This morning my alarm went off way too early for my west coast body clock, but I crawled out of bed and laced up my shoes. I could not miss another chance to run around Central Park!
The weather this morning was perfection. It was mild with a cool breeze as the sun came peeking up. There were tons of other runners out too.
Conditions like this make me fall in love with a place. It even went through my mind that I wouldn’t mind living here! (Yeah, let me come back and visit in January and see if I sing the same tune.)
But, truthfully I’d be a horrible New Yorker for a few reasons…
#1. Everything I know about NYC I’ve learned from Home Alone Lost in New York.(source)
#2. I managed to get lost running around Central Park. I’m bad at this game. I started my Moto right when I got into the park and ran for 6 miles since I’ve been told the loop around the park is 6 miles. Well, at mile 6 I was no where near where I started. #FAIL
But I would be a good New Yorker for these reasons:
#1. I like to walk fast and skip through lights. I’m good at that game.
#2. I leave my trash laying out and wait for Ben to take it to the dumpster. It’s moments like this that make you feel more connected to the rhythm of a city, as if you’ve become part of the urban fabric. However, for those not living in a large metropolis, maintaining a clean environment at home can sometimes require extra steps. This is where dumpster rental services come in handy. For larger cleanups or when the space fills up quickly, a convenient option like the services from can help. Whether you’re tackling a renovation or just need extra space for household junk, a reliable dumpster rental service can keep things organized and reduce clutter, making any project feel less daunting.
#3. I can eat bagels everyday for the rest of my life and be happy.
So after my 6 mile run and long walk back to the hotel (thank God for the magic phone) I got a bagel.
A few people suggested Pick A Bagel so I knew I had to try this place.
I ordered the Whole Wheat Everything bagel with Raisin Walnut cream cheese. It was DELICIOUS.
*The Central Park website says the complete loop is almost 6.1 miles. You can read more here on the Central Park Running page. Not sure what I did wrong.
Question: If you had to eat one breakfast for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I would probably go with eggs because you can make them so many ways. Or maybe a begg sandwich?
Just curious…how do you get your running in when you are taking so many pictures? 😉
I’m a cheater! I did it at the end or beginning when I was walking 🙂
MMMMM never been to new york! but seems like you made a GREAT choice on the bagel! 😉 LOOKS Good
i am the same way – when running conditions are perfect i fall in love with that place and instantly start imagining my life there, haha!
I’m glad that you’re enjoying your stay in NY.
If I had to eat one breakfast for the rest of my life, it would be Hot Cross buns.
Bread with PB! Does that count as 1 or 2 items?
One 🙂
I am jealous of your everything whole wheat bagel. I love everything bagels but always have to get them non-whole wheat. Why can’t they always have speciality bagels that are also whole wheat?? Rant over. Glad you’re having fun 🙂
Totally agree. If I could find a good whole wheat cinnamon raisin bagel that might change my life.
Don’t worry, Central Park can be hard to navigate, even for New Yorkers (like me)! It’s just so darn huge! And all those roads! I got lost running in there once and ended up running about a mile and a half more than I expected. Guess that turned into a good thing, though!
Looks amazing. Running around NYC is one of my fitness bucket list items. Oh, and now I want bagels.
Everything I know about New York I learned from Carrie Bradshaw. It sounds like you’re having fun!
New York bagels are THE BEST bagels.
Looks like you having a good time in NY, welcome!!! Glad you got some bagels, that and pizza are a must have when you come here. I got lost my first time on the CP loop too, not sure how either haha.
Oatmeal & coffee! So many different ways to eat oatmeal, I doubt I would get bored!!
Central Park confuses me, too! & I have run 3 races in it!! I always come out at a different point no matter what I do! Thank goodness for smart phones!!
Coffee and nuts 🙂
If health wasn’t a factor I’d probably go with french toast & syrup. If the calories counted then I’d go with some version of eggs and toast/wrap.
Eggs with cheddar cheese (which is lactose free!), spinach and arugula. For sides…strawberries and brown rice toast. Honestly I have this just about every day right now and I wouldn’t mind continuing the trend. haha
Id have to pick greek yogurt and berries with plenty of honey. 🙂
So awesome! A bagel is definitely one of my every-so-often treats (and everything bagels are my fave!). For every day breakfasts: fage 0%, chocolate pb, and apples are my staple, but I’d probably eat a bagel with bacon or sausage and cream cheese if I didn’t have to worry about calories or healthiness! 🙂
I get lost on a regular basis running in circles…no lie. Which is why I use the mapmyrun app on my phone so I always have a map lol I know cheating. Only issue is it seems to lose GPS signal part way through and doesnt give an accurate distance calc but I can adjust that online with my online account.
Toast with almond butter and a big bowl of fruit!
Well if calories weren’t a consideration- I would eat french toast and bacon every day.
I get lost ALL THE TIME in Central Park. Granted I live in Brooklyn so I don’t go there every day, but I’ve been going to Central Park a few times a year for 6 years and I get lost every single time. Even with my magic phone. It’s pathetic.
greek yogurt with granola and fruit.
It’s a toss up between waffle or oatmeal. I’m not much of a breakfast fan and hate eggs…so breakfast is a tuffy sometimes!
This is really boring, but I would probably choose oatmeal. There’s just so much you can do with them!
Your pictures make me miss NYC! (Not enough to move back, though.) A favorite breakfast that I’d get from the deli downstairs was egg and cheese on a toasted bialy. Sometimes with bacon. Those were the days.
My breakfast would be egg and cheese on a salt and pepper bagel! I found a bagel shop that had these while I was visiting San Diego and ate one for 5 days straight. But some sort of chocolate pastry would come in a close second. 🙂
I’m pretty sure I’d choose eggs too. I want to run in Central Park!!!!
Go to Levain!
You are SO brave. I’m not sure I would have the courage to run around Central Park all by myself. I’m a “fraidy” cat!!!
No, I’m a fraidy cat 🙂 I just love running more than I love living?
Oh my gosh, my husband is from Long Island right outside the city, and every time we go there we eat bagels every single freaking day. I miss good bagels (and pizza) so much now that I live in the south!
That did not answer your question though. Breakfast? The same one every day for the rest of my life? That would be a bummer, but I guess probably….yogurt with fruit and almond butter? Maybe with a pancake or something under it? The pressure!
You are getting lucky with the weather for sure! It was gorgeous down here in Philly too. I love having my windows open and the AC off anytime in the summer! Somehow you are missing the fun East Coast humidity.
I did the same thing when we visited Central Park. It’s such a huge park!
I would have a bagel or a soft pretzel every day. I pretty much do. It’s like heaven. 🙂
hahaha i love home alone! such a classic. 🙂
that bagel looks great!
Oatmeal! I used to despise it, but now I eat it almost every day. 😀
Mine would totally be bagels!! Wish they were more nutritious! But if I had to choose based on nutrition, not just taste alone, it would be green smoothies.
Definitely eggs! I’m jealous of your central park run, even though you got lost. It looks beautiful!
i get lost in Central Park too and I live there! no worries;)
Running in Central Park sounds amazing!
My breakfast for life would have to be eggs. Love eggs in the morning.
Running in Central Park looks glorious! (And I love Home Alone Lost in NY!)
I think I’d choose pancakes, although I don’t have the time or energy to make them every morning!
Second choice would be PB&J toast. I eat it almost every morning anyway!
Pancakes… because there is so many varieties and toppings!
This post makes me miss living in Manhattan! I moved to the burbs 6 months ago and love it; I still come back and do NYRR races in the park! I’ll also be doing the NYC Marathon this year so I look forward to reading about your training!
Actually the last race I did was a 10K in Central Park a few weeks ago and I also went to Pick a Bagel after, I even had the same bagel flavor you got, but I went with the sundried tomato cream cheese. Yum!