I don’t have my Race Calendar finalized, but I wanted to post what I know thus far…
9/20 – Local half marathon (may or may not do this depending on how I feel after Belize)
10/25 – Marine Corp Marathon – using this as a training race since I will not be ready for it at all!
12/6 – Columbia Metric Marathon 16.2 miles
1/10 – Disney Marathon!
Again, this is subject to change but I did want to at least post it up and see what I’m working with 🙂
For my new readers – here is my first Marathon post. It seems like so long ago, but it was just February! I will def not be ready for the MCM, so unless I can find a replacement to buy the bib I will just use it as training.
Have a great day!
What a busy year you have! With all those “practice races” in there, you are going to be in top form fo rthe Disney Marathon!
Woo! I think I am running the Marine Corps 10K.
I think I’m going to run the Metric Marathon too! Are you running the Bachman Half next weekend? I have a few running friends who may be running that one. I’m headed up to Philly to do the Philly Distance Run that weekend instead.
I wish my calendar was filled with races instead of school work lol
i totally would have bought the MCM bib off you but sadly i wouldn’t be ready for it either.
and i totally almost wrote “isn’t a metric marathon 26.2 km?” but then i realized you converted it to miles hahaha.