Last night I realized that yesterday’s half marathon is my last race of 2011. I don’t know why that makes me so sad, but it does. I guess I have gotten used to having a race to work towards, plus I feel like I had a really good year of running (for once) and I hate to see it go And for some reason I’m not really excited about the 2 races I have planned for next year (?) so far.
In 2011 I ran one Full Marathon, seven Half Marathons and one 10 miler! That’s the most I’ve ever done in one year!!
Check out my Running Page for Recaps
The key to getting over post-race blues is to look for a new goals. This does NOT have to be a running goal. You can decide to take up yoga or strength training or golf – just find a way to fill the void time that running used to take.
Most of the time I like to fill that void with frozen yogurt. And that’s okay because I said so.
But, I’ve also decided to make a few new running goals for myself.
New Running Goals for 2012:
1. Run a 10k and a 5K
My first first race ever was a 10k a million years ago. I’ve never done a legit 5k and haven’t done another 10k since! This year I am going to tackle each of these distances.
2. PR in the Half
This is a very ambitious goal because I had a “all the stars aligned” kind of day on my PR half race. That does not happen often for me, so it will take a lot of work.
But the half is my favorite distance so I don’t mind trying over and over!
3. ???
I want a good third goal, but can’t decide! Any suggestions?
I’m thinking maybe a new distance or trail running or incorporating cross training that will help?
Don’t worry, I’m not considering running naked. You’re welcome
In other news – I FINALLY went to yoga today!!! I’ve been saying I need to go for months and finally made myself. I always feel so much better after and am glad I went
After class the instructor asked me if I was a runner. I think it’s because my hips are so tight and I started doing laps around the studio mid-class. BUSTED! She said she could tell right away, not in a bad way but in a “Hey, you’re stiff as a corpse. Come to yoga more often or you’ll break in half” kinda way.
I really want to go once a week for three months to see how it impacts my tightness and flexibility. Plus, she is a really good teacher and doesn’t even stand on me like this guy… (image source)
Ever get the post-race blues?
I get the post-frozen yogurt trip blues too and need to go back the next day to fend off depression. It’s science.
I’ve gotten the post race blues pretty badly after the Nike half in October and Vegas – just because I didn’t meet my PR goals. But I’ve got quite a few races to look forward to in 2012 so I can’t mope for long. And not to mention I’m super excited for a small charity-driven half marathon I’m doing December 26th in Manhattan Beach thanks to reading about it on a fellow runner’s blog.
I’m a bit of a 5K addict, so I’m planning to lay off those next year partially to save money for all my planned destination races.
The Renegade Race series puts on 3 pretty cool evening, summertime trail races in Tustin. They are listed as 5 miles (but the one I did this year came in at about 4.6 or something.) I had a great time and plan to do at least one in 2012.
I absolutely say trail running!! It’s so relaxing, easier on your body, and time goes by super quickly because the scenery is always changing. O’Neill and Whiting Ranch Wilderness Parks are both good ones but if you want to start out with something a little less deep in the woods Irvine has some great fire road type trails.
I would never go to yoga again if a guy stood on me! lol
Great goals for sure! What about a non-running, fitness goal like increasing your weights or doing more strength training?
Fro yo love!! 🙂
One goal I am thinking about is doing a relay! There are quite a few two person half marathons around so you could find a buddy and run one. Might make for a fun day 🙂
Haha, I haven’t been to yoga in forever but back when I would go they always asked me if I was a runner. They always know.
Ok for goal 3, I think you should find a somewhat newbie to running, oh let’s for kicks say in the western burbs of Chicago, and coach them to run more, eat better, drink less…over all just take better care of themself. Then in September come and run the half with her. It is just an idea..and you know I COULD volunteer to be that person…after all I fit all of these requirements 😉
Ok for goal 3 (serious) my goal next year is to double my mileage. I track my miles on dailymile (they sent me an email today telling me how long it has been since I ran 8( ) I have almost logged 600 miles this year (nothing like skinny runner) but I think logging 1200 miles is completely doable.
If I volunteered to do that I bet we’d drink more 🙂
hrmmm…I would be the bad influence, nachos, pizza, beer, chocolate chip cookies, cupcakes, beer…. 😉
ooh and sleeping
I kinda wish I got post-race blues. With bike racing and running, there is ALWAYS another race on the calender…usually the next weekend.
How about a dualthon? Or how about trying out a pilates class on the reformer machine (better than a mat class). Pilates will help your running.
I did the Dana Point turkey trot. I did the 10k by myself and the 5k with my mom. It was fun to run both on the same day.
I had frozen yogurt yesterday and I can’t get enough! Never enough frozen yogurt yum!!
I vote TRAIL RUNNING! It is so much fun you will love it, promise. Check out
I started a beach boot camp the day after my first marathon because I knew I would have that let down, lost feeling after the big race day. I didn’t do much that first day cause I could hardly move but I was there.
i get post-race blues to an extent. i like the excitement of working up towards something 🙂 after my more recent race (which I just wasn’t into mentally for some reason), i didn’t feel so bad. i still ate ice cream, though 😛
XTERRA has a lot of SoCal trail races. I ran their Turkey Trot through Topanga Canyon. It wasn’t my favorite race, but they have a lot of die hard fans. You can see my review here.
Goal #3 : Taste Test everyday of the Yogurtland 12 Days of Christmas froyo merriness or whatever it was called
Are they busting them all out today because it’s the 12th day?!?! That would be epic.
I can’t say enough about yoga and trail running…I highly suggest your find a trail running buddy and give it a try
I’ve never really had that feeling because I’m still fairly new to running. We should party after the Tinker Bell half since you will have PRed and since it is my first half, I technically will have too! 🙂
I like your prediction, but think I’m doing that one for fun 🙂 But, yes we should party!
It’s going to be such a fun race! I can’t wait 🙂
I was really bummed after the Las Vegas half this year because I knew it would be last my race until I have my baby in June and can get back in shape. I finally got bit by the race bug and it’s been hard to not be able to sign up for more. But I’ve already been scouting out races I can do when I’m back (hopefully September) and will then try to do a half every other week through the end of 2012. I need to look forward to those races and getting back in proper running form!
Okay that guy standing on that girl like that is kinda creepy.
Like yoga – just did a yoga review of Xen Strength {vinyasa flow + weights}. It’s really a cool workout. And I am giving away one video. 😉
goal #3: make sure to try … oh wait, that is only 12 days. I was going to say to make sure you get to eat every flavor of Yogurtland’s Yumminess. Now I wanna try the Raspberry Pomegranate Tarts. MMm… do i have a YL nearby?
Yeah 🙁 I missed most of the YL days. Boo.
Love the combo of yoga and running. My hips are so tight from running, my yoga teacher cracks on me all the time in class – kindly of course! I lose my sh*t in half pigeon pose and usually don’t stop twitching, but it’s one of those “hurts so good” kind of stretches.
I think her seeing me in pigeon is what made her realize I’m jacked up!
I kind of have the post-race blues now…I was originally registered for the Tucson Marathon, but dropped down to the half when I hurt my IT band in the fall. I actually ran the half, which was great-especailly since I thought I might walk it, but I feel a little bummed about not having run the full! No races on the horizon…time for a new plan/goal!
I had IT band issues in the past. Sucks 🙁
After my race yesterday, I just felt relief. I think that means its a good time to back off for a little bit. I’m doing crossfit and speed training over the winter and I’ll get back to some distance in the spring.
I’ve had the post-race blues a few times. It sucks!
I dont really get post-race blues, but doing a race always makes me want to sign up for more.
Two goals for 2012 is plenty, or maybe a cross training goal to help with the others, like core work and stability exercises.
Love the images. I say go for trail running! I tried it this year and love it so much. Or try an ultra. Those are good times too. Your half time was awesome, even if it wasn’t a PR, it was pretty freakin fast.
I get post ” thank God I finished that race without collapsing” happiness.
Great goals for the new year!
I had a similar feeling when I realized the Santa Shuffle (my favorite race this year) was my last race of the year… but I have a lot coming up in 2012, and plan to incorporate videos from Supreme 90 Day, which will help me tone the arms and booty… Agree on the science that is post-fro-yo depression. At least it’s an easy fix!
I always get post race blues and they usually cause me to sign up for another race. I vote for goal #3 is a trail run. I have done a couple and they are hard and humbling.
Maybe a beach run? They do a couple beach 5k/10ks here in Texas so I’m sure there must be some in California too.
The one I did was a nighttime run so it was cool to see the almost-full moon over the ocean while running in the dark. Sand is hard to run on so you will definitely have to work hard. But afterwards you can dip your toes (or self) in the water to cool off. That was pretty nice too!