Happy Thanksgiving! What are you doing, running, eating today??

Now I’m running, eating and blogging from Ben’s hometown. It’s a sleepy lil city on the Gulf Coast of Florida. And I love it here! I started my day with a run…

I did about 10 slow miles just enjoying the sights and my thoughts. I like to get all reflective on days like this.

Dunkin Donuts finally came to Southern California, but I still haven’t had a DD iced coffee at home!! So, I was very excited to enjoy a post-run iced coffee and croissant donut.

I want to fill you in on all my fun and amazing eats in Florida so far soon!
But first we need to check in for Pile on the Miles.

Pile on the Miles Thanksgiving Check In
Leave a comment on this post with your update and you’ll be entered to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!!
Me & a friend did our own little Turkey Trot! 5.6 miles walking & running.
Lifted legs on Thanksgiving day. Hopefully all that turkey and stuffing and casserole and pie went straight to my booty 🙂
25 min ellip and 35 min treadmill hitt workout!
Hey Monica! Have you ever considered going vegan or raw vegan? You can lose a lot of weight (and sustain the weight loss), and eat TONS of food (I’m talking 2000-3000 calories a day).I’m vegan and I absolutely love it – not just for all the yummy food, but for all the lives I’m saving too. Plus – unlimited carbs. Need I say more? You can contact me if you want to learn more, on my blog or shoot me an email – I’d love to give you some advice or direct you to a few professionals (as I am in no way a nutritionist)! xx
I was vegan for a short time in college. I can’t really go raw vegan because my thyroid issue requires a lot of veggies to be cooked for me to eat them in bulk. I am actually considering going to a complete Meatless Monday in the new year, but that would probably be the most I’d push it right now. I definitely already eat 2000-3000 calories a day actually! And I don’t eat a lot of meat (relative to most Americans) so I just try to keep it balanced in general.
Played softball Thursday morning
Thursday was a rest day for me. I had about 10 hours of traveling to do.
Turkey trot 5K – PR!
Turkey Trot 5k! So fun.
8 solo miles in my moms neighborhood.
4 quick miles before all the pie baking! (And eating ;)…)
A turkey trot 5K with my mom – so fun!
I did the 10K Turkey Trot in Detroit!
I am at home, resting. I had a cold last week that turned into an ear infection! Rest is harder than I thought, but I am still hoping to run my favorite 15k on Sunday, so I’m following my doctors orders! 🙂
5 mile turkey trot with my best friend 🙂
I stretched waiting in the black Friday lines at Walmart
Worked Thanksgiving! But my family met me at the gym for 2.5 on the treadmill after work.
Took a nap. That’s restorative, right?
elliptical for an hour and upper body strength today!
took a bootcamp class in the am!
Rest day kindda – although I didnt run I did do a lot of running around and walking
So much shoveling! And a loooong dog walk after the feasts!
Wanted to run or walk, but got carried away baking. Ended up doing nothing boohoo.
8 miles plus some burpees!
8 mile bike ride with my brother in law this morning!
Thanksgiving wod plus running a mile and some intervals
Rest day with lots of eating! Happy Thanksgiving!
5 for me on Turkey Day followed by turkey and pie and beers and wine and champagne!
Turkey trot 10k!!
I ended up winning a 5K turkey trot in 18:29! I did 3 miles before and after for a total of 9.
10 k Turkey Trt in town!
Rest day! I think I want to do a Turkey Trot next year though….
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving! I hit up Boot Camp at the gym before stuffing my face of delicious food 🙂
Couldn’t make the annual turkey trot this year because family was arriving, so I woke up extra early to get 8 miles in
i was traveling yesterday and was unable to track my miles, but i definitely walked several miles 🙂
Run 5 miles!
hot yoga today! 🙂
I did 10 miles in Florida! Yep, Florida!
I ran 5 miles!
Burned 550 calories at spin so I could have all the wine!
I ran a 5k Turkey Trot and won 2nd place woman overall! woohoo!! I also ran 1mi warm up and cool down, so a total of 5mi.
Turkey trot 5k!
Went for a 6 mi rule with my sister : )
Quick 2 mile run!
Ran 4 miles before chowing down!
I did an 8 mile V02 max workout on the treadmill, and I definitely ate back all those calories I burned.
turkey trot 5k walk and then I did 30 minutes of weights!
short run on turkey day since there was much cooking/baking prep to be done
Rest day today… Unless baking pies counts?
5 mile turkey trot, and I won a pumpkin pie!
Zero miles run but lot’s of walking while working.
I completed my own Turkey Trot on the treadmill- 3.1 miles.
I went for a 5 mile run
5k Turkey Trot!
Thanksgiving Day 7 Miler with my friend!!
ran to work and waked my dog before the day!
Turkey Trot 3 miles followed by 3.2 on the TM; for 6.2. 85/100
According to my pedometer, we trekked 13.4 miles around universal studios! So tired, so worth it.
4 miles done!
PRed in a Turkey Trot
3.2 miles after I finished making our pies and side dishes.
Today was a rest day!!!!!!!!!!
I took a Body Pump Class at my gym this morning before the Thanksgiving feast!! 🙂
Ran out of time for a run this morning, but went for a walk with the whole fan after we finished stuffing ourselves.
Thursday was a short hike + elliptical; today/Friday was the {dreaded} leg workout/strength training. I can feel the DOMS already!
Turkey trot 5k
20 miles outside
Ran the Turkey Trot with the family, lots of fun!
Rested today after last night’s 5k and snuggled with my sick baby girl!
Took 2 min off last year’s turkey trot 5K! Woot woot!
Turkey Trot Challenge today! 5K, 1 mile, then 10K!
Turkey Trot 5k today!
Great weather down in Florida!
Rest day that included a lot of cooking prep and eating!
Hiit in the am & a family walk
I ran and walked 3.05 miles (getting back into running after a broken toe 🙂 and almost to the point of no walking intervals!
Today was a rest day for me but I drank tons of water!
5 miles with my Dad – I love that he and I are about the same pace now (he used to be so much faster than me… 🙂 )
Gym at 7:30 am.
Run 29 min. and did lower body workout!
The rest of the day was eat, drink and repeat with my familia. 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving!!! I ran a 15K this morning before the feasting began!
Hour spin class and a walk with my dog!
6 miles today before the FEAST—- and I REALLY feasted 🙂
Ran 6.2 today! 🙂
Walked my dog, and finished some tabatas.
Rest Day today!
Gobble Gallop 5k this morning with a temp of 4 degrees, and a new PR because it was so cold. I just wanted to be done!
5k Turkey Trot with my daughter!
I ran 6 miles today before all of the Thanksgiving shenanigans 🙂
Rest day!
Rest day today celebrate with family
Today was the Gobble Gallop, my last race of the year, it was 0 out, and I froze, but I got a PR!
Rest day for me!
Ran a Turkey Trot 5K this morning before the big meal.
Ran 2.58 miles this morning with my 10 year old son! 🙂
I did a bitter cold 5 k turkey trot. Best time ever and even shaved a minute off my mile pace! Gobble, gobble!
4.0 on Thanksgiving!
Another elliptical day, plus some physical therapy exercises.
10K turkey trot this morning!
Total of 8 after a shiny new PR in a 5k Turkey Trot!
Rest day for me!
Turkey trot 10k. So cold -2* this morning. Now to warm up with good food and my great family.
I did my last weights session of the week, about 60 minutes with a 15 min warm up jog. My new favourite strength exercise is the dumbbell single leg Romanian deadlift – burns so good!
5.5 miles
I am claiming a rest day because I definitely didn’t meet my step goal today!
5k turkey trot today!
Carbing up sounds legit for today
We got a foot of snow last night. I did some shoveling.
I ran a quick 2.2 miles this morning before the Thanksgiving craziness! Happy Turkey Day!
ran the LA turkey trot-5k then the 10k back to back and somehow PRed the 10k by 3 minutes!
Rest day for me. Back at it tomorrow to work off all the yummy food!
ran a local half mary… was super excited b/c i got 1st in my age group! small races have their advantages 🙂
Thanksgiving Day 4-Miler in the snow!
10K Turkey Trot today – now I’m just 4.5 miles from my POTM goal of 100 miles run in November.
This was our first Thanksgiving as Vegans so it was fun to try new recipes for old favorite dishes . Happy Thanksgiving!
9 miles followed by lots of yummy food!
My Garmin is buried in one of the unpacked boxes from our move, so I set out today with no watch. Felt great to run without worrying about pace or distance. When I mapped it afterwards, it came out to 3.7 miles.
5k pre-cooking run today.
Squeezed in strength training before the kids got up!
I got in a morning hike and am getting ready for some yummy food!
6.5K run, total for month to date 115K! Yeah baby!
3.1 on the treadmill as I baby an ankle injury!
Thanksgiving 5K this morning with mum, dad, & dog!
This morning I ran the BoroDash which is a five mile race. Crushed my goal time. AND reached my POTM monthly goal as well! Great day!
I ran my fastest 5K yet this morning in the Gobble Gallop! I PR’d by nearly 3 minutes! Then I did a marathon like Thanksgiving feast
I deadlifted 80 pounds! Getting there!
6 miles on the beach this morning! Loving the temps and the view!
Two miles before volunteering at a turkey trot. Then yummy turkey!
After being on vacation last week and being up all night with a teething 9 month old i managed to set a PR at a 10k turkey trot….beyond thrilled, bring on the turkey…and stuffing, and potatoes, and pie!
I did weights today. And ran up and down some stairs. I’m not the hugest fan of running in the cold. Treadmill later to burn off my turkey day brunch and dinner.
5 miles!!
I ran 5.25miles this morning!
oh that donut looks amazing.
I didn’t sleep well last night, so I was up most of the night, I think I am getting sick. Too many people at work are sick.
10.5 mile run today, followed by pancakes made out of leftover cake batter!
No holiday up here in Canada so it was my normal 3 mile morning run! But did eat some great Thai food at lunch
I did the 30 day shred.
Solo turkey trot for me today! 3 miles before the obscene overeating lol
Turkey Trot 5k this morning!
5 mile turkey trot!
Turkey Day 5K!
3 mile run
My husband, cousin and I started the day with a Turkey trot 5K which was so much fun. And I unintentionally set nearly a 3 minute PR—bonus 🙂
About to do T25 Pyramid. Boy, I hope my turkey has settled enough so I don’t see it again!
Went to a 65 minute spin class this morning!! Awesome pre-dinner workout!
Ran 3 miles on the treadmill and then a 5k turkey trot!
5 mile turkey trot and a jog with the dog!!
Rest day. Sadly not due to Thanksgiving Festivities. Had 2 exams this morning, then worked, then home for a bit of fancier dinner. Now back to studying for exam #3 tomorrow. (That’s what I get for going to uni in another country!)
I am thankful for 90 minutes of yoga today!!
Did an hour long Thanksgiving Turkey Trot Bootcamp this morning. We’re headed to my MIL’s now, & I’m going to see if I can get her out for a walk.
I went on a 45 minute walk
2 mile walk this morning
5k Turkey Trot this morning
Happy thanksgiving! I did a nice long walk around the neighborhood after lunch. It was either that or a nap so I’m pretty proud of getting out there.
Taking a rest day today. Planned on taking a walk this morning but woke up to a -25 windchill. Just, no. Happy Thanksgiving!
Your other post says Pile on the Miles checkin too, so I posted on that one already. But I got a killer 90 min workout in this morning! sprints, box jumps, kb swings, jump ropes, rowing, push-ups, burpees, sit-ups… and I’m ready to EAT when I get done working!
Just a walk to get the legs movin’! Now turkey time
Did a blogilates workout this morning before stuffing my face 🙂
My first Soul Cycle Class!
Power yoga this morning!
Getting ready for today’s feast with over 6 miles – threw in some intervals to jump start my metabolism. Happy thanksgiving!
Work out today is to try not to eat all.the.food!
I did a 5k this morning!
8k this mornin . It wasn’t pretty, but at 6 months preggo, I will take what I can get…
Half Marathon. Yeah!
3.1 miles this morning during a very cold Turkey Trot, followed by 45 minutes of strength training at the gym.
Ran 5 miles this morning. Had to go to the bathroom in the middle of nowhere… So squatted and ended up getting stuck with stickers! Ouch!
5 painfully sore miles
Three difficult miles this morning. The only thing that kept me going was thinking of all the pumpkin pie I’m going to eat later. 🙂
10k turkey trot with great weather!
5 mile run to work up a good appetite!
I did 5 pre-Thanksgiving miles this morning. Now I’m ready to eat all the foods!
I ran a turkey trot 5k this morning!
7.0 mile run!
5 miles this morning, not at the trot, but in spirit. Now since I’ve waddled, I can gobble! 🙂
I did an hour spin class this AM
Bodypump and 7 elliptical miles!
About to go run/walk 3 miles with my husband before turkey time!
Rest day!
4 miler this morning 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!
Turkey trot today! It was great and I set a new PR on my 5k!
Happy thanksgiving!
I ran a turkey trot this morning and then came home and ran 3 more miles with my dog… Time to eat! I made a nutella cheesecake and just can’t wait!
I ran the local Turkey Trot 5k, now its time to stuff this turkey.
By the way, the link from your email sent me to the October 27th post!
I ran 12k, it was raining, windy and super cold, but hey, I made it!
I ran 5 miles today!
Rest day today after 3 hill repeats yesterday
8 miles today. Happy thanksgiving!
Half Marathon this morning! Felt awesome! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🙂
Half Marathon this morning! Felt awesome! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🙂
5 miles
I ran 5.5 miles on the treadmill this morning. I’m ready to eat now!
4.25 very cold, very windy miles. Looking forward to warmer temps this weekend!
Cross training today- no running. Went to Disneyland yesterday so I’m tiirreeddd. Zzzzz.
Rest day! But I spent 3 hours this morning on my feet cooking, so hopefully that counts for something 🙂
Happy thanksgiving! I’m running the first turkey trot of my life today!
I made my own turkey trot and ran 8 miles around the neighborhood today. 🙂 Happy Turkey Day
4-mile Turkey Trot this morning at the Oregon Zoo!! Finished with the elephants 🙂
6.2 miles this morning…happy Thanksgiving!
6 miles to make up for all the eggnog I’m soon to consume!
7 miles today. Lots of runners out at the trail today and families out for walks. Loved it!
Was supposed to run a TurkeyDay 5k this morning, but we got snowed out! So now I am just eating and resting today instead. 😉
Just a little over a 2 mile walk this morning with my mom. But I think standing all day in the kitchen counts, too!
Happy Thanksgiving!! Just about to put some cinnamon rolls in the oven and then do 5-6 miles before heading to my parent’s house 🙂
10k followed by a 5 mile walk!
3.18 mile Turkey Trot to start the day!
I ran a turkey trot this morning (10K followed by a 5K)!
I only ran 10 of my planned 13 miles this morning, because I got up late, but I am stll feeling good! Happy Thanksgiving!
Scheduled in a rest day if needed, but may be able to get a quick trip to the gym depending how the cooking goes this afternoon! Either way, I’m taking it easy and enjoying the day with family 🙂
I did 7 this morning – on the treadmill though 🙁
Just got back from a 2.5 hour bike ride. I just love that it is 60 in CO right now! Later on off to friends. I made a vegan gluten free maple pumpkin pie from @ohsheglows!
5 miles this morning before I had to get the turkey in the oven!
Thirty minute walk and a core workout.
Did a 5k turkey trot today. Happy thanksgiving!
Survived My first 10k! I ran it in exactly my goal time! It was so damn cold though, -1 degrees!
Heading to the gym for a treadmill run and upper body workout. Happy thanksgiving!
Well this has been a long day, with over 8 hours of different ravelling. So no running today. ( exept on the heels to not miss the ferry)
Walked 1 mile with my fiancé and dog. Ran 2 miles before I begin cooking all day 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!
Ran a turkey trot in irvine.
I did 30 min on the elliptical. Pretty light but I have a pretty terrible headache so I’m just proud of myself for doing anything at all! Now I’m off to eat a lot of really good food!!
2.85 miles for my solo turkey trot!
Just finished up a 5 mile run… now it’s time to EAT!
Thanksgiving spin class!
Ran a Turkey Trot 5k race and with warm up/cool down, hit 8 miles today
Hiked this morning instead of my long run because of all the snow :)!
Ran my last 5k this morning and SMASHED my last Pr!! I am beyond thrilled and I don’t think my feet are going to touch the floor the rest of the day! So happy to end the season on such a great high. Now time to set goals for 2015. After I devour my thanksgiving dinner. Happy thanksgiving everyone 🙂
5 miles done. Bring on the turkey!
Turkey day yoga!
10k with my sons today. One of them beat me…first time. Proud mom. Oh to be 10 again. …
Gobblers Gallop 5k!
Checked 3.1 miles off this morning with a snowy, cold Turkey Trot! Now on to the football game.
Did 6miles this morning!
Very proud with myself today 🙂 40 minutes on the spin bike, 3 miles on the treadmill!
Did a painful 9 this morning. Longest distance I’ve run since 2009
We did our own Turkey Trot 5-mile run around the ‘hood this morning. It was the best. I rolled out of bed at 10 (!) and I got 1st overall female! 😉
Black raspberry pie- you are MINE!
I ran 8 miles this morning!
Cooking and eating = a rest day
I ran a 5k this morning that turned into a 4.2 mile run when i got lost!
3 mile run! Can’t wait for my vegan pumpkin pie . 🙂
Did the Gobbler 5k this morning, and now to PILE ON THE PUMKIN PIE 🙂
5 -mile Turkey Trot this am with PR of 37:29… whoohoo! Bonus: an unused porta-potty at the start. Win.
Happy Thanksgiving, Monica!
Happy Thanksgiving, Monica! I ran a 10k turkey trot this morning; now it’s time for some online shopping and lots of food! 😉
5k this morning! Happy thanksgiving!
a walk late last night and another one today before everyone comes over!
5k this morning!
5k today!
Went to a Body Attack class this morning!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
A fun 5k turkey trot today 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving Monica! I am running later tonight after work. Probably just 2.5 miles around my neighborhood.
I did a couple of Gina’s barre/HIIT combos and an ab burner. Exhausted from hauling stuff around at the farmer’s market yesterday!
I ran an eventful and adventurous 8 miles this morning! Got pushed off the path and into a huge puddle by some elderly folk and got lost, but I finally made it home!
Was supposed to do a turkey trot this morning but injured my foot hiking 🙁 Rest day and eating it is!
My usual lunch break 5k run
A run on the beach sounds amazing on this cold winter day! Happy Thanksgiving 🙂
Hubby’s working (chef life) so I’m enjoying some quiet time before a meal with the in-laws and smoking the Turkey tomorrow… Heading out for a four miles in the snow soon!
Make that five miles! Boom!
About to hit the treadmill for 5 quick miles before I have to get ready to head out for Thanksgiving dinner. Have a great day!
5km (3.1 miles) today! The only running goal I haven’t reached this year is to do 5km within 30 minutes, and I just can’t get it down. Disappointed, but I’m piling on the miles! So far I piled 56 miles in November and I have one more run planned on Sunday. (Actually, I shouldn’t be disappointed at all!)
Due to schedule constraints (working night shift and still trying to make it to thanksgiving lunch), today is a rest day for me–but planning on running off those mashed potatoes tomorrow!
Tried to do an upper body workout today, but failed miserably. Just kept tensing my hamstring and am worried I’m aggravating it. Going to take tomorrow off and hope I’m better for the weekend. So disappointed