what you think about it.
Mmmm…black beans and guac. How can you go wrong?