Hello from Tampa, FL! Yesterday we explored downtown Tampa and hit up a museum and delicious pizza place. It rained all day, but we had umbrellas and it wasn’t cold so I don’t mind!

Ben and I haven’t seen each other for a while so he planned a very nice day for us to just hang out and spend some quality time. (Also, he apparently is taking no shave November very seriously.)

We saw Catching Fire I too! This wasn’t my favorite movie in the series, but I still love it. And I love popcorn even more. Always and forever.

The hotel we’re staying at has free Happy Hour so I relaxed with a glass cup of White Zin before getting ready for dinner.

Dinner was at a fancy pizza place where we shared salad and pizza.

Dessert was the real star of the show though – Snickers pie. Yes.

Pile on the Miles Wednesday Check In Week 4
How’s it going? I know it’s super cold in some places. I know tomorrow’s Thanksgiving. I know this is a challenging time of year – but that’s why we are doing Pile on the Miles!! Keep at it. Do your best and report in below.
Check in with your POTM update on this post and you’ll be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card. BIG thanks go Sabra for supporting the challenge and providing the prizes this week!!
(Prizes for last week will be announced as soon as I get a minute to update – probably tomorrow.)
Question: What is your workout today?
Disclaimer: Some of my favorite companies provided prizes and support for Pile on the Miles. All opinions are my own.
I ran 5 miles
Spin and upper body
Rest day
Spin and upper body
3 slow miles on the treadmill
5 miles on the treadmill, 30 mins of yoga
Wednesday was a forced rest day…terrible weather and just couldn’t get myself onto the dreadmill.
i’ve been traveling, so my workouts have consisted of tons of miles exploring a new city!
I went to a crazy hard spin class!
went to a spin class this morning!
I did a strength/HIIT workout on Wednesday.
3 miles
I did an interval workout on the treadmill. 6 miles total with 3 x 800m and 3 x 400m sprints mixed in there.
3 miles for the turkey!
12 miles! Happy Thanksgiving!
Woke up at 5 am to run 5 with my BFF!
3 mile stroller walk with my little boy 🙂
4 miles to prepare for turkey day feast :))
ooo went out and did upper body and a HIIT run!
I did 90 min of spin.
Added several yesterday in preparation for a rest and eat day today! Happy Thanksgiving!
10 k lunch run!
No running for me on Wednesday. But I am about to head downstairs to the dreadmill and get some Thanksgiving miles in!!
Rest day before the Turkey Trot tomorrow morning
I did an awesome treadmill incline workout!!
4 miles + some strength training!
Wednesday’s workout was a personal training session and a little elliptical action.
Wednesday- Joined the 5am workout club and did an hour of strength training at the gym! Homegirl’s bootayyy is sore from that glute work 😉
Pure Barre. That class is no joke!
Yoga and a rest day from running.
A full day of walking on vacation with my family! I’m still recovering from a running injury and I was definitely ready to rest my leg after all the walking. I want to run again soon so it’s just stretching and foam rolling tomorrow!
Due to traveling home today, it is a rest day for me!
Had a really rough afternoon but somehow managed to pull myself together and go rock climbing at the gym tonight. I’m so glad I did, too! I climbed hard and did a ton of tough routes I didn’t think I was good enough to climb yet!
Running in the snow…ick! 5 miles- check!
I did a tabata circuit workout today!
Walked on the treadmill and did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD!
Walk with dog and lots if preping in the kitchen
rest day! busy traveling and non-stop cooking
5 miles on the treadmill!
Rest today so I can trot tomorrow
5 treadmill miles
1 hour elliptical. Boring but necessary.
Good to see Ben with you. 🙂
Today’s workout was a short hike followed by cross training on the elliptical.
55 minutes yoga- substitute teacher: uggg
4.5 miles today. Felt great!
I meant to squeeze in a 2 mile run before I left the office, but failed miserably. All of a sudden it was time to run down to catch the office transport home. Will run tomorrow…
Today was a rest day today! Tomorrow will be better! 🙂
I did 2 miles in the snow!! 🙂
A couple miles on the treadmill to shake things out, then some upper body strength training and a core circuit.
Stairmaster and moving lots and lots of heavy boxes. Long run tomorrow
An hour on the elliptical followed by shoveling snow, woo hoo!
3 mile walk with the hubs!
2.5 mile fartlek and yoga afterwards!
6 sluggish miles…tomorrow has to be a better run, for sure!
A day spent in the car 🙁 Looking forward to getting moving tomorrow.
1.5 on the treadmill
honestly so good to see Ben….hopefully everyone else intimately involved agrees. 😉
You look so awesome!
3 quick miles on the treadmill this morning with my mom walking next to me!
6 miles in the snow (yay for Yak Trax!), and yoga
four miles in the freezing cold today!
9204 steps so far today!
Tried out a new workout with my baby – fun!
Walking today was my workout.
4 miles outside! my first run after my marathon this weekend
travel day!
I did the 30 day shred and walked 1 mile.
65 minute cybex workout, abs, and loads of stretching!
HIIT and arm workout this morning!
Another rest day…family in town. Tomorrow is my neighborhood Turkey Trot…can’t wait to get back on the road!
I did an at home Beachbody work out. Insanity Max Interval Circuit. Yikes I forgot how hard it is!
5.5 miles
Strength and cardio at the gym today. A lot of eating tomorrow 🙂
Today is an off day for me !
Indoor track run! Focused on speed.
4 miles and some lower body strength training
Long day at Legoland FL with the kids. No running but I managed 12,778 steps! Looking forward to a long run on the beach tomorrow.
Spin class and leg day part 2!
I woke up at 5:30 am to lift weights and to use the elliptical. I knew when I got out of work that it was going to be snowing/sleeting and a run would not be wise. Have a great Thanksgiving!
Rest Day for me!
21km for me this week so far! It’s becoming nice in southern Aust so great running weather 🙂
7.0 miles in prep of tomorrow’s dessert.
Rest day today! Prepping for Turkey Trot in the snow tomorrow morning…
A day of rain, rain, and more rain. Tomorrow morning, honest, I’m going!
Got a nice 2.68 miles in last night and pushed myself to go faster up the hills. Feeling it a little today. lol Also, continuing my Thanksgiving week workout challenge. Looking forward to Turkey Trot Bootcamp tomorrow!
5.8K run tonight.
Rest day for me.
Went to a spin class this morning before work
T25 Extreme Circuit done! Love me some Shaun T! Now to pack for the drive to my parents for some yummy turkey tomorrow.
4.5 miles on the treadmill. It snowing in NJ.
Tabata class this morning.
Arm workout and 5.3 mile run. I’m really close to my goal for POTM 🙂
I solemnly swear to do my Bedtime Yoga practice later, thank you forall of your efforts during this POTM time!
3.75 miles. Was supposed to be 5, but I was not feeling it. Something is better than nothing, though!
an hour of pure snow running…loved it! thankful to be running with my labrador 🙂
Boot camp and 4 mile run!
Boot camp this morning followed by a walk with the dog!
Rest today – trotting tomorrow if it’s not icy!
3 quick treadmill miles and then a crossfit type class by an army lady who was subbing at the gym. She kicked our A#%!
60 min HIIT
Rest day… Turkey Trot tomorrow!!
Got in 12000 steps today!
9 miles!!
Just got back from a 4 miler in the trails
5 miles again today with some quality stretching as well.
I ran 4.25 miles this morning and just did a total body weight lifting routine.
Short walk this morning! Need to pop in my 21 Day Fix next week (hopefully lol)
Took pure barre at lunch today before joining family for Thanksgiving festivities! Will take my dogs for a short walk later.
I did a nice solid run – 8.7km with about 15 minutes of short and sweet intervals thrown in. A great way to start the day!
Rest day today!
I took a rest day because I was volunteering at my children’s school all morning for their turkey trot. The kids all got LOTS of exercise though!
6 miles before work this morning. Heading to Phoenix for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Planning to get another 17 miles in by Sunday.
6 miles last night with my brother- fell in a hole since it was dark (typical)- so i’ll be taking it easy today.
20ish spin class miles this morning. My instructor had a “special” (read, killer) pyramid workout for us in honor of Thanksgiving. Kayaking later today with my husband. Crazy that it’s mid-80’s in San Diego today.
I love Kettlebell and did a kettlebell workout at 5:30 this morning for 35 minutes 🙂
Today is a cross/strength training day for me, so I did a 45 min No More Trouble Zones dvd.
Rest day today to save my legs for the Thanksgiving 15k I’m running tomorrow morning!
Still recovering from my marathon (and a killer blister) so it’s an abs and arms day!
Rest day but gonna get my steps in!
6 miles on the treadmill. The picture of you and Ben is fabulous!
Got in 4 miles this morning before the rain/snow started. Looking slushy out there, so not sure if running will be possible tomorrow.
Worked and walked 8000 steps in 12 hours!!
back and biceps today plus sprints on the elliptical. i’m SORE
8 early miles this morning.
My workout today consisted of an ill-advised trip to the grocery store AND the liquor store. The day before Thanksgiving AND a winter storm coming…these were not easy tasks!
3.5 miles this morning!
headed to the gym in a snowstorm for some elliptical time
My workout today is a bunch of body weight exercises done Tabata style, and maybe some sledding on all the new snow 😀
Kickboxing class today!
Today I ran 10 k, so I reached my yearly goal of 500 km! Yessss!!!
2 full hours of strength training exercises at PT/OT. Going to be sore tomorrow!
Please win, please win, please win! Hahhaha my chances of winning are coming to a close 🙂
11 easy treadmill miles. I don’t get bored very easy but this run was BORING!!
Treadmill run today…turkey trot tomorrow!
Finally a rest day today. Turkey trot in the am. We just got into Tampa also! C’mon sun!!!
I ran last night with a coworker and then today I lifted weights today and did no cardio this morning because I worked out twice yesterday. It felt really great though.
Shoveling 🙂
A few miles on the treadmill.
rest day today – getting ready for a turkey trot 10k tomorrow!
4 miles and strength!
Some very chilly sprints + kettlebell work. Cold but fun!
7.25 easy after flying home!
Resting today for my turkey trot tomorrow!
Rest day today. Race tomorrow!!
Today I’m doing an insanity workout and abs 🙂
3 miles on the treadmill
Snowing in Boston so ran on the dreadmill, 5.5 miles so I can gorge on turkey and fixings and PIE tomorrow 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving Monica and Ben. Soooo happy to see you 2 together!
Tonight is a local 5k race! Can’t wait!
Core/Strength class this morning. Rest from running.
4.5 miles this am!
Kickboxing inside during snow-apocalypse!
Rest day today to prepare for tomorrow’s 5k race 🙂
Hoping to hit boot camp class tonight, but the weather is SO bad!! If not, I’ll be doing yoga from home!
Light elliptical- gearing up for a long run tomorrow before feasting!
A Thanksgiving Potluck this morning – everyone brought 3 exercise moves and we worked through the whole ‘feast’. It was a lot of fun!
Week 5 day 1 of C25K!
Today was a long travel so I took it as a rest day!
I did P90X3 Isometrix and abs!
I ran 6 miles this morning!!
Resting up for tomorrow’s 8k/food fest…
Enjoying a lazy restday today!
Did a nice pace run 4 miles and boot camp today. Enjoy your Thanksgiving with Family!
We have snow and freezing rain right now…I hope to get to the community center before they close at 8 pm to do a long slow treadmill run.
I am a lurker that has been checking in constantly for this challenge, but I want to say I am glad to see you and your husband enjoying each other. Have a great Thanksgiving!
I got out in the cold and had a really tight hamstring so I ended up doing a 2.25 mile run/walk.
Played volleyball this morning, going to go for a short jog tonight and tomorrow is a turkey trot! Yeah for Turkey Day!
5 miles this morning!
4 miles 🙂
4 miles this morning
Rest day to hopefully get over this bronchitis before tomorrow’s race!
Got in a two mile walk at lunch before the snow storm hits when I get out of work! Doing a workout DVD once I get home!
8 miles done on an indoor track!
I’ll be doing a nice long walk on the beach in CA tonight!
Got 3 miles in today! Long run tomorrow!
It was super cold and super windy today, actually it was freezing, but I still managed 35min strength and a 50min run.
A quick 2 miles! Gotta rest up for a race tomorrow.
Just going to do a long walk on incline on the treadmill. Back spasms are preventing me from doing anything else.
Rest day!
Starting hill repeats at 3
Zumba class @ 9am today!
A few miles at lunch before a Thanksgiving road trip tonight.
Did my own thing today instead of class. Rowing, power cleans, and kettlebell swings
I did strength training over lunch and hope to squeeze in 5 miles tonight! It’s cold here but the snow and ice melted which means I won’t fall so I’m thrilled with the weather 🙂
REVERSE mini tri: 3 mile run; 12 mile bike; mile swim! WHOO HOO!
Barre class and some HIIT treadmill sprints!
Taking an unplanned extra rest day. I woke up EXHAUSTED, which is usually a sign that my body requires some TLC. Did walk a mile to work and will walk another home though!
3 miles on the treadmill this morning.
Finally 5 dry miles. No rain! I will also walk my puppy about 2 miles today.
4 mile lunch run with my co-worker AND my dog, who got to come to work with me today!
My husband hasn’t shaved in a month too…. he looks like Santa now ;/
4 miles done today
2 miles (that I should have done yesterday) and strength session today!
3 miles on the treadmill then shoveling snow!
Treadmill time. It’s miserable here in Boston. Freezing rain and snow all through tomorrow morning! Turkey trot tomorrow though!
Today is leg day…gonna try to burn a bunch of calories and keep it burning through tomorrow’s meal!
A brisk walk with my dog and getting pumped for my 5k tomorrow. Oh and the turkey dinner too 🙂
3 treadmill miles.
T25 Speed 2.0 this morning. Tomorrow is a 14 mile training run. Woot!
I went to my first spin class this morning!
Walking the dog!
Today was BEAST bootcamp, whoa! Lots of sprints, bear crawls, crab walks and a lot of boxing/squats!
1 mile walk with the pups.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
2 mile run that was supposed to be 3 this morning. My shin started to hurt so I cut it short. Oh well.
I’ll be traveling after work so no workout for me today. I’m pretty sore from my orange theory class last night so I’m okay with that.
I am stick inside today because of snow outside but I plan to use the treadmill although it’s not my favorite.
When I get off work, we are traveling, so it’s a rest day for me. Running clothes are packed for a run tomorrow morning though!
Going to try and get 3 or 4 miles in on the treadmill tonight!
super raining today and the snow is on it’s way. i stayed inside to do core work this morning 🙂
Today will be spent playing in the snow, hiking and shoveling!
5 freezing miles…..then another 4-5 teaching P.E. classes all day!
Today is rest day b/c I have a 10K turkey trot in the morning! Thanks SO MUCH for doing the POTM – it has really kept me accountable. I’m only 10 miles away from my 100 mile goal and I’ll get 6 done tomorrow so will just have 4 more over the weekend !
Have fun with Ben and have a GREAT Thanksgiving!
2.25 miles EARLY on the treadmill 🙂
Did a circuit of kettlebell swings, ball slams, and burpees at the gym this morning!
Rest day today!
Heated power yoga followed by upper body weight session. Rest day for run since doing a turkey trot tomorrow probably in the snow.
Cycle class.. burning those calories before the big meal tomorrow.
I’ve got a quick body weight circuit workout to get in before hitting up the grocery store for last minute Thanksgiving items!
at-home pilates! and maybe a run tonight.
Hitting the treadmill today for a good powerwalk.
5 miles this morning!
Hoping to get to the gym tonight for an hour on the Arc trainer! Good to see you and Ben hanging out again. you look happy! 🙂 Happy thanksgiving!!
6.5 TM miles and some yoga-ready for tomorrow’s turkey trot!
Crossfit this morning, and does cleaning the house count?
I started my run in the rain and finished in the snow! The last twenty minutes were filled with dreams of hot showers, chicken soup, and cozy blankets!
3 mile run!
Bootcamp this morning!
Rest day! I ran a marathon on Sunday and I have a 10k tomorrow… taking today easy 🙂
todays workout is Pure Barre!!! Love, love ,love how it compliments my running!!!
Rest today, rac e tomorrow!
Rest day! All part of the plan….saving my strength for tomorrow! haha
One more day of T25, Race tomorrow!
Rest days today and tomorrow because of work related travelling. If the ferry didn’t sail out so damn early I would have packed my running shoes.
It looks like you had a very nice day!
6 Miles today and dang it is cold here in Tampa Bay! Hope you are enjoying your visit! Ybor is a blast and I hope that was California Pizza Kitchen…
Today was my half hour run. Managed 2.6 miles. Still slow, but getting faster.
Rest day today – straight from work to the train so no time to hit the gym!
(plus, 12″ of snow at my destination. *Supersulk*)
Lots of walking around and playing with kids ( who have way too much energy)
Nothing. Sigh. But my foot IS getting better, I think – and it’s snowing!
Treadmill run for me followed by half an hour on the bike.
I’m at my brother’s house today and i’m planning to use their elliptical in the basement later this afternoon. It’s snowing and very slippery outside and I can’t afford to slip while running. Too many injuries lately.
Elliptical intervals and core today!
Run was rained out (usually will run through it but this was a little more rain than I wanted to endure). Hoping it will clear out so I can get in a few miles this afternoon. Otherwise, just some lower body strength training.
5.24 mile run in the really cold dark!
pole dancing! it is an incredible workout (I didn’t realize how much strength was required!) and a lot of fun.
Big goal today is to get some heavy lower body lifting in. Cardio has been taking too much of a priority lately and I really want to heal up this hamstring/strengthen this hip so I can get back to running!
I’m joining a new gym today to take advantage of their Black Friday no joining fee offer, and will be trying out a 25 minute elliptical interval workout and a the POPSugar 5-4-3-2-1 circuit workout a couple of times to meet my 60 minute goal!
bootcamp tonight if the snow allows, if not, something in my basement!
My last run was feeling pretty tight, so I’m resting one more day before tomorrow’s Turkey Trot. Only 5k, but I haven’t been training for the short stuff, so I’m guessing this one’s going to hurt if I want a decent time. But it will make the afternoon meal that much more delicious! gobble gobble!!
I actually ran yesterday! and I’m planning on running tonight too!!!! or at least moving in some manner
Running a 5k race to benefit cancer tonight
Yoga and jogging today.
I ran 6 miles today 🙂
2 miles and strength training this morning!
Resting today, giving my legs a much needed break before my 8 miler in the morning!
I ran just 2 quick miles this morning because I was running late, but I’m planning my own personal half marathon for tomorrow. For some reason I LOVE running on Thanksgiving morning.
Glad to see you and Ben looking happy together.
P90X Legs and Back today (followed by what I’m sure will be a very ouchy 5-mile run on Thanksgiving morning).
I’m glad you’re enjoying time with your husband. Happy Thanksgiving!
Today is a rest day in preparation for tomorrow’s Thanksgiving race!
10 super sluggish miles this a.m,
Today is a rest day as I am taking it easy before my Turkey Trot 10k tomorrow!
4 miles on the treadmill and some good stretching!
Interval training on the treadmill today! Hoping to do 5 or 6 0.5 miles reps
2 quick miles to bring in my 26th birthday today!
Mile repeats on my treadmill. 8 miles overall.
Yoga. Still recovering from a very hilly marathon!!
A nice little jaunt on the trail!
got in a quick run in the rain!
Tonight Early Bird Run to benefit the Francis Center with donations of canned goods. Can’t forget my reflectors, it’s going to be dark,.
I did a circuit workout this morning from pbfingers! Its cold and raining/snowing around here 🙁
Strength training concentrating on abs and arms today. Hopefully the only flabby wings I see are on my turkey!
6 in the snow!!
Rest day today after being sick to rest up for a 10k Turkey Trot tomorrow!
Traveling all day so likely a rest day…but am I trying to get as much walking as possible in at the airport!
Started my morning off with a 45 min circuit training session 🙂
12 miles today!
Rest day today!
I ran 3 miles on the treadmill last night. My hope is to run tomorrow too!
Glad to see you guys looking happy together!
It snowed again, so probably an inside workout today.
At the gym today I skipped cardio, and did upper body for 40 min.!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!! 🙂
Another recovery day after food poisoning. Womp womp. But at least I’m on the mend!
bootcamp to prepare for alll the food tomorrow!
Standard response for me but that’s pretty good, almost slept in this AM. Went to the gym for some weights this morning and will go to Orange Theory this evening.
Forced to take a rest day today due to rain/sleet/wind. Yuck
three miles in anticipation of the 10K Turkey Trot tomorrow!
Hope to run after work.
5 mile run!
Rain kind of spoiled my workout this morning, my only time to workout today as directly from work I am in the car headed to family! I took the dog for a wet 1 mile walk and then came back and did a 10 minute ab video. Something is always better than nothing!
7 miles! Today’s my 30th birthday, and a run was the perfect way to start things off.
I ran 4.3 miles today. The gyms are busy before Thanksgiving!
A hike in between baking today!
Cycling class and some upper body weights!
Tampa sounds fun!
I ran two days in a row and am doing a Turkey Trot tomorrow so my legs need a break (new-ish runner) SO today will be a full body circuit and some yoga 🙂
Today is a rest day. Gotta save up that mojo for the race this weekend! 🙂
Today I’ll be walking all over exploring Tampa — rest day from running for me.
I had a personal training session this morning.
Leg day! It’s becoming my Wednesday thing now. Then I tackled the stairmaster. Now I’m ready to replenish those calories!
Did some speed work at the gym today…3 miles!
Hoping for a couple of treadmill miles tonight after a bunch of prepping and cooking for tomorrow.
4 miles and barre.
P90X3 Warrior and Triometrics. I’m dying!
Hot yoga before traveling for thanksgiving
Four miles outside with the pup!
I ran 3 miles on the treadmill this morning because of the rain. My husband is taking No Shave November very seriously too!
short trail run!
I did a 45 min. weight workout before work this morning!
Gym day for me today.
12 miles today and yoga!
Rest! I might hit the gym tonight for a quick shakeout before the race tomorrow. And OF COURSE tomorrow will be the coldest Thanksgiving in 30 years. Because I chose to run my first 10k that day.
6 miles with my BRF and then I taught Rip. Bring on the turkey!
Today is rest day for me, but I decided to do a 6 week chin up challenge (as in learn to do a chin up in 6 weeks) I have such week arms, but I am committed. Starting tonight!
Unplanned rest day today because I did indeed pull my hamstring. I’m hoping that by tomorrow it will have recovered enough so that I can at least do abs and don’t have to have a complete rest
It is snowing here, so 5 miles on the treadmill. I might have to watch a movie while I run. 🙂
Since I sadly had to skip my workout yesterday, I doubled-up this morning: 13.1 mile run plus a 1.25 mile walk. And, I somehow hit my 100 mile goal for the month and I still have more days!
3 miles after work today. I have to keep it short so that I can make some delicious apps for Thanksgiving!!
Two miles was all I could manage this morning (I overslept and didn’t have time for my planned run, so it got shortened), and I’m going to hit the gym for a yoga class this evening.
It’s snowing! 6 on the treadmill for me today.
3 miles fast + strength work today. So ready for t-day.
Rest today, but Turkey Trot tomorrow! 🙂
I had basketball practice at 6AM…and when I get home I will take the dog for a walk!!!
Rest day on this glorious snow day! Wahoo!
Today I am getting a couple miles in before tomorrow’s Turkey Trot 5-miler.
I plan on going to crossfit after work and hopefully can fit in some foam rolling
Intervals on the treadmill for 3 miles plus weights and abs!
I got in a 5-mile run this morning! I’m so ready for Turkey Day tomorrow!! 🙂
An easy 5k with the running club tonight.
Drug myself out of bed for a quick 3-miler. On to the turkey!
A walk to help me get rid of this cold!
40-minutes of running/walking today.
Free Happy Hour is always nice. I’m happy to see you’re having a good vacation.
Upper body weights at the gym after work!
Spin this morning, Barre this evening, Turkey trot tomorrow morning!!
Nursing my foot back to health today so I can hopefully run the Turkey Trot tomorrow!
It’s snowing these big, juicy flakes! And I’m a chicken, so I stayed inside and did an hour of strength workout. Man, do my shoulders burn.
Upper body work this morning. No miles today!
60min full body work out.
Running 4 miles this evening!
I’m going to head outside today for an easy 5k run. Already getting tired of the treadmill (going to be a long winter).
Abs and Triceps tonight!
5 early morning miles on the treadmill. It was tough, my breathing felt ‘off’ but I powered thru!
Weight lifting today! My favorite!
I did 3 miles on the treadmill this morning!!
Glad to see you and Ben are enjoying some quality time together. 🙂 Happy day before Thanksgiving!
stationary bike since it’s a blizzard out there!
I ran three miles and hit a new deadlift PR (175!).
Power boxing at the gym!
rest day today—prepping for a hard workout before pigging out tomorrow!
ahh where did you eat last night? that looks so yummy!!
4 mile walk this morning before I get on airplanes all day!
30 minutes on the treadmill. Bike is on tap for today.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Probably just a slow pace endurance run on the treadmill tonight. It’s cold here. Getting up early tomorrow morning to run a 5k before I double-fist Thanksgiving food into my face 🙂
Easy 2 mile run today…Turkey Trot 5K tomorrow and then I will be stuffing myself foolishly!
Speed work today! Now to cook for tomorrow 🙂
Rest day!
Ah you’re in my town! Tampa is the best. 4 miles this morning.
rest day today!
Last night I joined up with my running group for 4.6 miles! (That was double what I was expecting to do since I’m recovering – but it helps to have other people there to push me!)
Early AM yoga for me this morning. Done and done!
ran 4 miles on the treadmill this morning!
7 miles this AM + 4 more after work + legs. Trying to get in a really good burn before eating pie tomorrow!
Crossfit workout and 2 mile shakeout run.
Did upper body workout this morning at home 🙂
Treadmill run, distance is still yet to be determined!
Today I did some time on the elliptical followed by upper body weights
A killer boot camp this morning! Not sure I’ll be able to run the 10K tomorrow! Is that Snickers pie waiting for me at the end?
I’m trying a new boot camp class. Should be interesting!
3.5 Mile Run and Chest and Tri’s Lifting Day
Trail run in the lovely Indiana COLD.
I am in Indiana, too! Our temps in the NE did beat last week, though!
a few on the treadmill!