This morning I changed into my running gear while Ben was in the bathroom. When he came out he said, “WOW! That is a bright shirt!!” And I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean it as a compliment.
Funny thing is, I want to wear this shirt for my marathon – it’s my new favorite! I guess you can call me Run-bow Bright!(source)
Fun Flashback: When I was about 4 years old my ballet class did a dance choreographed with our favorite doll. I don’t remember watching the show, but I did love the Rainbow Bright doll I got at some point. I insisted on doing it for talent show when I got to kindergarten the next year. My mom was not a “Toddlers and Tiaras” kinda mom, but I was totally ham and would have loved it if she was! Run – 6 miles. Nothing spectacular to note other than my visually offensive shirt..
I was on a serious mission for PB&Banana Toast this morning!
Food tastes so much better when it’s exactly what you’re craving
Question: Were you a shy kid or did you love to perform?
I have no real talent, but made sure I was in the talent show every year.
I was the total opposite of a ham. I hated being the center of attention. This was especially difficult to deal with because my mom has never met a person she couldn’t converse at length with. “Strangers are just people you haven’t befriended yet!” So I was always uncomfortable Still have problems with social anxiety. Although, I’d still totally wear a hot pink shirt!
I like wearing obnoxiously bright shirts or just a shirt that stands out for races too… it’s easier to find yourself in the professional photos! Plus bright colors = positive vibes 🙂
well…i was the one who talked (a LOT) but generally just kept to myself…but i hated speaking in front of people
I think your shirt is just fine, not too bright at all.
I love that shirt, pink is awesome! 🙂
When I was really little I was SO shy. I would hide behind my parents legs and did not want to talk to anyone.
As I got a little older I searched for the spotlight. I always put on acting shows for my family and bossed my friends around.
I definitely loved to perform when I was a kid. I was in theatre and chorus. There’s a video of me “playing” the fiddle during the song “Mountain Music” by Alabama. I was such a ham…really stole the show. 🙂
As a kid the spotlight scared the boogers out of me and it still does. If someone asked me to stand up for a speech in front of tons of people- I would probably have a panic attack!
On another note- I love your shirt! Where did you get it?
Target – clearance rack even!!!
Oh my gosh you look exactly the same as when you were a kid!! I would have totally known it was you even if it wasn’t on your blog. Haha. I always auditioned for everything as a kid and never made it. Now I make my living in performing arts haha. I’ve always been a giant ham 🙂
I still have a rainbrow brite plate that I eat off of all the time! I think it’s weird for adults to have stuffed animals, but for some reason I find this plate totally acceptable…hmmm.
I was kind of shy as a kid, and never would have done a solo. But I liked performing in holiday skits and the like.
I was totally a performer! My sister and I won the county’s talent show by singing “A Whole New World” (I was the boy part). We even got to wear …makeup!
If you wear that shirt I’ll be sure to spot you at Long Beach!
Yes! Tell me Hi 🙂
I was definitely a shy kid and didn’t come out of my shell till sometime after High School. Love the Rainbow Bright reference!! 🙂
I have a neon pink shirt and people routinely say “That shirt is really pink!” I never know how to respond because its not really a positive or negative statement. It is my favorite shirt though. And I LOVE bright workout clothes. I have really bright sports bras in almost every shade. A guy friend once said to me “Your awesome sports bras make me wish I could wear sports bras…”
PS love me some Rainbow Brite!!!!
Ahem….. No real talent *cough* RUNS MARATHONS *cough* HUH??
Love the shirt! I totally agree, when you’re craving something and eat it, it always tastes perfect 🙂
Lil Monica is so cute! I was super shy as a kid, but I still did ballet and did my little cartwheels all the way down the stage.
I love that shirt. My favorite shirt is extremely hot pink and I love it.
I was painfully shy. 😛 Thankfully I’ve outgrown that!
I didn’t know you were old enough to know who Rainbow Brite was! 😉 She was my fave growing up, too.
I love wearing bright colors when running. Not only cause they make me happier..but cars can see me better. That helps- haha!
I was a pretty shy kid, except around family…lol not much has changed, although I don’t hide behind my mom anymore.
I had the Rainbow Brite stuffed dog. Do a Google images search if you don’t remember what it looks like ( and since I have no idea if it is OK to link to images here), I just did and it made me smile 🙂 I wonder what my mom did with it…
Yeah I was definitely not a shy child…I was completely okay with dancing, singing solos in church plays, etc at a young age…I had a shy spell in high school, but I like to perform in general. 🙂
I totally had a Rainbow Brite shirt with the picture you posted on it. I was such the fashionista I wore it with like three pairs of neon socks layered, a demin skirt with paint splatters, 5 necklaces with plastic unicorns and junk on them, and of course a side poneytail. Then one day my shirt was missing…as it turns out it had gotten left under a wet towel too long and got mold on it…My mom threw it out without telling me. I was devastated. Oh well, so much for being a fashionista at the age of 7. 🙂
Random question but do you ever worry about those knives falling on you?
No, it’s a pretty good magnet keeping them up.
haha okay…pardon my strange thoughts.
I love the pink shirt. I say go for it! I was a shy child and am still mostly a shy adult. Somethings you never out grow!!
You were so cute!!
When I was little, I used to THINK that I liked performing, but when I actually got in front of everyone I’d quickly get my usual case of stage fright. Good thing I’ve gotten over that by now….for the most part 😛
Tell him its a safety issue! I love that shirt, and not just because I have it too… and wore it yesterday on my run.
I love running in bright colors, too! Own it, girl! 😀
My husbands coworker has a star tattoo on her cheek, just like Rainbow Brite. It’s kind of badass.
I was shy around people but I loved performing! I was always in musicals and talent shows.
A real tattoo on her cheek?! Crazy!
I was a totally spotlight seeking in elementary school! I somehow landed the lead in all the school plays and even had to sing a solo once (so not a singer!). Now? One of my reoccurring nightmares is that I am in a play and forget my lines while on stage (it seriously stresses me out just thinking about it!) It’s so interesting how we change as we get older.
I need to think about getting some brighter running clothes. I ran at dusk last night and realized my gear blended in with the road – oops, bad runner.
Wow! Apparently I can’t string together a sentence this morning. That first line doesn’t even make sense. I think I meant to write: “I was a total spotlight seeker..” 🙂
I love the bright colors. Helps cars to see you better and keep you safe!
I was a shy kid. You couldn’t have dragged me up on stage!
You look so cute in your leotard! Love your kid pics!
I think that shirt is perfect the way it is! Plus, doesn’t it adhere to one of your running rules? Something about dressing as brightly/ridiculously as possible? 😛
I was, and still am, a total ham (thank goodness someone else uses that expression too). But the older I get, the less I hog the spotlight. Some people would call that maturity, I just call it lazy.
Haha, I love that Rainbow Bright reference! When I wear my bright Lululemon tank and my Zensah calf sleeves which are pink I truly feel like one of her groupies!
I love how you can see the color of the shirt reflecting/radiating off of your arm!
I was a super outgoing kid. I loved hamming it up, too. Now, I melt into walls whenever I can. Funny how that works.
I have the same shirt…. It is my lucky race shirt – I have worn it in every 5K I’ve ever run!!! My husband and kids can always see me approaching the Finish Line!