I get veggie burgers all the time, but prefer the ones that are more like fake chicken than fake beef. When I spotted these Quorn Turk’y Burgers I was excited! My mom used to make us turkey burgers as a kid and I remember really liking them!
I really like Quorn’s ingredients, but this patty was super small compared to the big veggie burgers I’ve been eating. (I get mine at Costco these days.) Plus, they’re pretty expensive.
Since the patty was small, but my belly is not – I added it to a salad along with chickpeas and hummus. I’m sure there’s some green under there somewhere (in the form of old dried up lettuce).
I considered toasting up some bread to go with it, but Ben had these chips out and I went at ‘em. They don’t have enough salt so salsa was required.
And some grapes!
I added a pickle at some point because I was craving one.
But, I think the pickle and chips made me super thirsty because I can’t stop drinking water! I got sick of holding up my water bottle and set it on a candle. This was a lot easier than finding a longer straw Now I can drink and write at the same time!
This picture is so tragic…
In other hypochondriac news, my eye lids hurts. No, I’m not joking. The part of my eye right at my lash line is super sensitive. I don’t have pink eye or a sty or anything at all visibly wrong with it except a little swelling.
Any advice or do I have to be a pirate for the rest of the week?
Shannon Adams says
My newphew just died from eating Quorn Turkey burgers. The patties protein comes from mold. If you have a mold allergy please be cautious. Better to create your own from real ingredients that you choose. He was only 11.
Kelly Anne says
I get eyelash pain randomly too! Sometimes I think it’s because I slept on it wierd and bent my eyelashes? I’m relieved to hear that it happens to someone else too. My roommate asked me if I was high when I told her my eyelash hurt. (I wasn’t!! 🙂 )
runeatrepeat says
Ha! I’m not high either. Ben thought I was joking when I told him, but I’m serious! It hurts!
Amber K says
I absolutely love the picture of you drinking your water. Maybe because I do things like this constantly?? 😉 lol
I don’t know what’s wrong with your eye, but it sounds frustrating! I hope you can figure it out and get it resolved.
Elizabeth says
OMG. I totally have a picture of me balancing my GINORMOUS water bottle on the edge of the table at my old office so that I could keep typing and not have to stop chugging whatever (presumable caffeinated) beverage that was in there. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks that this is perfectly acceptable.
Amanda says
That picture is priceless : D
Jac says
some teramycin from the pharmacist would do the trick for the swelling. i use it for sty(s) mainly, but, i’ve put it on a swell before, right b4 the sty came out, it worked! it’s pronounced “teh-ra-my-sin” cos im not sure if i spelt it right.
Anne @thefitbridesmaid says
This post sounds like “If you give a mouse a cookie”. If you give a Monican a small turkey burger, she’s going to need a salad, etc., etc.
runeatrepeat says
I love If You Give A Mouse A Cookie! Now I’m cooking up all sorts of If You Give a Monican…ideas 🙂
Anne @thefitbridesmaid says
Perhaps I should have kept it to myself! 😀
Can’t wait to read it!
Alexia @ Dimple Snatcher says
gah! did you like the taste of the turkey burgers?!
Christine says
Sometimes I get eyelash pain when my allergies are bad- I think all the sinus pressure just makes everything sensitive. If you’re not having trouble now I’d definitely go with what everyone else says with the makeup. Maybe a nap would help 🙂
Danielle (Shrinking and Studying) says
That happens to me all the time! I’ve narrowed it down to something that waterproof mascara does when I leave it on my lashes over night or bad make-up remover because it usually occurs after I attempt to take off waterproof mascara. lol, that’s all I’ve got!
Jenny says
You can try cleaning your lashes/lid with baby shampoo and water, then applying warm compresses. This works for me!
steph says
it’s probably a sty. i think walgreens carries some cheap sty medicine, although they usually go away in a couple days (or sooner).
Miranda @ Working Mom Works Out says
Hahaha! It must have been a day for old produce!!
Check it —> http://workingmomworksout.com/2011/03/31/74/
Annie says
I get eyelash pain, too! I typically stop wearing eye makeup (not that I wear it that often) and try to remember how old my mascara is. If I can’t remember, I toss it. 🙂
Michelle says
I love turkery burgers! Those do look pretty yummy!!!
I can’t wait until we move somewhere where they have cool grocery stores to buy stuff like that because the selection where I live is pretty lame-o! Somewhere close to a TJ could be lovely!
MorgzSyd says
i just saw those pics of vegas, I would like to send best wishes! my older cat was feeling schleppy and sick and we were SO worried about him but it turns out he was allergic to fish, poor Vegas, give him lots of love from me!
visit my blog
Sana says
You crack me upp, I love the way you drink your water!
Karyn says
nothing wrong with a pickle craving. i get them ALL THE TIME
Cat says
I’ve had some irritation on my lash line too. I usually just take it easy with eye make-up for a few days and then replace my mascara for sure, and if I’ve been using a particular eye liner a lot, maybe that too. I’m sure you’ll be fine!
Oh and agree on the brush cleaning! Speaking of, it’s been way too long since I’ve done that.
Holly says
I love a good veggie burger. They are easy to make from scratch too.
Re: eye pain.
I’m guessing you just have a build up of sorts. Take a Q-tip with some warm water and soap and clean the area. Do that a couple times a day for a couple days and you should be good as new 🙂
Hannah says
I have had the same lash line pain before and I think it’s from some contaminated makeup or something. I threw out all my old makeup (liners and mascara) and that seemed to do the trick! You could also try cleaning your makeup brushes and things like that.