Hello from a very very rainy Tampa!

This morning I Piled on the Miles in the rain, or should I say underwater. At one point I wasn’t sure if I was swimming or running. I came back SOAKING. I just gave up trying to avoid the puddles since they were everywhere.

But a delicious breakfast buffet made me all warm and fuzzy inside again.

I don’t mess around with the most important meal of the day…

Pile on the Miles Tuesday Check in Week 4
Okay. Last week of POTM. Show up.

Check in today with your update and you’ll be entered to win a $100 gift card to Starbucks!! Feel free to invite me for a cup if you want…

Question: What’s your Pile on Miles update for today?
5 miles!
10 k after work with my BRF and our dogs 🙂
First ever pure barre class!
whoopsie! forgot to write this yesterday. tuesday was 4 miles, abs, and a little bit of shoulder/bicep strength!
Tuesday was short yoga.
Brought all my holiday decorations into the house – that worked up a sweat but I couldn’t fry to the gym 🙁
Haha – fry = get
I did an hour on the computrainer this morning!
Spin this morning before heading to the airport!!
Rest day!
resting today!
I ran 3 miles plus did some yoga (my new found love)
I did 30 mins yesterday (3.1 miles) – 1 run closer to my goal for the week.
I was driving back home from school, so it was a rest day!
I ran 3 miles and did abs.
Today is a rest day because I am teach spin like crazy this week.
*teaching (doh!)
7 treadmill miles on Tuesday and 6 today.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Rest day today…Turkey Day race tomorrow!! 🙂
2 mile bike ride and 2 mile walk!
Body Pump class today and lots of stretching – pretty amazing that you still ran in that rain!
3.25 miles done
Pilates baby!
a cold has got me down so I didn’t make it to the gym…hopefully I’ll be back at it tomorrow.
Four miles and a full body weight workout!
Intervals! Gotta start getting that speed up.
Tuesday’s check-in a day late: strength and conditioning class in the AM, 3.1 mile run with my kiddos after work, deep stretch yoga to finish off my night.
Wednesday check-in: Tabata class this AM.
Tuesday left no time to get a good workout in, but I did manage to squeeze in my MuTu core phase 1 in before bedtime! Oh wait, I did walk outside for 20 min while being at the school I’m interning for!
I had the day off so I went to a Pilates class at a new studio and loved it! Then decided to run outside, I didn’t check the temps but apparently the real feel was 13! Yikes no wonder those 4 miles were really cold and hurt my lungs!
6.25 miles on Tuesday! 91 of 100 done!!!
4 dreadmill miles today:-)
Rest day for me
Tuesday’s workout was a 4 mile run.
Rest day! Still recovering from a race….
Strength training workout with some dumbbells to hit the back and chest!
A rainy 4 miles this morning.. Snow later? Really?
5miles Tuesday and marathon stretching!,
For the first time ever I got up before work to get on the treadmill!! It was only 2 miles but it felt great!! And I mixed in a little strength training also.
I would take the rain over the cold and snow 🙂
5 on the treadmil and weight!
Tuesday- 1 hour strength training plus 45 minute spin class!
Did a double whammy at the gym – pump & tabata!
I did10 minutes of stairclimber and then took a 45 minute HIIT class. I like running in the rain,, it is like an adventure – but what you ran in would be too much for me. Did you start with it raining or did it start while you were running?
Shoulders & Delts weight training!
And you’re a champ for heading out in the rain! I would retreat indoors if there was just a drizzle; I normally don’t start a run if it rains, midway is ok (not that I’ve any choice then!).
Did a BodyPump class bright and early this morning.
40 minutes of cardio. Im ready for a rest day tomorrow!
Ran 10 treadmill miles
I did 2 hours of spin at a Thanksgiving spinathon, which calls for an easy run tomorrow!
2 quick miles…..looking to get a pr on turkey day….if I do I will stuff my face with food, if I don’t I will drown my sorrows with food, it’s a win, win.
I ran 5 miles this morning!
Ran (and talked) for 5.4 miles after work with one of my very best friends.
took another rest day after running a marathon on sunday! but i did take a 20-minute walk
Yoga today!
Got 20 min on the bike followed by my hip exercises, planks, and some stretching. Oh and 30 min of dog walking/running!
I had to drag myself out of bed so only 55 minutes on the elliptical. And my leg kinda hurts so I don’t think my stress fracture is fully healed.
Today ended up being a rest day. We’ll see what tomorrow brings. 🙂
Resting up for race day! Two more days!
3 mile run.
5 miles on the treadmill!
I was able to run 5 miles with my physical therapist today ☺
12hour shift as a nurse is all I could do
Rest day for me!
I did lower body strength training today!!!!
I ran 4 hilly miles this morning!
Unexpected busy-ness has kept me from running, but I’m filling in with lots of body weight exercises!
Ran 30 min today.
Ran 5.8 miles on the treadmill today… only 7 more miles before I reach my goal for the month!!!!
5 miles, felt so so good!
made it to the gym and my favorite workout class!
A day of strength training: pushups, dips, planks, squats…old school moves 🙂
10 km tonight … very windy !
I did 5.5 mile treadmill run at zero dark thirty.
Ran 3 miles after work
Got 4 miles in this morning!
Welcome to Tampa! Please tell me you are going to the Manataee viewing center in Apollo Beach while you are here! It the perfect time right now!
I did 20 minutes on the elliptical and 25 minutes of strength training!
spin class and strength training
Still recovering from the Philly Marathon on Sunday! Rest day today!
Still rehabing an injury, so no miles, but trying to be as active as possible in the meantime. Good job on your rainy run!
3 mile run today.
Took advantage of the lovely ATL weather for a 5K with my local running group. It was a great, speedy shakeout for Thursday’s half!
Ran 45 min on the treadmill
40 minutes climbing the stairway to hell…aka…stairmaster
I got my first swim workout in in 3 months! 2000 yards done!
hour on the elliptical and lower body strength training
Spin. Four miles and leg day!
Body pump class this evening 🙂
Ugh tough day for me today (which is even more reason to get miles in!) But no dice…tomorrow’s another day though!
Also sorry to hear about your relationship troubles :/ hang in there!
Resting, and cuddling my 1-week old baby!
50 min on the elliptical this morning!
Three incredible miles! I felt unstoppable!
3 easy miles to get the legs moving after my half this weekend!
Three miles for me today!
put out by a 2 day migraine, i have a plan in place to finish the week strong in my runs & workouts (if they subside)!!!
9057 steps so far today.
3.6 happy hilly miles in portland, maine where it was warm outside!
Yoga this morning!
Boot camp this morning!
I Bodypumped tonight and it was fantastic!
Just some PiYo today-the treadmill awaits tomorrow!
T25 Rip’T Up tonight. My arms feel like jello! Unfortunately, I had to get it done after my hair appointment. I hate to waste a good blow out! 🙁 But at least I got my workout in!
Drug my rear end out for a cold 3 miler!
6 miles in the warm gym followed by upper body circuit
I had a break between jobs and I got in a good lifting session- I’m expecting my arms to be SORE tomorrow!
Crossfit day!
TRX and kettle bell class today!
Did an upper body workout this morning before work
Hotel gym workout – 2 miles and arms
Went to crossfit today!
Rest day!
I ran three point one miles today (5k), on a hilly, curvy track, and was at 29 minutes total, which I was excited about! This is the same track for my turkey trot 5k on Friday. Three steep hills definitely slowed me down, but I was happy that I kept it under 30 minutes.
Thirty minute walk with the dog and a physical therapy appointment.
Cross training day for me!!
walked 3.42 miles today, can’t wait to hear more about your trip and to see if Ben’s mom makes you lots of good food 😉
I just got back from Tampa/Belleair last week! Today I did 2.5 miles of paperwork, plus warm up/cool down. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hahaha, “paperwork” should have been “speedwork”! Gotta l autocorrect.
I did another NTC app workout today!
I barely sat down tonight but I got in a small walk after work.
4 miles on the treadmill!
6×400 repeats on the track . 1 mile warm and 1 mile cool down for a total of 3.5 miles of AWSOME sauce. Not to mention 25 sit-ups and 25 pushups.
Today was leg day for ME!
4 miles of speed work
Yoga today!
STARBUCKS!!! I deserve coffee, I got up and went to BODYPUMP this morning at 5:30 am!
Ran 5 miles with a friend.
yoga tonight!
More elliptical “fun” today…50 minutes after work!
Heading out for 3 miles now!
hiit in the living room today!
first post-1/2 marathon leg workout. woohoo!
Taught a spin class
20 min worth of interval training and some abs, woo.
I’m heading to Tampa tonight too!
2 miles on the treadmill as a warm-up for Bodypump Express!
Ran 3 miles on an elliptical.
Ran 3 miles this morning, and am hoping I have the energy to do some strength after work tonight.
Bootcamp today.. keeping with my 5 days of working out!!
Elliptical and total body strength
45 min tempo run (6 miles) !!
Got in 5 miles today. I had almost perfect weather for it here. Sorry you got hit with rain.
Started a Thanksgiving week, at home strength exercise challenge last night…and signed up for Turkey Trot Bootcamp on Thanksgiving Day!
Walked and ran around on the beach with the kids plus some planking by the pool. Trying to squeeze it in. Have fun in Tampa. We are in Fort Myers this week.
three open ocean miles!
Ran 5.09 miles today after an early dismissal at work!! This has been a great challenge and I am sad to see it ending 🙁
3 mile run this morning, 20 min swim at lunch (outdoors!). It’s definitely marathon week!
4 miles run this morning! I really need to do some yoga, but….. zzzz…..
I can always use more coffee! Took 12 mins off my half marathon time on Sunday – Monday and Tuesday are for rest this week. I’m not even getting my lunch walks in due to rain!
I did a new weights workout which i enjoyed, but it took a really long time! I felt like I was running late all morning. SO in total I did a 2km warm up job, and about 55 minutes of weights.
Ran 4 miles outside today! It was in the 40’s and perfect for an easy run.
Does packing count as a workout? Kidding; it’s a rest day
1.5 mile walk at lunch and then an INTENSE game of dodgeball (teachers vs. students) for 30 minutes. I brought it. We won. 🙂
heading to the gym for 4 miles right now! Hope the weather clears up there soon – boo for rain!
A 6.5 mile run —and I just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy 9 days ago! Exercising throughout pregnancy definitely helped me bounce back quick!!
Trying out a new running group at the track today! Going to try for 4 miles of track work.
Hosting thanksgiving so Cleaning the house is going to have to be my activity for the day
5 miles with my brother after work!
Lots of walking for me today while I run some errands to prep for Thanksgiving.
Went for a brisk 2 mile walk on my lunch hour and a 3 mile run after work!
1.5 mile walk with the dog + teaching 2 Jazzercise classes tonight!
Rest day….. Ahhhhh ☺️
Cardio and HIIT this morning before my last final before vacation!
Doing 2 miles today!
Shoulders and triceps plus a little run.
I’ve been getting areas of bruising on my shins for the last few days. Welcome back, shinsplints 🙁 Went light for an hour of field time this afternoon.
Ran 10 miles..on a treadmill
Today was deadlift day! I’ve said it before and I know I’ll say it again–deadlifts are my favorite!
elliptical today!
Rest day!
Six miles in very chilly, rainy Pacific Northwest weather!
I did plenty of walking today… Much of it around midday so I got frazzled in the sun ☀
Rest day. Sore from yesterday’s workout.
A little more than 4 mile tempo run. Thankful for flat roads today.
3 miles and starting a squat challenge today!
8 miles out in the cold!
6 miles today!
hike in the snow…followed by a 3 mile show packed run….lovely morning!
Strength training with some very unmotivated ab work.
4 miles today
2 miles this morning before I took a cardio sculpt class, 5 miles tomorrow!
a lot colder than yesterday,decided to do 3 miles and some yoga
Today I’m off. I have to go pick up my baby brother at the airport!
I went to crossfit yesterday and did bootcamp this morning.
I ran five Miles and Lifted legs!
3 miles this morning!
Hey! I just found your blog! I’m coming back from being sore & being sick so yesterday was a slow run/walk 4 mi. & today a 3.4 mi walk.
Treadmill and strength training.
6 mile speed workout this morning – 23 miles left to hit my goal for the week. Found out this morning’s mileage put me at 1000 miles for the year!
Yoga again, very cold and icy outside 🙁
Crossfit WOD followed by a 30 min tempo run in the snow!
Run planned for later after work. Can’t wait!
Rowing today!
7 miles speed run this morning and heading to spin class tonight!
2 miles walking the pup. 5 miles running in the rain.
Stuck at work today but was able to fit in some strength training and plenty of stretching. I’m preparing for the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot!
warm day in new england meant i had a nice bike ride to and from work 🙂
STARBUCKS!! oh man, I would love to get picked!
10.6 treadmill miles and piyo sweat workout. I love doing piyo after a run because it seems to stretch me out, and work my strength at the same time…. Win win win!
4 miles this morning!
Grit class and core workout today
It is supposed to be a lovely 44 degrees today, so I am running outside this afternoon in the “heat of the day”!
Yay, Starbucks!!! Workout of the day: 80min run.
I played hooky from work today and got a massage. No running today!
Personal Training session this morning – worked on compound movements and managing my own body weight!
I was traveling and this is a rest day and I’m not going to lie, it felt amazing!
Three easy miles on the treadmill, and now I am home getting ready for Thanksgiving!!!
Too cold to run today, I went through the 7minute workout 3x. Nice and sweaty!
Box jumps got the best of me yesterday so today was an unplanned rest day.
3 miles in before work!
4 miles for me!
Unfortunately I opted for more sleep this morning instead of a run. So today is my rest day this week.
7 mile run commute today.
ooh just signed up for this– wish i had seen it sooner.
i am going to do 4 miles after work!
6.5 miles through the snow this morning before work!
2.5 today! Need to give my legs a rest before my 10k on Saturday
I might take a walk later today, but just needed to check in and say I met my PotM goal of two marathons in November. Richmond and Philly DONE AND DONE. I never want to move again.
Rest day today! Well deserved 🙂
6 miles on the treadmill tonight after work 🙁 Just started reading your blog and I love the pile on the miles challenge!!!
2 miles after work! Had a great strength training session last night and lost 2 pounds! Woot!
I almost cut my run short at 2 miles this morning because I just wasn’t feeling it, but I forced myself to get started again and run another 2. Glad I did!
3 delightfully warm miles before the snow-apocalypse that is headed our way 🙂
I did a quick 2 miles on the treadmill this morning.
Barre class and tabata workout. Prepping the body for Thursday!
Pile On The Miles: Co-worker and I are running during our lunch break for 30 minutes.
I failed at getting a run in this morning, so I will try for after work…
5 miles this morning!
Ran a randomly humid, foggy 5 miles with my marathon buddy!
Crosstraining day with a 2 mile warm up!
Long walk with the puppy today!
Yoga + weights class this morning!
7 miles this morning!
Heading off on a 3.5-miler to the bank-practicality for the win!
2 miles today!
I went for a 7.5 mile run this morning. It was supposed to only be 7, but I might have gotten slightly lost for a couple miles.. When I got home I did a quick arm and glute strength workout.
I really wanted to sleep in, but only hit snooze once and then did 5 miles with negative splits 🙂
I live here in rainy St. Petersburg FL, (Tampas neighbor) so I am piling on my miles with a shakeout run today!!
65 minute arc trainer workout this morning and lots of abs!
I’m running 10k tonight with my RP, and then Strength training 🙂
Orange Theory class tonight!
I slept in and missed the gym this morning but I’m hoping to make it up with some weight training on my lunch break.
Yoga Sculpt!
What a great giveaway treat! I’ll be doing our 5K Pub Run tonight!
Hour long lower body circuit class for me. The class is outside and made to do with your dog so it’s great for multi tasking, I get my workout in and my dog gets her walk all at the same time! Genius!
I ran 5km today, which started as an interval training, but do to my tiredness I misread my watch and thought I was heading for a personal best, so I gave my everything, just to find out I was half a km short. I went back to work a bit disappointed, but hey I did it! Make sure I win if you want to invite yourself to a cup o’coffee/ tea all the way over in Holland! 😉
3 mile run in the rain
Today was a crossing training day so I rode my bike for 1.5 hours, beautiful day here in AZ!
I did an hour of strength training at the gym this morning, and it looks like I’m going to walk home from work tonight because I forgot to reload my transit card, so that gives me a little over 5 miles.
My husband and I did a huge workout together yesterday so I’ve decided to make today a rest day. Volleyball is on the schedule for tomorrow!
Travelling home for the holidays is my exercise today. Mental exercise counts, right?
Biking am and hopefully some yoga today after work
Exercise at home before heading to the theater!
4 hilly miles with the dog then an arm circuit to follow
I got up at my normal workout time (dark and early!) but decided I needed to spend the time studying for my test tomorrow instead. But I’m doing a Turkey Trot with my parents on Thanksgiving and my mom is coming with me to Pure Barre on Saturday!
easy 5 mile run!
Another trail run with my dog this morning. And going to the gym this afternoon for some weights.
Hills and sprints in my tread and shred class–about 3.5 today!
Going for a walk tonight after basketball practice!!!
Gonna rest the knee again today but went and picked up all of the race packets for our last race of the season on Thursday. Had a dream about the race last night. Let’s hope it comes true!! Lol
6 mile run after school’s out 😉
Made it to the gym at 5:30 this morning for a good cardio workout
6 mile run easy pace!
I wish it would rain here in So Cal- we desperately need it! This morning I ran 4 miles at 1% incline, followed by six 30-second strides and cool down, for a total of 5 miles.
Planning on some yoga and upper body work later
Today was PiYo, walk with the pups and burpee challenge (25 burpees).
heading out for a walk at lunch (hoping for 2 miles) since its warm still!
I went for a 5 mile run before work!
Slept through my alarm but T25 tonight!
walked 2 on incline…30 min on elliptical…another 6-7 miles walking while teaching P.E. class
8.25 miles in a tank top because it’s unseasonably warm in Boston!
Ran 6 miles this morning. Freakishly warm… but snow is on its way!
Ran 5 miles this morning! 🙂
I will be doing some elliptical and a shoulder workout later this evening!
Super short week at work means working through lunch 🙁 Going to try and run after work if I can.
Loving running in the rain.
Though that looks like a hurricane. Yikes.
Have a lunch break run on the agenda….hoping for around 6 miles and then I’m hitting the stationary bike after work. Technically, I am tapering for my loooonnnng run on Friday
Did full body today. It went well but I’m pretty sure I’ve pulled a muscle. I want to stay strong and finish out POTM but I’m worried it won’t be good for me
NTC workout!
45 minutes cardio and weights.
…and I ran those soggy 5 kms with the birthday boy too this morning! 🙂
3.5 miles on the treadmill – getting ready for a 5k Thanksgiving morning!
Hopefully sneak in some miles tonight on the dreadmill, oh wait I mean treadmill 😉
I went to Crossfit this morning and my legs feel like Jello.. I sure hope I can struggle through my run tomorrow!
I got in 4 miles this morning. Looking forward to a lifting session tonight: chest and triceps are on the agenda! I’m on the Turkey Day countdown!!
5kms this morning in soggy British Columbia, Canada! And it’s my birthday today!
Yoga tonight then a shake out run of three miles tomorrow before the Atlanta Half Marathon on Thanksgiving! Woohoo! Enjoy Florida!
I desperately need the Starbucks gift card 🙂
I did 4 treadmill miles this morning. I wanted to do 6 or so, but the little dude woke up early. We got some extra snuggle time in, though, and I’ll take that over an extra couple of miles.
I ran 5 miles this morning.
Today is a run day for me.
2 mile walk this morning 🙂
Rest day!
4 miles for me today!
I’m about to head out to a Barry’s Bootcamp class, in which I should cover at least three miles on the treadmill portions. Wish me luck! Enjoy Florida … that’s my home-state, and I miss it so!
It’s a balmy 60 degrees in Boston right now so I stretched my planned 3 mile run an extra mile this morning. I don’t know when we’ll have temps like this again – the snow is forecast to start tomorrow and that means more treadmill time for me 🙁
I am doing 3 easy miles today at a beautiful reservoir in my hometown!
running to campus to do some work, then running back afterwards! about 3.5 miles.
Tonight is a PiYo class at my gym! One of my favorite workouts of my week 🙂 Might also do some cardio while I’m at the gym.
Walked the dogs this morning and will again after work!
Since I will be playing volleyball tnte, I went to the gym for some cardio and abs. 40 min. it’s better than nothing right?
Cross train day!
Barbell Strength class today. If I can figure out how to knock out a 6 mile easy run on lunch break I will do that today as well.
hot yoga today! 🙂
3-4 miles tonight + strength training. I’m so jealous you’re in Tampa, that’s where my sister lives….if you have a chance to make it over to John’s Pass eat at the Boardwalk Grill…they have theee best fish tacos ever!!
Started the morning with a row class (ouch my arms!) and will do a long walk with the pups this evening.
Forced rest day!
60 min full body workout and three mile walk with the dog.
Speed work today! 6×400, plus a couple of jogging miles to warm up/cool down.
5 mile run in the fog!
5mi of interval running then full body weight training session. woohoo!!
ran 6 miles in shorts and a long sleeve in MD this morning, and we’re supposed to get snow tomorrow. Oh Maryland weather. 🙂
treadmill after work!
I did my 9 mile long run this morning. I was going to do it yesterday but we had 35mph winds with gusts up to 50(!) so I decided to do my cross training yoga and strength yesterday and do the long run today. I’m frustrated because my main goal for this week was to not compromise my training even though it’s a busy week, and then I went ahead and made changes on day 1! Oh well. I’m back on track, and honestly, I think it was the safe thing to do.
p.s. Have fun in Florida! I hope the weather will improve for you 🙂
I ran a little over 5 miles today! Have a good time in Florida.
I did the elliptical today, plus foam rolling and stretching. Tough workout yesterday and a tough one planned for tomorrow!
I ran my first mile outside!!!
spin class!
6 miles for me this morning!
Kickboxing!!! 🙂
Intervals on the elliptical and a 30 min dog walk
Today’s a rest day so i’m cross training on the bike!
Rest day today. Does packing to go out of town count for XT?
was supposed to do 3 miles…but it is looking more and more like a rest day!
Kettlebell training this morning. No run today, need those fresh legs for the Turkey Trot! 🙂
Went to a calorie burner class this morning. It was a tough one! And it was just above freezing so I decided to run to the gym…I have feeling this will be the last week with enough light at that hour. It was refreshing!
How long are you in Tampa for?! I live here and would love to met up! Sorry you came on the grossest day of the year!
3 miles today!!
2 miles at lunch then hill power walking in SF tonight.
An easy three miles at the gym this morning! Last week I really slacked off on running because everything was so hectic with work and moving. I’m easing back into it this week.
Body weight circuit later today, and walk with my dog.
Killer yoga class – I can’t wait
BodyPump and BodyCombat
45 min bootcamp this afternoon! Getting ready for a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving 🙂
Welcome to Tampa! I hope you enjoy running along Bayshore (sorry the weather is so crappy though) and eating lots, we do have some pretty yummy restaurants 🙂
Ran 2.5 miles this morning and saw three adorable baby deer!
Doubling up today! 4 miles done super early this morning, another 6 miles coming up over lunchtime. Gotta create a good calorie-deficit in preparation for turkey day 😀
Bootcamp tonight and hoping the snow doesnt make this my last workout before turkey time!
Still resting the foot, so nothing today. 🙁 Well, I’ll be baking. That’s kinda cardio, right?
I walked a teeny bit over 2 miles with my dog and I am headed to my first barre class after work!
3miles today and tonight a PiYo DVD. That’s a good day
Biking again today during dinner break during my parent teacher conferences! Hopefully will get some stretching in too!
6 mile run this morning!
Strength training for me tonight!
My sore back is a little better today, so I plan on taking it easy and walking.
Fast and strong 3-miler after work today.
Already done: walk/jog for 2 km.
I’ll try to squeeze some strenght training later today.
Another rest day!
My last easy run before Thursdays half marathon!
10k on the erg this morning and a slow flow yoga class planned for tonight! Off season training is rough, though!
A morning run of 3,5 km today 🙂
Today is a much needed rest day 🙂
Have a blast in Tampa!
4 miles in this unseasonably warm weather! It’s technically my first run of marathon training for Rock and Roll DC in March!
I went to Sproing!
body pump class for an hr then ran 2 miles. Have fun in FL 🙂
rest day today
4km tempo tonight 🙂 but it’s snowing so I’m not particularly excited to go outside for any amount of time. But treadmills suck
I’m running tonight with my dog. Hopefully 4 miles but at least 3.
4 miles this morning!
3 miles
I could definitely use this prize!! Starbucks addict here 🙂
Today I’ll be doing a short run/walk (30min total) and a full body workout.
5 miles to the gym for BodyPump class!
4.2 miles of speedwork this morning.
I have a 2 mile run and crossfit planned for after work
Ran 3.5 miles this morning. No rain here thankfully!
Ran 5 miles this morning! Felt great. 🙂
I ran almost 9 miles with a friend this morning, it was freezing! I actually broke out my gloves for the first time this year.
Last night I went to spin class.
This morning I dragged myself to the gym before work to do arms and chest. Tonight I’ve got run group! I’ll probably go slow and only do a few miles since my leg is sore from my race on Sunday!
I’m counting “miles” today as my 30 minute HIIT workout at home. I fudged up my foot real bad last week and have been trying to keep moving wherever and whenever I can until it’s all healed. Sorry Tampa is so rainy for ya. It’s usually beautiful here. Tomorrow (hopefully) the sun will come out! 🙂
2-mile walk to work carrying a giant, heavy bowl of quinoa salad <— work potluck. I've been considering ankle weights while walking to work. This wasn't quite the same but definitely got my heart rate up.
More walking after work (3 miles) – this time with my mom and some good conversation. 🙂
30 minutes on the elliptical and rock climbing!! It’s such a fun workout and really challenging
Rest day 🙂 Super sore from upping my weights in BodyPump yesterday, so probably just some stretching and yoga tonight.
3.5 miles this morning in the snow!
Ran 7 miles on the the treadmill this morning!
Got up and did an upper-body workout, then some yoga.
Today was a rest day from running but made it to my Bar Method class!
6 miles for me today!
Great prize! I hope to make a Crossfit class today!
4 mile run to get in today!
4 miles today!!
Today I am going to a pilates class and going to try to get on the treadmill for a few miles. I have 11 more miles to get to my goal!
aftet a very unhealthy night last night, I got my butt out of bed for a 6 mile DC loop ending with a massive hill!
Barre and I’ll try to get a few miles in at lunch.
Foggy here but it won’t stop me from running 5k during my lunch break.
Rest day, other than a walk with Zoey, my adorable Boston Terrier who’s had it with me leaving her behind for all the running I’ve been doing with POTM!
4 miles with my 4 legged running buddy!
A chilly three miles before the sun came up! Now it’s onto essay writing and studying for finals!
3 miles, gym, horse around with a 2-yr old. Enjoy the flood, Lord knows we won ‘t see any here in CA anytime soon!
Sprints today and abs
4 mile run!
Today is a leg workout for me at the gym. It’s back to running tomorrow!
Did a chilly 6 miles this morning
Despite a desperate need for a rest day (it has to be tomorrow), I went to CrossFit and struggled through power cleans, lateral barbell jump burpees, sprinting, and row sprints. And then I took my dogs for a walk before the rain hits Gainesville. I almost miss snow at times like this.