This afternoon I wanted a delicious, filling snack and found myself about to scrounge around in the kitchen. Since I’m trying to eat clean this week I knew that even though I wanted to raid the candy stash I should throw something together that would satisfy my sweet tooth without sending me into a sugar binge downward spiral.
I got the idea to make a pumpkin spice frappuccino since I figured something with a little caffeine couldn’t hurt either
Protein Packed Pumpkin Spice Frappe
6 ice cubes
1 cup milk of your choice
1 serving chocolate protein powder
1 tsp instant coffee granules (you could also use 1/2 coffee, 1/2 milk if you don’t have this)
1/4c canned pumpkin
a few hearty shakes of pumpkin pie spice
optional: extra sweetener, dash of salt, toppings
If you have whipped crème that would make this extra fun and fancy. Tip: shake some nutmeg on top and impress your friends!
You Pile on The Miles participants are doing amazing! Don’t forget to use the #POTM hashtag and/or brag in the comments! We need to keep each other accountable!
Question: Need some motivation / encouragement OR are you on a roll this week?
i made this smoothie for a little breakfast treat this morning! i used a packet of the folgers instant coffee, tablespoon of tj’s chia seeds, and then a dash of honey as my added sweetener. paired the bev with a banana on the side and BAM! deliciousness. im the kind of person who feels even hungrier after i eat and, well, i’m still full, so i will definitely make this again. thanks monica!
Yah! Glad you liked it!
WHOA BABY! Brilliant idea-sooooo awesome and yummy looking! Good call Monica!
That frappe looks delicious. Pumpkin AND chocolate? Yes please! I will be trying this ASAP.
Love your blog btw, found it through SR. 🙂
Great job to everyone with Pile on the Miles – I’m slowly, but surely getting my miles in!
Yum! Looks great!
5 miles for me this morning!
Trying to keep the mojo going. The plan is to run early in the afternoon (stay away rain), come home to take care of the dogs and then go to the gym for a new class at 7pm.
I didn’t get any miles in the first week. Very embarrassed to have to put a 0 on the spreadsheet for those. However, now I’m motivated to get to my goal even more & got 1.5 in yesterday & hoping to get more in today!
Totally on a roll…hope I can keep it up 🙂
I need help in the child care form. My husband is away for work and I’m a stay at home mom AND we just moved to this area, so I don’t know anyone… Any creative ways to get a run in whe there is a toddler permanently attached at the hip?
Sounds awesome! i’m also trying to eat clean this week…it’s hard.
Well I now know what I’m having for dinner 🙂
Hi Monica! Your blog is cool and anything that mentions food and running grabs my attention! this frap recipe is a great way to use canned pumpkin.. Looks so good. This week I’m good w the motivation, next maybe different though LOL thanks for sharing food and running I’ll be reading!
Ooooo my POTM has gone horribly wrong 🙁 I was hoping to have an amazing month but a half marathon race (with new PR) at the end of Sept has left my legs feeling very sorry for themselves. Every mile feels like 3! Must.Recover.Faster! On a more positive note that frap looks AMAZE!
Rough start to Nov with a lot going on and then not feeling well for a couple days, but finally got on it with 8 1/4 miles on the treadmill today!
Can I request for healing prayers? Still dealing with a popped/strained hip flexor (3 weeks already!) and in the last 2 days, shin splints. I really need something. Pretty please.
Needing some motivation…certain things have thrown off my routine this week, and I’m not motivated to complete a workout if I have to reschedule (which I have to do with my run today).
I am addicted to pumpkin pie spice in greek yogurt right now.
I need some encouragement for sure. Was off running for 2 months for PT, had to defer MCM Marathon and now am not able to come back as quick as I hoped so my NoLa Marathon hopes are looking slim.
I just have to remind myself not now doesn’t mean not ever.
Abby, I’ve been there with an injury before too. It sucks. But, keep chugging! Do the best you can do with your current circumstances.
Can’t say that I’ve ever had pumpkin and chocolate together. Not sure how I feel about the combination, but I guess I’ll never know if I don’t try!
I’m a little demotivated to run lately… But I’m persevering through the slump.
That drink looks awesome! I’m gonna try it with chai instead of coffee.
You don’t think protein powders or sweeteners are processed?
I do think they are processed but I don’t consider it “junk” and I know that the clean eating girls from Oxygen use protein powders daily.
Yum! I still have yet to add pumpkin to a smoothie. Bet it is so good!
You’re motivating me, my lady! I’m trying to do a clean-eating week too. Willpower is tough at night though! 🙁
Took tonight off. Did 11 miles in the last 3 days which is something I have NEVER done before. Rest tonight. Date night tomorrow and back to it on Thursday. Love this contest definitely pushing me further than I have ever done before 🙂
I’m feeling super motivated this week! I think it’s because the weather is brisk, the sun is shining, it’s the season of thankfulness, AND I haven’t been eating as much sugar as I normally would. (So let’s say one Newman’s Own Peanut Butter Cup instead of two.) 🙂
Definitely need to get motivated. Daylight Savings is not helping! It’s so dark when I leave work at 6pm. I have to get motivated to run before work. YIKES!!!
I’m on a roll and feeling good during my runs despite the super chilly weather here in NYC. However, I have a feeling the ‘Son of Sandy’ rolling in tomorrow is going to put a damper on things. Nothing worse than the ol’ dreadmill :/ I’m glad I even have the opportunity to whine about the luxury of going on the treadmill but nothing beats the thrill of running outside with the wind in your face!
And…thank you for putting on this POTM. It has inspired me back to get back into running after I broke up with running (post marathon in May I decided to break up with Running for a while). Absence makes the heart grow fonder! 🙂
Oh that sounds good! I need to get a can of pumpkin so I can make one of those. I did 3.05 miles today.
Yummy smoothie!
I need some motivation this week. I’m benched from running for a bit and don’t want to irritate my knee. I think joining the gym again and swimming may be in my future.
Sucks to be benched 🙁 Don’t be sad, be swimmy 🙂
Hard to fit in the time to run and walk with school! I’m all for it the night before, and my energy is just depleted at the end of an 8-5ish school day!
Encourage me!! =)
Even one mile counts Kelsey! You can do it 🙂
I need my feet to recover from the 11 I did on Sunday and then I can get going with this week!
The Kidless Kronicles