Hello! I have so much good stuff going on today. First, I got a new rug AND Vegas hasn’t barfed on it YET. Don’t worry, he will. Anyone want to wager on how many days the rug stays barf free?
Today I have a super quick upper body workout for ya.
I know as a runner I’d rather RUN (and then eat and repeat) instead of do a strength workout. But I shouldn’t choose – I should do both! Strength training is so important for looking and feeling strong, keeping your body balanced, building muscle, burning fat and more.
Here is a super quick and easy strength workout you can do at home. All you need is a set of dumbbells or maybe a cat in each hand?
Do this upper body workout with weights that are challenging but allow you to complete all reps with good form.
This is a short strength workout that you can do after a run – along with some stretching it makes a complete workout.
Question: What’s your workout today?
Tracey says
I did some pressing today…bench presses, shoulder presses, incline presses, skull crushers and flies. Came home, got sick, went to visit my son in college anyway and am still sick. Think I’m going to bed. Not sure there will be a workout tomorrow. 🙁
Natalie says
Sounds fun! I love arm day–I feel like I’m constantly doing legs & butt because that’s where I carry my extra weight. Plus, as you know, that’s what get worked during a run! My arms and abs need to feel the love more often!
cindy rutherford says
Hi Monica!
I really want to add in yoga to my running/cross training routine, but I want to do it at home. I bought a video blindly…its old…and I hate it;) Do you have a video you’d recommend or something on YouTube or another free streaming thing?
Thank you!
Danielle says
I mean this suggestion in the friendliest way, maybe you should switch up what Vegas eats? If he’s getting sick that often, maybe his tummy is upset. I have had a kitty for about 1.5 years now and she has only thrown up once (I don’t feed her anything special – Costco brand dry food and Friskies wet food, some “Greenies” treats but never people food). Just trying to keep Vegas feeling good and the rug free of accidents!
Megan says
I wager 3 days.
Lauren says
We had the same rug, but we bought another one because our beagle kept trying to hide his cookies in it…
I’ve been trying to incorporate more weights in my routine, so I’m definitely saving this one.
ida says
i bought a new rug a few months ago and it’s THE only place in the whole house where our cat pukes now. the entire place is hardwood except for the one rug. my friend tells me it means my cat has good taste. ugh-cats.
Kristen says
A 5 mile trail run and I taught a strength training class.
Shannon says
6 miles around the neighborhood and 30 walking lunges between mile 5 and 6. Thinking about doing some planks while watching t.v.
Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating says
Haha! I totally know what you mean about Vegas barfing on the new rug. Cats, I tell ya. Even if there is a choice of carpet or hardwood, they ALWAYS seem to move to the carpet just to barf. Why?!
Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating says
P.S. I’m betting 2 weeks on the rug staying barf-free from Vegas. 🙂
Becky @ Ok, So Here's the Plan says
I had a tempo run today and some yoga. Yoga is pretty much the only cross training I do, even though I know I should do some strength training too.
Erin @ Erin's Inside Job says
I did a HIIT tabata workout this morning and I’m actually out the door to take an adult gymnastics class which I am SO EXCITED ABOUT. It’s the one thing I’ve always regretted not continuing as I got older. Even though I got up to teach at 4:15 am and this class is from 8-9:30 pm, it’s totally worth it.
Marissa @ Run Riss Run says
My shin is still recovering (splints/fracture), so I’ve been doing a lot of strength! I love the Fitness Blender YouTube channel!
Sally @ sweat out the small stuff says
i did a whole lot of nothing today. My hamstrings are tight from my run yesterday and I’ve been too busy feeling sorry for myself. Hrumph!