Day one of RRCA training went great!
I knew I loved running before I signed up for this (obviously) but I surprised myself at how much I love learning and talking about running too. I am super fired up about this second great love of my life!!!
As of right now I’m not getting the certification to coach runners one on one, but we’ll talk more about that later. I’m cooking up all kinds of ideas as part of my new life plan. Plus, I am kinda obsessed with running 😉
The class was 8am-5pm today and we did lunch in class. We also had snacks and stuff during our breaks.
After class I headed back to the hotel to grab my traveling partner in crime Ben, and we went to Sabino Canyon for a short walk. By this time it was late so we didn’t do too much.

Then, we hit up a brewery for dinner because one of us needed a beer. Not me.
We shared this French Onion Soup. The food took forever to come out but our waiter was super cute and reminded me of my little brother for some reason so I let it slide (seriously took an hour though).
I ordered the Salmon Salad so I would have room for the epic dessert we had planned…

Dessert! We never get DQ at home because there are none around. Actually – I don’t know if I’ve ever had it before! Ben used to have them all the time when he was a kid and got nostalgic when he spotted it on the way to dinner. We knew that had to be part of tonight’s plans.
We shared this MASSIVE Georgia Mud Slide Blizzard. I would say it was amazing, but that’s an understatement.
I am in class all day tomorrow too, so I probably won’t see ya until Sunday. Have fun!
Question: Have you ever had a Blizzard?
I get mint chocolate chip blizzards when we are at the beach!
Sounds amazing!
Where is your wedding ring?
I have had far too many Blizzards in my life. 🙂 And I live far too close to a DQ right now. DANGEROUS.
Very fun day!!! Could you maybe do a post on how you choose that program? I was thinking about doing something around those lines and would love to hear how you choose this program, if this is the only program, etc! Being from Ohio we have a lot of DQ’s! The blizzards are the best!
I love blizzards and DQ – glad you got to experience it!
I was just thinking about something random and realized it might be a good question for a Monican…
What is the definition of guacamole? Is it just mashed avocado? Does it have to have salsa/tomato in it? If you don’t know the answer… ask someone in Tucson!
I lived in Tucson for three years, btw. I’m super jealous that you are so close to all of my friends! And now I live in Princeton and it freaks me out seeing you in Princeton tshirts all the time! It’s a small, small world.
Hi Monica,
Thanks to your post about the Women’s Half Marathon in Bloomington and the corresponding Ladies Night at the Minneapolis Running Room, my friends and I had a fun night last night! Glad you informed me of an event that was occurring in my own city 🙂
Brownie Batter Blizzard is my all time fave
My favorite DQ blizzard flavor is German Chocolate…soooo yummy! Chocolate ice cream, walnuts, coconut – most of them don’t even have them on the menu anymore, but they will still make them for you.
HUGE fan of the DQ and the cookie dough blizzard rocks my world! 😀
Blizzards are so yummy! There’s one by where I work which could get dangerous. My favorite is the Banana Split Blizzard. Mmmmm… makes me want one right now 🙂
Love Dairy Queen! Or are they all called DQ now? Love your pictures. Can’t wait to hear more about your class.:)
I grew up going to DQ after all tball games, birthdays, etc. I love Blizzards and I am totally craving one right now. Enjoy! Glad you are having fun in class 🙂
DQ is awesome, but in my home town its all about the frozen custard – Sheridan’s, anyone? 🙂 I can’t wait to hear ALL about your class – I’m a fellow running geek ave one of those life long student types, so it sounds totally fascinating!
Oh yeah, blizzards totally rock! My favorite is Oreo but PB cups are great too.
The lady at DQ used to know our order by heart (one cookie dough blizzard and one chocolate blizzard with peanut butter cups and Snickers). We had to stop going…
Now I want one w pb cups! Yum.
What?! There is no DQ down where you live? Women, just come up to where I live and I can point out at least of them within walking distance (ok, a bit of walking). You have been missing out!
I’ve had a Blizzard before, though I rarely go to DQ. Usually it’s when I’m travelling and someone else spotted a DQ and wants to go there. I guess I’m more of a froyo gal 😉
Two things I love about the last photo of this post: the ginormous DQ blizzard (DQ’s are everywhere in the Upper Midwest so the lure of the blizzard taunts me daily), and it appears that is a Mini Cooper you are sitting in?! I have driven a Mini for the last 9 years and own my second one….hard to imagine driving anything else!
Yep. But It’s a rental 🙂
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is my favorite.
I will be following as I am interested in becoming a certified running coach.
Georgia Mud Fudge is my favorite! It has also been my treat after all 5 of my half marathons!
Cookie Dough is my favorite. When I was growing up my DQ actually closed during the winter (they stay open now). Gotta love living in the Northeast.
We don’t have a yogurt land or foyo closer than 30 minutes to my house but we have 3 DQ’s! My favorite is Strawberry Cheesequake. Or Brownie batter when I want chocolate.
I can’t wait to hear more about your certification. It’s something I’d love to do one day!
I haven’t had DQ in so long. Not even sure if there are any nearby.
I use to live down the street from one as a kid. Awesssommmmeee!
Coaching certificate sounds so cool!!!!
Enjoy your day in class 🙂
Beautiful sunset, I agree!
DQ is one of the places I grew up with. I love their ice cream cakes
My favorite blizzard flavor is Skor.
Glad you enjoyed your blizzard!!
I grew up with DQ – I’m not sure there is a town in Texas that doesn’t have at least 1!
Enjoy your 2nd day of class!
How sad that you don’t have Dairy Queen around you! I have one five minutes from my house. I guess I don’t have a Yogurtland-type place close by, so you win some, you lose some. Blizzards are awesome – my go to is normally Reese’s PB Cups but I also love mint Oreo. Glad you enjoyed the treat!
I almost got the Mint Oreo!
A reese’s one sounds amazing!!!!
I think McDonalds Oreo McFlurry is to me as the DQ Blizzard is to you. 🙂 I haven’t one in years but now I’m really craving.
I almost forgot about those. They are amaze balls!
I haven’t had one in forever either!!
One of my life’s goals is to go to AZ and go hiking with the big cacti, so you’re living my dream right now. Your hike looks like it was lovely. I grew up in a town with many DQs, so I am well acquainted with the Blizzard. My favorite growing up was a Nerds Blizzard (don’t ask me why), but these days I generally go for Oreo or mint Oreo. Enjoy the rest of your coaching training!
Mmm it’s been a long time since I had a blizzard, mostly because now at the thought of real milk products going into my body, and my stomach already starts to get queazy. Bummer.
I’m excited to hear about these new life plans. I’m working on some for myself as well! 😉
What I love about running is the sunset. That’s why I usually run in the evening when the sun goes down. It is the best way to finish your day.
Ohhh yes I’ve had a Blizzard! There was a DQ about a mile from our house, so our family would frequently go there for treats 🙂 Mint Oreo is my favorite
I lived across the street from a DQ in college–this was before fro-yo was all the rage. My roommates and I made many a quick trip to DQ for cookie dough blizzards.
That’s my vote – chocolate chip cookie dough blizzard
Sadly there are two near you…even more said I can tell you exactly where they are – one is in AV off of Aliso Creek Rd and the other is right off of Cabot Best Buy. There’s a Krispy Kreme right there too. *shame*
I wish you wouldn’t have told me this… 😉 (especially about the Krispy Kreme)
Im so excited that you are taking the class, I know its going to lead to great things! I was certified last year, is Randy still the instructor? I had a blast, feel even more in love with running and it pushed me to follow my coaching path! Have fun!!
When my family moved from California to Washington the first night in Washington we didn’t have any food or anything yet. We went for my first trip to DQ for dinner and I had my first chocolate dipped cone. It was a life changing experience.
I used to love traveling places that had a DQ! Loved the peanut butter cup blizzard! We don’t have a DQ in NY- yet they air their commercials which is so cruel!
Love Blizzards; my favourite is Oreo. Too bad there aren’t any in the UK.
My favorite blizzard flavor is Heath! But I want to try their flavor of the month:
Looks SO good. Also you have not lived until you have tried their ice cream cakes. Now THAT tops regular blizzards in my book.
Thank youuuu for reminding me how much I love blizzards. Now I’m going to think about them 24/7 until I get my hands on one!
I’m in shock right now, DQ is my hands down favourite. Growing up a friends dad owned one-Danger!! I’m obsessed with the skor Reese’s combo blizzard, it’s amazing!
nope but after looking at your pic and checking out their webbie…I want to! 😛
How have you never had DQ??? We have one out nearby, in Norco that I go to a few times a year (I guess one plus in favor of the IE).
We had a Foster’s by my mom’s but that was it. I think – maybe I forgot, but I don’t think I’ve ever forgotten a dessert experience…