Anyways, one soda a day isn’t going to kill me and even if it does then at least I died happy.
Question: What’s your “poison”??? Do you enjoy it guilt free? (Because you should. Unless it’s meth or something…)
Can’t post food pics because of computer troubles – they seem to be going around!
Is anyone else super excited it’s Friday? Any big plans for the weekend?
My plans:Long run in the humidity – I expect sweat in my eyes and chafing. This prediction is based on last weekend’s run.
Oh!!! My new phone arrived! It’s that new Google phone from T-Mob – I think it’s officially called the My Touch. It’s charging right now. I am so going to Tweet it up on this!
I love Cool Whip!! I eat it straight from the tub. I know that if I buy it I am in trouble. I also love it on top of sugar free Jello. Soooo bad!
PS I also eat frozen yogurt without guilt!
Ha, I’m not the only one with a diet Coke “problem”. I’ll let ya guys know if it kills me…
I have to agree!! I eat 90% clean, but would be completely miserable without the few indulgences here and there. Life is too short to deny ourselves of all the things we truly want.
Sugar Free jello pudding? It will be in my life forever I don’t care how processed 🙂
I’m the same way with Diet Coke but I guess every once in awhile it’s not the end of the world:)
I feel guilty consuming my diet pop of choice, too. At most I have one a day, sometimes none at all. I find myself feeling guilty over this and it’s stupid! I don’t feel guilty for eating cake, ice cream, chips, pizza, none of it. As long as it’s in moderation and not all out binge fest then I feel it’s well deserved. I think it’s just the artificial sweeteners in the diet pop that make me feel guilty but as you said.. one a day won’t kill me, and if it does well I died happy! :]
I can’t get through a day without my venti 1/2 caf, 6 shot sugar-free hazlenut, breve Starbucks Doubleshot on Ice. And lately it seems I can’t get through the night without a bottle of wine.
No judgments, m’k?
Mine is def coffee. But now a days it seems like everything can cause cancer or kill you so who cares. Like you said its not like meth or drugs so we’re ok haha. Plus drinking coffee for me in the morning is better for humanity I’m much less grumpy in the mornings 🙂
I love regular Coke. Diet Coke does nothing for me, but an ice cold fountain coca-cola is so delicious. Also, ice cream. I have no guilt about the ice cream, but a little guilt with the Coke. I think the acidity scares me, haha.
I think the one thing that I absolutely can’t go a day without eating is peanut butter. I do thoroughly enjoy ice cream once or twice a week though. This week was a potato chip week. I go through phases.
I plan to do a whole lot of nothing this weekend. I need to clean my house, and I am feeling the need to bake…other than that I’m all about relaxation.
Yes, long run tomorrow is going to be very hot and sweaty. Still haven’t determined where I’m doing mine, but hopefully there will be shade involved around 9AM when I’m hot, tired, and ready to quit!
diet coke with lime & ice cream. not together though. but i must have them everyday. and it’s totally guilt free because a) i run a lot and b) the rest of my diet / lifestyle is balanced 🙂
hope the humidity isn’t too bad for the long run! and i’m seriously considering disney. the only thing in my way is $$. being a poor college student sucks sometimes!
That is an awesome realization (I just had it about a month ago)! There are far worse “evils” 🙂