
Half (Marathon)










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Looks like a perfect weekend! Running, froyo, wine, dinner….what else would you want?!
I love that you coordinated your froyo container with your top! 🙂
I love those socks!! so cute!
running, wine, and froyo? best saturday ever! hope you’re enjoying your road trip =)
Looks like a great weekend! I had froyo last night too and I am thinking it may be in the cards again this evening 😀
Looks like the perfect weekend to me 🙂 Also how cute are your pink Mizuno’s??
Now, I’m totally bummed, I was supposed the run that race but I hurt my ankle so I ran a 10K in another town instead! Looks like a fun day!
I think that we need races that don’t go so well so that we can truly appreciate the great races. I’m sorry your half didn’t go as well as you hoped it would, but I’m glad you finished and got to celebrate with a little wine and fro yo. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Looks like a successful day to me! And I love that you matched your froyo cup!
Nice pictures. I don’t know how you manage to run all these long races (fulls and halves) every other weekend pretty much.
I love the colors in that picture of you with the froyo cup, is that a filter or it just came out like that?
Running, wine, froyo, and polka dots? Sounds like you had a great time 🙂