Happy Friday!
It is Fitness Fashion Friday and I have a couple fun shirts to show ya. Gymdoll contacted me recently and even though I get 22 emails from fitness gear peeps a day I stopped at this one because… um, how fun is “Gymdoll” as a name?! Love it.
And they were offering to send me a few tops with cute sayings.
“Suck it up Buttercup” reminds me of my favorite little Chandinator so that made me smile.
And I love this Run Harder tee! You can check out the GymDoll collection here.

Aaaand I have some news…
You may remember last year I did the Reach the Beach relay with a few of my FAVORITE girls in the world.
All my friends are east coasters so it was great to spend the weekend running with them through Massachusetts.
I had a blast, but I also had a complete breakdown during my night leg. I don’t know how we managed to get so far away from all other teams but I was on my own in a desolate area and lost my sh!t.
I don’t care what they say about the third leg, it’s the 2nd that’s the hardest.
Anyway. Since then I have turned down invitations to be on relay races because I knew I could never recreate that awesome weekend with my friends. Plus, I’m scared of the dark.
But, a few of the SoCal girls are on #TeamNuun and one of them is hurt so they asked me if I would cover.
Of course I said..
Um, didn’t you read the part about me being scared of the dark?!
But, then I finally said “Yes!” when they promised gallons and gallons of WATERMELON Nuun.
Aaand SR promised to stretch me out in between legs, so I agreed.
So tomorrow I am going to be running a relay race – the Ragnar SoCal Relay to be exact. The same race I said “no thanks” to 5 times, but my friend is hurt and I’m taking one for the team. I want a gold star.
I have no idea the legs that I’m running or who is in the van or if I should bring pickles or my passport or what. All I know is I’m running a relay tomorrow.
And I might cry in the dark again. Wish me luck.
Question: What are you doing this weekend?
Awesome job on another relay! Aside from the hard part of running multiple legs, looks like a great time with great friends!
Those shirts from Gymdoll are too cute. Any way they will be providing a discount code for Run, Eat, Repeat readers?
I’m running in a ten miler tomorrow that runs along the beautiful Potomac River. I can’t wait to read your (and SR’s) recap on Ragnar. I have a friend that’s been trying to get me and my husband to run on his team.
Good Luck! XX
Ah! I miss you too! We need to catch up this week. Hope you had a blast on the relay!!!
That was an amazing weekend! I hope this relay race is just as fantastic as ours was last year!
I love that run harder shirt!! What size did you get and does it fit well?
Good luck and have fun in the relay.. Ragner is something I definitely want to try someday!
I got a medium. They are on the longer side, but I like that. Not sure if it shrinks yet.
Aaah I saw rhat suck it up buttercup tank and definitely want it. I always say that to my husband and sent him the link fr the shirt. I want that for my fist half in 3 weeks.
Have a great time running.
Good luck! You’ll do great!
I’m looking forward to seeing how your relay goes. I am doing my first relay this October. It’s called the Bourbon Chase. It is in Kentucky, bourbon capital!! 213 (I think) Miles from one distillery to another. Kinda nervous, don’t want to disappoint my team. That running at night might get me. Not afraid of the dark, just only run in the morning. Good luck and have fun!!!!
Good luck! You will do awesome. Think happy thoughts in the dark 🙂 I’m terrified of the dark too. Especially when I’m in a strange place. I hope you all have a blast. Looking forward to hearing all about it!
Have a great time! I am terrified of running in the dark also. I can’t wait to read about it. I did my long run today(17.5 miles) instead of Sunday, so I could go out and party in the city with some friends. I soooo need it!
Wow, what an adventure! Good luck and have fun.
I’m looking after my Mum’s three dogs and talking parrot. Help!
Bring pickles.
I’m doing a whole lot of nothing this weekend. It’s gonna be a good time.
Good luck during the race! Don’t die!
Good luck! I’d love to do a relay one day although It seems like a lot of pressure! This weekend I’m doing a 3 mile run for Boston with my family and then getting in a 10 milers for my training. I just love running so much. Oh! And I’m making Strawberry Cheesecake. I just love food so much.
You are braver than I am!! good luck!
Goodluck on your relay!
And to think that I’m only house sitting for my parents this weekend! Lol. Sounds like you’re going to have a blast, and I’m sending good mojo your way 🙂 can’t wait to hear all about it!
Awesome shirts! I’m sure with such badass gear you’ll do great on the relay!
Think positively – you know what to expect on the night run and you shouldn’t be ashamed for freaking out the first time. Run your night leg with the intention of putting the demons from the last relay to rest – maybe getting called up to the team happened for a reason.
Hahaha, I loooove that stretching photo! Fantastic. Good luck at your race! I hope you can find some buddies to run with at night. This weekend, I’ll be working and getting a few short runs in preparation for my marathon that’s a week from Saturday (eek!).
I heard about the RR relays! It sounds like a lot of fun, but I’d be scared of the dark portions too, especially if somehow running alone. I freak myself out waaaaaaay too much.
Hope you have a great time and make a lot of fun memories. Hopefully the dark run will be good.
I’ll be doing a small 6 miles around the hood, gardening and painting in the studio.
good luck! i’ll keep my fingers crossed that you won’t have any night relays. can’t wait to hear all about it!
Have fun!!!!!! I am running an adventure race tomorrow and then throwing a crayfish boil!
Good luck! I am jealous I would love to run a relay soon.
I am running a half tomorrow as I taper for a marathon in 2 weeks. Darn races sucking me in 🙂
Gosh, your posts always make me giggle! Good luck on your race! Maybe you should bring tissues and a flashlight? Haha. 😀
Ah, the night legs aren’t that bad. I’m sure in SoCal you’ll be in an area that is pretty well lit and you won’t have to worry about the dark. When I ran my night leg in AZ I was running from coyotes and cows! Hehe…you’ll be fine! I’m jealous though; I wanted to run this race!
I’m scared of the dark too! When I did a relay two years ago (Reach the Beach) I felt SO proud of myself for being brave in the dark! It is desolate, and I agree-the second leg in the middle of the night is TOUGH. So fun though!!
Have a great time!
Fun! My friends invited me to join their team (I think it’s the same one… starts in Huntington Beach?), but I decided bc I’m a cheap mofo.
Have an awesome time!
Boo. I wish you were coming out. One day…
Hi! Sending loads of good luck and positive vibes your way!
Thanks 🙂
Good Luck! I’m training for Ragnar Trail in Arizona this fall. Can’t wait to hear your experience in SoCal.
Congrats and good luck. Loved the post from the last relay, made me think of myself. I don’t think I’m scared of the dark until I decide to go for an early a.m. run and chicken out b/c I know there will be a gorilla, or a rabid deer, or a crazy cat lady lurking. I have a friend that has agreed to carry my water, and pickles and give me encouragement from a nearby van too someday when I do a relay!
Good luck again!
Oh my gosh. You in that banana getup is too great! 🙂 And your waist is so tiny!!
Fitbloggin this year?
Probably not. Maybe next year?
Good Luck to you Girl! You will do fine! 🙂
I am HOPEFULLY running for the first time on Saturday (pathrun I like to call it) since I had a bad case of runner’s knee….
I NEED to start getting on it because, I will be racing in the Reach the Beach Relay on May 17 and May 18 next month in Massachusetts! My first relay! I’m very excited. I believe it’s the same one you did 😛
Again! Good Luck and GODSPEED!
Good luck on your race!
I’m looking forward to date night tonight. I have no idea what we’re doing, but I’ll be with the boyfriend so it has to be good.
Good luck! You are like super runner!! Have a blast! This weekend I have work and work and running and running lol 🙂
I have 2 shirts and a tank from Gymdoll. I love them. They have fantastic customer service to!
I’m going to be doing my longest run yet, 11 miles and then hitting up a party bus with a whole bunch of ladies to dance and drink the night away on Saturday. Sunday is a planned recovery day 🙂
Good luck on your relay, I’ve wanted to do Reach the Beach myself! So looking forward to putting on the goal list.
Where’s Momica when you need her?!
Congrats, the run will be fun and you’ll LOVE it! Mind over matter, you can do it.
Yeahhhhhh! I get to stretch you!!!!
I am in the van and I suggest if you want SR to stretch you, you best be bringing some pickles.
Pickles is all it takes, she’s so easy…
sorry about your leg 🙁
Training run with the Malaysia Women Marathon ladies in support of Boston 2013 tomorrow morning and then following up on friends running the Island Ocean Marathon in Langkawi on Sunday. Fun weekend!
Have a great time at Ragnar !
You’ll do awesome, can’t wait to hear about it!!
Thanks for covering for my janky knee. You’re the best!
Whooo hoo! Have fun!
Wow, good luck and have fun!
Those shirts as soooo cute!
Afraid of the dark? Suck it up buttercup!! 😉
Seriously, it sounds like a lot of fun.
Ha! Seriously, I’m such a baby and then have that shirt on!
I hope you’ll have a great time during the ralay. I would love to try watermelon nuun- it sounds like the perfect nuun to me 🙂
Happy Friday! Good luck in the relay!
GOOD LUCK! Ragnars are a blast! You will have so much fun and hopefully you will have some company on your long runs. You girls are just too damn fast!
I hope you have sooo much fun/watermelon nuun. The running in the dark part seems intimidating but you’ll do great!!
Way to step up to the plate! I’m sure you could convince SR to take the night leg, since she is forcing you to do this!
Forwarding this message to SR… 😉
My parents are coming to visit this weekend, I can’t wait! They live in NY and I live in TX so I don’t get to seem the often.
Good luck at the relay! Remember Dory’s mantra ‘Just keep swimming!’
Good luck at the Ragnar Relay! Hopefully you won’t have a night leg 🙂
Good luck, I am sure you will do great….maybe you won’t have to do a night leg…. Most of all, have fun.
Oh and I finally ordered some of that watermelon nuun, should have it in a few days… Can’t wait to try it.